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There is supposed to some more edits to it including people like myself who paid an extra hundred bucks to be a background character. I kind of regre...
There was a thread in the .org's Tar Swamp section about it. I know his interview parts got removed from one of the MOTU documentaries before it was ...
Acccording to some articles, Cannon planned to make a Masters of the Universe 2 with surfer Laird John Hamilton as He-Man. He-Man would be back on ear...
I think we see the He-Man and Teela dynamic a little better than the Adam and Teela one. You can see it some in "The Problem with Power." If Filmat...
It probably would have been no one famous. Perhaps an up and comer like Courtney Cox was. With what almost happened in the sequel with He-Man being ...
Drissi is my favorite hero from the show. I guess I liked the females the most out of the new characters. I almost helped get the voice actress for...
Thanks, everyone.
Nice to see you here!
I think it shut down between 12:30- 12:40 am eastern time today. There was a thank you message on a He-Man and She-Ra Secret of the Sword poster. ...
It certainly wasn't very common until recent decades, but I suppose you could maybe say Rocky & Bullwinkle? I think the first cartoon I noticed i...
The Problem with Power is probably my favorite. The ones that made BCI's Top 10 list DVD years ago probably are the best. I do like the House of Sho...
I'd maybe get it if it had come out on Blu-Ray. I liked it, but not as much as Revelation. I hope Revelation at least cones out on Blu-Ray since th...
It looks pretty awesome. I still think of Goliath when I hear David's voice.
Glad you were able to figure out how to join and post. Every He-Man forum can use some New Adventures expertise.