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@durendal completely agree. As much as i love the Eternia playset, it always baffled me that after spending years establishing the world of Eternia...
wow, if this turns out to be true it would be awesome!
@skeledog ha true. If they get a scoop on Shokoti or Masque and it happens, that would be awesome. Still though, credit where its due, they have ha...
@depp76 genuinely interesting addition if it happens.
Yeah that sounds about right, but I'd like some pretty cool tiers for that as well. Here's hoping they fix MC for International buyers before the next...
@smitty-81 where did you order?
@smitty-81 this makes total sense. Do me a favour and get yourself a job at Mattel! 😅
@smitty-81 hopefully, but I can't imagine how they would quantify what percentage they should hold back from those who can order today. Its just a m...
@lasastard I just checked and I'm seeing the same, however I noticed they've added the following to the Rokkon listing: Ships to US, Australia, Cana...
@smitty-81 that too would be awesome.
@smitty-81 that could be it. An exclusive at sdcc that has parts for the two characters or combined, and then perhaps later in the year the rest of us...
Actually, I just noticed this message at the top of the Rokkon page on MC: "At this time we are unable to accept orders shipping outside of the US. ...
I'll still be logging on today just in case someone pressed the wrong button on a keyboard somewhere in Mattel. I don't currently plan on sitting at...
I had put this on another thread, hope it's OK to place here as well. My current collection set up:
@bendortheconqueror I hear what you're saying, but the 80s lens thing has been done with the likes of Stranger Things. The thoughts of seeing Adam i...
@lasastard I agree, you shouldn't have to deal with broken packaging when you pay top dollar. Hell you shouldn't even have to deal with it when you ar...
@karot-top do me a favour and leave your back door unlocked so I can sneak over and take all your stuff. I'm ridiculously jealous of that display room...
@ninadust he's lying! It's not possible...
A common misconception. Rock heaven is reserved for the likes of David Bowie, Marc Bolan, Jimi Hendrix etc. But they all played a much subtler role ...
@smitty-81 he's also possibly a sign we could be a step closer to getting the Slime pit.
Yep, never feel bad for someone else's misfortune. Hopefully he'll turn it around somehow.
They could say Hordak had Shadow Weaver cast a spell to ease her from memory so that he was free to control and manipulate Adora. This either makes...
What an awesome moment for Ted. He did a great job!
@durendal sold out already
And it is brilliant!