The End of an Era

The He-Man.Org forums will close on Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Even though forum traffic has slowed over the past few years, the Org forums still remain massive in size. As a result, it has become cost prohibitive to continue funding this site’s operations.
I have made this community my extended family for over two decades and most of my deepest friendships were made through these forums. I was also able to pursue a lot of professional opportunities surrounding Masters of the Universe and I was fortunate enough to share those with many other fans so they could also participate creatively in MOTU and POP. From the 200X comic series, to the BCI DVDs, to work with the Four Horsemen, Super7 & Mattel on statues, action figures, and more, it has been a privilege and an honor to have been a part of what I feel is one of the most magical and endearing properties in existence.
I suspect many of you feel the same way about your time here. The He-Man and She-Ra fandom is so amazing and many of you have supported your fellow fans in their time of need. Over the years we have had a number of incredible moderators and admins who have worked thanklessly to help maintain these forums, and we have had tens of thousands of users past and present who have enjoyed these forums. Many of us learned from each other which allowed us to gain a greater appreciation of fandom across the world.
Some of you have been here since the mailing list days in the mid-90s where you then migrated over to Adam Tyner’s forums which continued to grow and flourish. But no matter the length of time you have spent here, I want to thank all of you for your patronage and for being a part of one of the best communities online.
I hope your future is bright, and I wish all of you Good Journey!
Val Staples
He-Man.Org Owner
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