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It is cool, tough I hope we also get 2002 & 2020 Trap Jaw at soem point! 😀
I like these! :3
Hurray She-Ra! 😀
@costume-n00b At this point we are lucky if we even get a 3rd arc of MOTU:RE tough I hope we get both honestly.
Dayum, that game pricey.
Looks good, I like the magnet feature.
Not really accurate the showrunner for She-Ra did mention something about a Xmas crossover with Kevin Smiths show however the reply from Smith was "I ...
This is a bit of a ooof...
@admin Heh yeah tough I gotta think about space, at some point but not yet! 🤣
This figure is cool and all but I mostly collect masterverse, funkos and pins.
Was hoping there would be figures but oh well there was the fright zone and the neat tank. 😊
Oh hype gonna see it when I get home, I wonder what today's topics will be. 😊
Oh yes all the episodes was so nice on YouTube. 😊👍🏻
If there are any figures on the list I really hope for DreaWorks She-Ra and Catra, if just locations well Fright Zone?
Heh, only 2002 and 2021 shows...
@he-dad NO, more like they erased her in this timeline so she never existed! So we got DreamWorks owned timeline which goes like... * He-Man 1983 ...
@talonfighter Some press heart and write in comments why after, tough normally yes.
1. DreamWorks owns her and all 3 of the 80s shows even tough Mattel owns several characters in 2 of the 3. 2. They also do appear to have reset the t...