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Name-Calling On He-Man And The Masters Of The Universe, Secret of the Sword, She-Ra: Princess Of Power, A Christmas Special

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Name-Calling On He-Man And The Masters Of The Universe (1983-1985)



Episode 1: Diamond Ray Of Disappearance – Skeletor calls Beast Man a fur face; Skeletor calls Trap Jaw a clumsy oaf

Episode 2: The Cosmic Comet – He-Man calls Beast Man a fur face; Attak Trak calls Skeletor an old bonehead; He-Man calls Skeletor a villain; Skeletor calls Evil-Lyn a boob; Skeletor calls Beast Man a fury coward

Episode 3: The Shaping Staff – Beast Man calls Orko a blasted cricket; Evil-Lyn calls He-Man a fool; Evil-Lyn calls Orko a court clown; Skeletor calls Sorceress a meddler

Episode 4: Disappearing Act – Skeletor calls Beast Man a fur face; Skeletor calls Beast Man a fool

Episode 5: She-Demon Of Phantos – NO NAME-CALLING

Episode 6: Teela’s Quest – He-Man calls Mer-Man a fish-face; Mer-Man calls He-Man a fool

Episode 7: The Curse Of The Spellstone – Evil-Lyn calls Skeletor a blundering skull face

Episode 8: The Time Corridor – Skeletor calls He-Man a fool; He-Man calls Skeletor a skull face

Episode 9: The Dragon Invasion – Skeletor calls Mer-Man a fool; Skeletor calls Beast Man a beast brain; Skeletor calls He-Man a fool

Episode 10: A Friend In Need – Ileena calls Prince Adam a fun stopper

Episode 11: Masks Of Power – Prince Adam calls Aran and Oona poor fools

Episode 12: Evil-Lyn’s Plot – Skeletor calls Beast Man and Mer-Man his lackies; Skeletor calls Beast Man, Mer-Man, and Panthor witless fools; He-Man calls Skeletor a skull face; Skeletor call Beast Man and Mer-Man fools; Skeletor calls Beast Man and Mer-Man dolts, halfwits, bunglers and brainless idiots, morons, fools; Evil-Lyn (Nadira) calls the Widgets kind-hearted fools; Evil-Lyn calls Squinch a little fool; Squinch calls Panthor a purple pest; Evil-Lyn calls the Widgets little pests; Skeletor calls He-Man a fool

Episode 13: Like Father, Like Daughter – Skeletor calls Trap Jaw and Beast Man idiots; Skeletor calls He-Man and Teela fools; 

Episode 14: Colossor Awakes – Skeletor calls Beast Man a lazy creature; Skeletor calls Beast Man a fur brain; Skeletor calls Evil-Lyn a witch; Skeletor calls Beast Man beastie

Episode 15: A Beastly Sideshow – Skeletor calls Beast Man a fur brain; Skeletor calls Beast Man a fur face; Skeletor calls Beast Man a flea bag; Battle Cat calls Skeletor a boney creep; Teela calls Beast Man an overgrown chimp; Teela calls Evil-Lyn a witch; Evil-Lyn calls Beast Man a fur-brain fool; Evil-Lyn calls Battle Cat a big cat

Episode 16: Reign Of The Monster – NO NAME-CALLING

Episode 17: Daimar The Demon – Skeletor calls Evil-Lyn a witch three times; Daimar calls He-Man a little nuisance; Skeletor calls He-Man a fool

Episode 18: Creatures From The Tar Swamp – Skeletor calls Beast Man a fury fool; Evil-Lyn calls Orko the King’s fool; Skeletor calls Orko a little rodent; Skeletor calls Beast Man an oaf; Skeletor calls He-Man a fool; Skeletor calls Orko a troublesome trollan; Skeletor calls Beast Man and Evil-Lyn fools; Skeletor calls Man-At-Arms a fool

Episode 19: Quest For He-Man – He-Man calls Trap Jaw a metal mouth

Episode 20: Dawn Of Dragoon – NO NAME-CALLING

Episode 21: The Royal Cousin – Skeletor calls Evil-Lyn and Tri-Klops fools; Evil-Lyn calls Tri-Klops a fool; Evil-Lyn calls Tri-Klops three-eyes

Episode 22: Song Of Celice – He-Man calls Beast Man a rug face; Skeletor calls He-Man a flesh-face; He-Man calls Skeletor a light-weight

Episode 23: Orko’s Favorite Uncle – Tauron calls Orko a troublesome Trollan

Episode 24: Wizard Of Stone Mountain – Evil Itself calls Battle Cat a miserable animal; Evil Itself calls He-Man, Teela, Ram Man, Battle Cat, Mallek, and Karyn fools

