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That Horde Revernt looks like could be Desparo. Maybe?
@onlyoneskeletor Yeah, but the could be used in other ways. Throw a cape on the Horde Reverent and he's basically Horde Prime. With a little bit of ex...
@sketchyskeletor I don't think they are from MOTUC. The Horde Reverent looks familiar as does Skel-Knight and Paragon Champion looks like Mat-at-War, ...
@onlyoneskeletor They seem to love it on TWF2005
@depp76 Toyhabits reported on it a few weeks ago. All they knew at the time was it was an army builder, but I don't think anyone expected this.
The Battle for Eternia is here!
@durendal He's got Chippendales / Jaffa energy.
So, a thought about Blade, what if they used the Flying Fists gimmick for him rather than his original "Fisto" arm? He's probably going to get a name ...
Toyhabits is reporting that the Sy-Klone Spikor sketchbook figures are confirmed from a retailer listing. And then to keep you scrolling they go over ...
@durendal it's a question of what healthier for the brand. Mix different eras of the brand or do as much as possible from one before moving on to the ...
Looks like i let Flying Fists He-Man off the list completely. Evil-Lyn had a glow in the dark wand.
So I did some checking and of the 58 VC Origins figures only 9 had their gimmicks removed. I'm not counting the "power punch" that almost every vintag...
@sketchyskeletor whatever hasbro does with the crossover, I hope it's not MOTU characters turning into Transformers. I want an alternate reality where...
@ornclown maybe the MOTU x Transformers could become a line like the GI Joe x Transformers line.
@banthafett You can take it off once you open them.
I want a figure of that Raphael.
@ornclown That is a cool idea, but there's rights issues. One company need to own all those properties or the companies that do own them need to work ...
@disneyboy no because thos was mostly for MC and CG stuff. If there's no more POP CC stuff at SDCC then you can worry.
@karot-top the packaging reminds me of the japanese packaging that Super7 did but it is an odd choice. It doesn't bother me too much as I open most of...
@lasastard i don't know if I would call it scummy, necessarily, it's just a move.It's a pretty common marketing strategy. Also if they only have 5000 ...
Don’t Worry they all survived.
Update on Deluxe figure weights. Reptile Wars Rattlor comes in at 5.4 oz.Super Shredder is 5.3 oz.Mutant Mer-Man is a hefty 6.2 oz.King Hiss/ Foot S...
@sketchyskeletor They probably wanted to get some "hype" going because they line got an extension. and the $10 for CG will help cover costs of making ...
@ornclown lucky you. I told my grandmother I wanted a He-Man pillow, and I ended up with geese.