Our 28th Episode of the Official Podcast for ForEternia.com has hit the airwaves! In tonight's show AJ reads an e-mail from a listener, counts down his Top-5 toys that got away, discusses the rumors about She-Ra is coming to the Masters of the Universe: Origins "Cartoon Collection" action figure line, gets into some Masters of the Universe news and more! So please join us for a very fun conversation! Click HERE to Listen or Click HERE to Download Episode 28 right now on Podbean, and we are also available on many other platforms including the services below Apple Spotify Amazon Music Or you can Watch this latest episode…
The Transformers bit made me grin for multiple reasons. I was looking at Optimus & Starscream in their vehicle forms decorativly placed on my desk the moment you mentioned the two & its always a horror for me too to transform any of my bots
While Masters are my #1 I really like my bots (as probably guessed from my ForEternia.com exclusive comic :P) and sometimes their eerily compatibility:
Thanks AJ my good friend, surely you are doing more than good, you bring us always delightful content to listen to and discuss and you bring us fresh news all mixed with your sarcasm and your knowledge of motu’s universe. You are doing great with your YouTube channel and with FORETERNIA.COM where we find the whole collection of figures and all the new upcomings, topics and easter eggs and stuff. It’s a pleasure to be part of this community and I’m aware of the passion, the enthusiasm you share whit us and all the efforts to create content for MOTU’s fans. I wish this kinda club gonna grow in numbers because I feel we’re the last knights FOR ETERNIA (and ETERIA) fighting to keep MOTU alive. So BY THE POWER OF GREYSKULL long life to MOTU. keep going that way bro’ and always a deserved thanks for all you are doing for us and for MOTU.
The Transformers bit made me grin for multiple reasons. I was looking at Optimus & Starscream in their vehicle forms decorativly placed on my desk the moment you mentioned the two & its always a horror for me too to transform any of my bots
While Masters are my #1 I really like my bots (as probably guessed from my ForEternia.com exclusive comic :P) and sometimes their eerily compatibility:
Teela & Junkheap: Nothin's Gonna Stand In Our Way
Seeing Teela and Junkheap together just makes me smile. I love that!
Looking closer at the "mechanics" of that particular Junkheap, and please correct me if I am wrong, but it (at least) appears to be a lot easier to transform than what I remember as a child. Considering I jumped in and out of Transformers toys rather quickly, it makes me curious... did Hasbro consciously make a shift at some point with Transformers as a whole, to make them easier to transform? Or am I just off base... again.
Thanks AJ my good friend, surely you are doing more than good, you bring us always delightful content to listen to and discuss and you bring us fresh news all mixed with your sarcasm and your knowledge of motu’s universe. You are doing great with your YouTube channel and with FORETERNIA.COM where we find the whole collection of figures and all the new upcomings, topics and easter eggs and stuff. It’s a pleasure to be part of this community and I’m aware of the passion, the enthusiasm you share whit us and all the efforts to create content for MOTU’s fans. I wish this kinda club gonna grow in numbers because I feel we’re the last knights FOR ETERNIA (and ETERIA) fighting to keep MOTU alive. So BY THE POWER OF GREYSKULL long life to MOTU. keep going that way bro’ and always a deserved thanks for all you are doing for us and for MOTU.
Thanks my friend, so very... VERY... much. And I laughed out loud when you said I provide fresh news mixed with sarcasm. What an unique skill. I need to put that on a business card!
The Transformers bit made me grin for multiple reasons. I was looking at Optimus & Starscream in their vehicle forms decorativly placed on my desk the moment you mentioned the two & its always a horror for me too to transform any of my bots
While Masters are my #1 I really like my bots (as probably guessed from my ForEternia.com exclusive comic :P) and sometimes their eerily compatibility:
Teela & Junkheap: Nothin's Gonna Stand In Our Way
Seeing Teela and Junkheap together just makes me smile. I love that!
Looking closer at the "mechanics" of that particular Junkheap, and please correct me if I am wrong, but it (at least) appears to be a lot easier to transform than what I remember as a child. Considering I jumped in and out of Transformers toys rather quickly, it makes me curious... did Hasbro consciously make a shift at some point with Transformers as a whole, to make them easier to transform? Or am I just off base... again.
My TF phase as a kid was mostly non-existant; I had... one? two? Barely remember. But my gut tells me these back then where simpler; aimed at kids. I think some of the modern, like the bigger Studio Series ones, are more aimed at collectors; they usually have a very detailed look in both forms and while they feel sturdy enough to play with them to professionally pose them I'm not sure they are made for rough action play treatment like the MOTU Origins. I won't touch them without the step by step guide and Junkheap was even the first case where I looked up a YT video of the transformation process because one of the steps was hard to read or guess.
... but going by the YT clip it was super easy, barely an inconvenience
I’m sorry AJ I meant sense of humour more than sarcasm, in my language they are pretty close in meaning. Anyway I hope you got the right meaning, in your podcast you give us fresh news and topics adding funny things with your sense of humor. my bad if I didn’t use the right word.
P.S. YouTube erased my channel, dunno why as I’m not a content creator so I don’t know which rule I violated. I sent them an email and I’m waiting for their answer hoping to have my account back.
P.S. YouTube erased my channel, dunno why as I’m not a content creator so I don’t know which rule I violated. I sent them an email and I’m waiting for their answer hoping to have my account back.
Sorry to hear that! Did you find out why and were you able to get it back?