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@alteredquantum I still say that depends on what type of game, if this is a MMO RPG? Well in that case you need to create a character, meet NPCs from ...
Well there are a few problems, which versions of the characters will it use? Will they make their own versions? Who do ya play as? Will you create a c...
This comic is fascinating! I hope if the new season of CGI is not coming they can finish the story in a comic.
Grizzlor so fuzzy! 😍
Always 4 there is? Good to know. Any hope for SPOP in the future or is Mattel only gonna do the classic shows and Revolution? I also do wonder if ther...
This wave seems kinda small, any chance this is just parts of the wave?
I will watch! :3
I am amazed! 😀
Yep that about sums it up.
@skeledog it is based on the show, really more of a thank you to the fans maybe?
AJ is her yes, also Adora is there to the 3rd one who is not singing. 🙂
He looks better than he did in the show!
They could but if they want them to buy the majority of them may be probably waiting for the DreamWorks versions... If Mattel ever decide to make them...
Yeah probably but the SPOP fanbase has been starved for figures, most new fans never had a chance to get the figures since they were sold out before s...
Big scary lobster man! 😊👍🏻
@admin Yeah if Teela sells more figures than She-ra indeed there is some major brand power involved, now we do not know that? It could be both Teela...
@elder well it seems warriors like She-ra is selling good, so I suspect it is not that simple. I wonder if Mattel showed us a chart how well Teela sel...
One over at Mattel Creations often said female magic users often sell worse, I wonder if the same is true for Shadow Weaver. 😐