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I'm just gonna focus on the unique characters that are new to the line & not worry about all the damn variants. If I miss a version of He-Man or S...
Well, I got 1. Ordered him immediately because he's one of my top 5 favorite characters. But it sucks for people who missed him. A new one was just l...
America got overloaded with that wave & Malaysia got overloaded with the Webstor/Stinkor/LOP Beast-Man/Eternian Goddess wave. It's amazing how w...
I've been thinking about it, is Masterverse really that unpopular/hated? Origins sells out within an hour but Masterverse never sells out. I doubt Mat...
I got my shipping notices for Snout Spout & 2 Mouse-Jaws from Target. Of course, none of them actually shipped yet, they just created the label...
I was just watching Mad Hatter's Snout Spout purchase video. In it he asks, "Are there any non-exclusive Masterverse figures that are hard to get?" A...
Not looking good for MOTU. Moving Masterverse to Mattel Creations isn't a good sign. I guess Target got tired of all their exclusives not selling &...
Yeah, I also like him better now that I have him.
I hated He-Skeletor too. But I was able to get him for around $5 at a local toy shop. I had some extra credit & they didn't have anything else int...
#1 for me was Motherboard. Then Buzz-Off. I tried to pop Webstor's head off & his face place popped off instead. lol Nothing broken, just cheap...
For everybody saying Bumblebee was great: He got shot at point-blank range & didn't die. Total BS! He blew up Dropkick by simply yanking his c...
I just bought a Duplico from eBay. I originally wasn't going to bother getting him. But I was looking at his vest & it's perfect for a couple cust...
Oh! That's fricken weird! I didn't even notice the date. I was looking for a pre-order button. I saw some bad reviews for that site so I've been av...
I just checked Deepdiscount & Webstor says CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE. 🤔
I just edited the original post. this is only about the Vintage Collection. I consider them 3 separate/different lines. I'm only interested in the mai...
I have no freakin clue! He didn't even sell out as fast as New Eternia Faker or Buzz-Off. He sat for a while & when I went to BBTS to order a 2nd ...
Yeah! Just go on eBay & search for Masterverse Webstor. The prices are insane. There's one with a BIN for $125. And a new one just popped up BIN $...
Scare Glow is my most wanted New Eternia figure cast in glow-in-the-dark plastic like he should be. They should have made him by now instead of all th...