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Want to watch a great thought provoking horror movie? See Heretic. It is so good.
@he-dad I saw that on a Disney cruise last week. Seemed more like a direct to DVD release. I didn’t really like it
Awesome you were on a Disney cruise bro but not awesome you saw Brave New World. You described it exactly. Most of that movie felt like a direct to DVD release. Supposedly they spent a lot of money to make it but most of it never ended up on screen.
How did that movie win best picture? It was only ok.
Alien Romulus. Couldn't even finish it. Garbage produced purely to keep the name alive and sadly it was successful.
Snow White and it was beautiful and magical. I can't wait until it comes to DVD and Disney Plus. I have the CD soundtrack on Deezer and I also can't wait for the physical CD soundtrack.
I can't wait until the new Superman movie hits the cinemas.
Supreme Fan Of The Go-Go's & The Bangles!
Masters Of The Universe, Princess Of Power & New Adventures Of He-Man Fan!
Social Justice Warrior!
DC Comics Fan!
Alien Romulus. Couldn't even finish it. Garbage produced purely to keep the name alive and sadly it was successful.
The crowd that has been supporting Alien since the beginning hated it. It played like a pastiche of Alien movies.
If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success. -James Cameron
Alien Romulus. Couldn't even finish it. Garbage produced purely to keep the name alive and sadly it was successful.
The crowd that has been supporting Alien since the beginning hated it. It played like a pastiche of Alien movies.
Yup, that's all it is, nothing but nods and winks and some shocking CGI.