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This is based on an idea I've been trying to slowly develop for the past couple of years. It would be my own reboot continuity of the Masters of the Universe franchise, but this time it would take place in novels, not movies or TV Shows. This was done before Matthew C. Kayser, but I thought I would give He-Man, and his world my own spin on it. I haven't really gotten too far with it yet other than plans, due to life schedules, I only have so much time in a day. As the title suggests, this would work as a Saga.Â
 It would begin with the first novel, The Heir of Grayskull. It would be my own take on the origin story of He-Man and some of his early adventures. I even have a synopsis written:Â
 "By the Power of Grayskull...
The iconic magic words that transform a young prince into the legendary champion his world desperately needs. In this epic retelling of the classic 80s franchise, Prince Adam of Eternia must heed the call of both adventure and responsibility as the Scourge of Snake Mountain Skeletor, and his Council of Evil ravaged Eternia. In order to gain the power to save his kingdom, the young prince must find the mysterious fortress called Castle Grayskull and pass three trials ordered by a mysterious entity called the Sorceress. Will Adam be able to find the Castle and pass the trials before Skeletor conquers all of Eternia?"Â
 It's not great, but it was what I had at the time. I can go into character designs, and the timeline later, but thoughts anyone?Â
This is based on an idea I've been trying to slowly develop for the past couple of years. It would be my own reboot continuity of the Masters of the Universe franchise, but this time it would take place in novels, not movies or TV Shows. This was done before Matthew C. Kayser, but I thought I would give He-Man, and his world my own spin on it. I haven't really gotten too far with it yet other than plans, due to life schedules, I only have so much time in a day. As the title suggests, this would work as a Saga.Â
 It would begin with the first novel, The Heir of Grayskull. It would be my own take on the origin story of He-Man and some of his early adventures. I even have a synopsis written:Â
 "By the Power of Grayskull...
The iconic magic words that transform a young prince into the legendary champion his world desperately needs. In this epic retelling of the classic 80s franchise, Prince Adam of Eternia must heed the call of both adventure and responsibility as the Scourge of Snake Mountain Skeletor, and his Council of Evil ravaged Eternia. In order to gain the power to save his kingdom, the young prince must find the mysterious fortress called Castle Grayskull and pass three trials ordered by a mysterious entity called the Sorceress. Will Adam be able to find the Castle and pass the trials before Skeletor conquers all of Eternia?"ÂÂ It's not great, but it was what I had at the time. I can go into character designs, and the timeline later, but thoughts anyone?Â
I like the premise so far! Have you given thought to what the three trials might be?
We have the Power!
@admin Not yet. I did consider at one point he finds each half of the Sword of Power, and combines them to trigger his first transformation to He-Man, but it was very early on and thought maybe a little too on the nose since I also consider he does that at a later point.
The plan was to give Adaam an initial Trilogy, the first book deals with his origin to become He-Man and go on some early adventures, the second one was going to deal with Scare Glow, but never got far with that, the final book would introduce the Snake Men and launch the prequel, The Powers of Grayskull trilogy which would introduce Grayskull, He-Ro, Veena and the original heroic warriors who saved Eternia from the Snake Men during the Preternian Era, and then introduce the Horde. When that trilogy ended, it would then launch She-Ra, which would begin a crossover novel called The Children of Grayskull, which is a modern retelling of the Secret of the Sword, and also serve as the true launching point to She-Ra's series. While she's fighting the Horde, she would learn more about the First Ones, and about He-Ro since in this version I had He-Ro originally come from Ethiera.Â
 Adam's second three books I never worked out all the way. The last two I had planned where again crossover novels that would serve as a finale. Then I had idea for giving Adam and Teela's son Dare a trilogy, but again didn't get anywhere with that other than failed attempts at character designs.Â
If this is a brand new canon you are dreaming up than I suggest you first create an entire bible for it to keep it straight. A bible will help you and the readership you accumulate a clear understanding of how your particular Eternia works.
If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success. -James Cameron
@elder Thank you, I have some character bios partially filed out, but you're right, I'm going to need to expand. I wish I could draw worth anything. I can do 3-D models for character designs, but sometimes what I have in my head doesn't always translate well.
Oh, does anyone know how to write songs? I have one in mind that speaks of the prophecy of the Children of Grayskull. The Children of Grayskull in this instance are Adam, Adora, and Teela, all being descended from Grayskull, Veena, and He-Ro. Adam takes after Grayskull, Adora in some ways after He-Ro, and Teela after Veena. They're prophesized to restore balance to both Eternia and Ethiera and finish the fight that their forefathers started. Defeating the Snake Men for the last time, as well as defeating the Horde through Hordak and eventually Horde Prime. I always kind of imagined a song similar to Skyrim's theme, The Dragonborn Comes. Epic, ancient, etc., etc.Â
 In the series, the song would first make its appearance in the crossover novel, Children of Grayskull. In there, I made a custom character whose Bow's daughter and is named Amyra. She's a huge believer in the prophecy as well as the Rebellion and inherited her father's gifts in terms of being a musician and knowing or thing or two about archery.Â
If this is a brand new canon you are dreaming up than I suggest you first create an entire bible for it to keep it straight. A bible will help you and the readership you accumulate a clear understanding of how your particular Eternia works.
That is really a good idea. I bet it would be fun to read too!
We have the Power!
@admin Just need to set some time aside, and get to work. That's the hardest part, lol.
The plan was to give Adaam an initial Trilogy, the first book deals with his origin to become He-Man and go on some early adventures, the second one was going to deal with Scare Glow, but never got far with that, the final book would introduce the Snake Men and launch the prequel, The Powers of Grayskull trilogy which would introduce Grayskull, He-Ro, Veena and the original heroic warriors who saved Eternia from the Snake Men during the Preternian Era, and then introduce the Horde. When that trilogy ended, it would then launch She-Ra, which would begin a crossover novel called The Children of Grayskull, which is a modern retelling of the Secret of the Sword, and also serve as the true launching point to She-Ra's series. While she's fighting the Horde, she would learn more about the First Ones, and about He-Ro since in this version I had He-Ro originally come from Ethiera.Â
 Adam's second three books I never worked out all the way. The last two I had planned where again crossover novels that would serve as a finale. Then I had idea for giving Adam and Teela's son Dare a trilogy, but again didn't get anywhere with that other than failed attempts at character designs.Â
It really sounds fun and I hope you do it. When Fernanda co-hosted the podcast, before it she really opened up my world when it comes to fan fiction. There is a real robust passionate community that supports it and reviews it. It's very cool!
We have the Power!
Thanks. I'll need to work on that overall series bible to get a sense of what I'm doing, how I'm doing it, and maintain as much consistency as possible.Â
A trilogy would be great! I hope you find the time to write it, I’m sure you’ll have plenty of fans from this community. Go for it!!
@mike Thanks! I can't wait to find some time, maybe some help if I need it?
@deltavax I don’t want to speak for everyone, but I’m sure it would be a unanimous yes please
Ok, there they are:
- Adam/He-Man
- Clamp Champ
- Teela
- Grayskull
- Glimmer
- Catra
- Adora and Spirit
- She-Ra and Swift Wind
- Shadow WeaverÂ
- Hordak (Early Prototype aka Really Bad)
- Sun Man
- Mermista
- Keldor
- Skeletor