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I enjoyed it really much, feels like they took some ideas from the DC Comics and DreamWorks She-ra. (some of the lines the Horde were saying especiall...
I still hope for the following 5 the most... Catra 2018 (preferably season 4 outfit) He-Man 2002 (Snake Armor) King Hissssssssssssssss...
Would be very nice, even tough I personally would loved to see a She-Ra crossover where 1985 and 2018 She-Ra meet each other just as much! (legally sp...
Lots of people think it is Skeletors daughter!
potential spoiler: Oh right some guy on reddit suggested it could a character from the comics, they suggested it could be Skeletor's Daughter? I have ...
Results are in! Not a bad result... Capture2.PNG Random things to note: Catra is the only villain on the top 10 list. Catra is the only ...
I have the same question about where the He-man 2002 and She-Ra 2018 figures are...
Oh he is so much fun in everything from Star Trek to MLP!
Revelation and Revolution is also to dark to fit in with the classic 80s characters to, in terms of being in spirit the 2018 She-Ra and 2020 He-Man CG...
There is a massive problem with that, the new timeline takes places after the 1983 shows ended, not after She-Ra! The issue here is that Mattel not ha...
@eternianbunny Yeah seems so, kinda gonna be weird to get used to Keldor and Skeletor not being the same but oh well.
200X figure? Hype I just hope we get more 200X and hopefully some She-Ra 2018 in the future.
@asterstar Probably well I guess we will find out soon enough...
Yup, that about sums it up.