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A Saying I have for She-Ra Fans going to Revelation

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Soldier of Eternos
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When I get around to doing a video essay on Revelation, I want to bring up how I remember, clear as day, that a lot of people online suddenly turned against it. When the first trailer was released, the same crowd unusually upset at the She-Ra reboot stated Revelation was gonna be awesome because it "looked better" and "was actually made by fans"...


then when Smith stated he had huge respect for Stevenson's take on She-Ra and parts of the first episode got leaked, that crowd suddenly turned against him and made up their minds that the show was going to be bad before it premiered. I think it was hilarious for multiple reasons, but the main one was that She-Ra fans like me could look at the scenario and be like "Sweet! More for me!" Now I didn't have to worry about that same crowd always being against the MotU reboot I loved being in the discussion for the other MotU reboot it looks like I was also going to love.


Then when the show came out and people stated stating it was really the "Teela show" and that the show "wasn't about He-Man" my response joke was essentially saying: "Bruh, you're talking to a man who wants Entrapta's servants to have their own movie!" And I still do. I want a scene a person I was talking to online joked about where it's revealed they set up their own bakery and Spinerella spins in to buy some tiny baked goods for her wife. 


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