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So I got Snout Spout for Christmas, and in grand Mattel tradition, his biceps parts are switched! I haven’t seen any discussion about this problem sin...
I was already thinking she had the eyebrows and nose for the Filmation version of Teela. Now this mockup proves it! I'm really excited about this cast...
So in other words, the 1987 movie? 🤣 I hope she incorporates that film into her research. "Woman At Arms" really made an impression in that movie.
A cinematographer can really make or break a movie. Knowing we have an excellent one gives me a lot faith in this movie. I would have even more faith,...
I love how they engineered the swap between crown and helmet - wig included! 🤣 The armor looks great. As much as I try to resist buying New Eternia ve...
The financial losses of Amazon's Rings of Power series may have also contributed to Amazon dropping the She-Ra series. Would they really want to inves...
A good director and a good script can be sabotaged by a poor cinematographer. For a mythic property like, MOTU, you really need a cinematographer who ...