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@christophno If I could like your post 100 times I would. Well done mate. If Skeletor and Hordak are looking like hamburger meat and moving half the s...
These are spectacular mate!
The large portrait is now a mangled mess the way its wrapped around the packaging with a chunk removed thanks to that window. It should remain on the ...
Taking their boots off before shagging is quite brilliant!
I just need one mate. Morningstar. I have always felt that dragon was such a badass foil and I would display him on the books between my green and red...
@ornclown Conan and Flash Gordon I see mate but how do you figure Luke Skywalker?
I am looking forward to part 2. I heard about Vykron's fabulous fate but I don't know the full story.
I wonder if his payment terms were annual. I understand you save money doing it that way but you don't feel those cost savings until your 11th month. ...
@zarius This movie adopting a Game of Thrones tone would suit me well but I suspect a studio would never go there. Instead a popcorn action-comedy.
@thunderfoot I have seen friends and sisters say worse. My mum has not talked to her sister in over a year that started over a quibble during a ho...
I saw on the telly that the majority of the action figure market is now geared for adults. This is different times.
@dan1980 THIS! 🍻 @he-dad You finally stepped into what is usually my world.
Very classy AJ
@darthdrew I am convinced AJ is on a perpetual IV feed of Lucozade.
Some can be found on ebay mate and are rather affordable.
@smitty-81 That would be most kind mate. Cheers!
@ravewayneboo Tell her it looks brilliant.
I hear Goliath too. This was an excellent tease and I'm pleased I stayed up to watch it.
That complete series dvd release exposed the final coffin nail.