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Welcome. Nothing wrong with loving what you love. Some people are too set in their ways with deciding who should love what. It is awesome to see more ...
@dedset13 Gwildor always was awesome to me. I remember a He-Man magazine that him and He-Man on the cover with the Cosmic Key. I was so curious and co...
@griff Thank you for the welcome. I hope to connect with a few more fans. I have no one in real time I can really discuss with so need a place.
@costume-n00b Hello there.
@dedset13 Thank you for the kind words. I put a lot of thought into my message. I wanted to capture how much this property means to me. I am sure if I...
@he-dad Honestly I've never really been afraid of creepy things. I was an odd kid and now am an even more odd adult.
If there is a loophole for Catra I hope she shows. I loved her as a Horde member back in the good ole days. Maybe Mattel actually ponied up for the ri...