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Anybody ever play any of the He-Man video games? If so, what are you favourite games?
I've only played two (so far, but I do plan to fix that soon lol)
When I was a little girl, I played my older brother's copy of "Defender of Grayskull".
It's a fully 3D He-Man game for the PS2, it's a hack and slash game. It's not based particularly on the 80's toon or even the 200x one, it was more like it's own original/unique take on the characters and lore. It also was fully voice acted, with FMV cutscenes and everything. Sadly, the game never was released outside of Europe (I'm Irish) so I don't know if many people got to play it.
I also loved the GBA game based on the 200x series. The graphics are really impressive for a game released so early in the GBA's lifetime and the gameplay/maps were honestly quite deep. IMO, it's one of the strongest licensed titles released for the GBA.
Chillingo did a game for the iOS back in 2012, it was called "He-man The Most Powerful Game in the Universe". It was a really fun, but got repetitive quickly. I kept an old Ipad around just to keep it installed as it was never updated in the 32 to 64 bit switch over. Here is a video from youtube for it.
I’m going to have to track down a copy of this, and a PS2 that can actually play it here in the US.
Masterverse wishlist:
Catra 2018 (season 4)
He-Man 2002 (Snake Armor)
King Hissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss 2002
She-Ra 2018 (season 5)
Skeletor 2002
@sshook27 Like modded PS2. Although those tend to be rather costly in my experience. 😅 (unless that is you decide to buy a garden variety PS2 and do the modding yourself. That might be fun, although I've never done it personally....not much of a tech-head. lol)
Importing a PAL/EU PS2 from the UK/Europe could be a good option, they are fairly inexpensive these days and if you don't mind retro gaming on an LCD TV, even a PAL PS2 will work on ANY standard NTSC LCD TV thankfully. 🩷
I love to tinker, with varied degrees of success 🤣
I've got a couple extra PS2s from back in the day, I'll tear into one and see what happens. I'll let you know how it goes.
Have you all tried the Open Bor Motu game?
We have the Power!
@catra By Zodac! 😱 I had NO idea any a She-Ra game actually existed! 😭
Save for the free-to-play flash games on CBBC's website! (which are awesome lol)
Thank you for this, Catra! 🤗
@admin Oh my God! 😍 This is actually a He-Man scrolling brawler! Where has this been all my life?! 😩 lol
Thank you AJ! 😊 For introducing me to a great game, it's replies like your's and Catra Applesauce's that make me REALLY happy I started this thread. You guys are introducing me to games that I didn't even know of. ❤️
I certainly dig the idea of this Beats of Rage MOTU fangame, it actually reminds me so much of 'Golden Axe' for the Genesis. I'm honestly surprised there was never a game like that back in the 90's. It would've been a cool for either the Genesis or even the SNES. lol
@admin Oh my God! 😍 This is actually a He-Man scrolling brawler! Where has this been all my life?! 😩 lol
Thank you AJ! 😊 For introducing me to a great game, it's replies like your's and Catra Applesauce's that make me REALLY happy I started this thread. You guys are introducing me to games that I didn't even know of. ❤️
I certainly dig the idea of this Beats of Rage MOTU fangame, it actually reminds me so much of 'Golden Axe' for the Genesis. I'm honestly surprised there was never a game like that back in the 90's. It would've been a cool for either the Genesis or even the SNES. lol
Aw, that makes me so happy to read that. Hopefully when Revolution comes out and the She-Ra show, this community forum may be rocking by then. But I am still very appreciative of our little crowd and I'm so happy you are getting something out of it too!
And I know! Why wasn't this a real published game decades ago? Either way, you can really feel the motu love put into it. It's so much fun! 🙂
We have the Power!
@admin Oh man! I can't believe I forgot about this until now but this reminds me of the other He-Man fan-game for the NES.
The creators behind this really went all out with the sprites (just get a load of Two-Bad)
You could have me convinced that this WAS an official release during the height of He-Mania back in the 80's (well.....okay, He-Man's high-kicks are a bit out of place, details details. 😂 lol)
Have you all tried the Open Bor Motu game?
LMAO! That's krazy! How do get the game?
@admin Oh man! I can't believe I forgot about this until now but this reminds me of the other He-Man fan-game for the NES.
The creators behind this really went all out with the sprites (just get a load of Two-Bad)
You could have me convinced that this WAS an official release during the height of He-Mania back in the 80's (well.....okay, He-Man's high-kicks are a bit out of place, details details. 😂 lol)
It must be nostalgia but 8-bit graphics and sound just continues to make me smile! 😀
We have the Power!
Have you all tried the Open Bor Motu game?
LMAO! That's krazy! How do get the game?
This site should help buddy. 🙂
We have the Power!