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Don't worry. Mattel won't buy it. Mattel can't even get a good grip on their social media pages. How could they ever manage the Org. You have a good...
@smitty-81 It's in its death throes.
@durendal Ego and legacy. It's hard to hand that over to someone else. It would be harder if someone improved the site. He did hint he would sell it t...
@kraken Dead as a door nail.
@brasco Yes it would and this community is classy so they deserve it. Our community leaders could learn a thing or two from them.
I said he can ask but I doubt he'll bother.
@battleramblog can ask
@griff I probably have you all beat.
@dedset13 Thanks man.
@elder There is no archive either when the webmaster shuts the website down.
@elder True but it never will be like it was. It's one reason Val closed it or so he says.
That sounds like BS.
I say the end is near with Origins and the cartoon figures will see it off just like the Classics. There won't be enough art for a volume 2.
Ordered. Thanks.
@bonehead All we needed was 30 days and a gofundme page.
@durendal If it's not someone needs to invite RR here quick. This thread could become legendary.
@asterstar Thanks
@dan1980 This is good but I am looking for the art itself.