Episode 25: Evilseed – Skeletor calls He-Man a muscle boy; Evilseed calls Skeletor a bonehead; Skeletor calls Evilseed a cabbage; Skeletor calls Trap Jaw a fool; Skeletor calls Trap Jaw a blundering fool; Skeletor calls He-Man a muscle-brain

Episode 26: Ordeal In The Darklands – Evil-Lyn calls Tri-Klops a coward

Episode 27: The Return Of Orko’s Uncle – Azrog calls Montork a fool

Episode 28: The Defection – Evil-Lyn calls Gorgon a fool

Episode 29: Prince Adam No More – Skeletor calls Beast Man a fury fool; Tri-Klops calls Beast Man a poor old fuzz face; Beast Man calls Skeletor a skull-faced creep; King Randor calls Beast Man a fury devil; a monster; Beast Man calls Mer-Man a fool; Beast Man calls Skeletor a skull-face; Beast Man calls Skeletor old bonehead; Beast Man calls He-Man a fool; Beast Man calls Skeletor a bone-faced creep; Beast Man calls Skeletor a loudmouth; Skeletor calls Beast Man a fury flee-bitten fool; Mer-Man calls Beast Man a fool

Episode 30: The Taking Of Grayskull – He-Man calls Skeletor a loser; Skeletor calls He-Man, Teela, and the Sorceress fools

Episode 31: A Tale Of Two Cities – A Gargons Warrior calls another Gargons Warrior a fool; Queen Balina calls He-Man a brave warrior; Queen Balina calls He-Man a fool; Queen Balina asks He-Man if he takes her for a fool; Queen Balina calls He-Man a stranger; Draca calls He-Man a stranger; Garn calls He-Man a stranger; Draca calls He-Man a fool; He-Man calls Queen Balina a cruel woman; Queen Balina calls Draca a fool

Episode 32: Search For The VHO – NO NAME-CALLING

Episode 33: The Starchild – NO NAME-CALLING

Episode 34: The Dragon’s Gift – Teela calls Skeletor a villain; He-Man calls Skeletor a bonehead; Granamyr calls all humans lame, greedy, warlike, untruthful, and quite ugly

Episode 35: The Sleepers Awaken – NO NAME-CALLING

Episode 36: The Search – Beast Man calls He-Man a muscle-bound meddler; Skeletor calls Beast Man and Mer-Man simpletons; Mer-Man calls Beast Man a fuzzy-faced Cretan; Beast Man calls Mer-Man a fish-faced meathead; Skeletor calls Beast Man and Mer-Man fools twice; Skeletor calls He-Man a flippant fool; Skeletor calls Orko a pipsqueak; Beast Man calls He-Man a slave; Skeletor calls Beast Man a fool

Episode 37: It’s Not My Fault – NO NAME-CALLING

Episode 38: Valley Of Power – Danavas calls He-Man, Teela and Battle Cat fools

Episode 39: Trouble In Arcadia - NO NAME-CALLING

Episode 40: The House Of Shokoti, Part 1 – Orko calls Cringer a dumb cat; He-Man calls Trap Jaw a metal mouth; Lord Masque calls Trap Jaw an incompetent fool; He-Man calls Trap Jaw Trappy; He-Man calls the Reptile Man scale face; Orko calls Ram Man a lead head; Orko calls Lord Masque a funny face

Episode 41: The House Of Shokoti, Part 2 – Shokoti calls Ram Man a fool; He-Man calls Shokoti a witch

Episode 42: Double Edged Sword – Chad calls Orko a funny magician; Battle Cat calls Orko funny

Episode 43: The Mystery Of Man-E-Faces – Squinch calls Man-E-Faces a creep creature; Man-E-Faces calls Squinch and Lara little worms; Orko calls the Widgets little squirts; Squinch calls Orko a half-pint; Skeletor calls Man-E-Faces a fool; Skeletor calls Man-E-Faces a dolt; Beast Man calls Man-E-Faces a slave; Beast Man calls Man-E-Faces a slave; Beast Man calls Man-E-Faces a slave

Episode 44: The Region Of Ice – Skeletor calls Beast Man a fool

Episode 45: Orko’s Missing Magic – Giant guard calls He-Man a pipsqueak; shorty

Episode 46: Eternal Darkness – Darkdream calls Tavor a fool; Darkdream calls Evil-Lyn a cowardly witch

Episode 47: Keeper Of The Ancient Ruins – Trap Jaw calls Cringer an overgrown cat

Episode 48: Return Of Evil – Prince Adam calls Aremesh a bright boy; Skeletor calls Orko a little floating bag of wind; Skeletor calls Beast Man a fuzz brain; Aremesh calls He-Man a puny mortal; Skeletor calls Orko a little floating runt; Skeletor calls Orko a little bag of wind; Skeletor calls Beast Man an overgrown fur coat; Skeletor calls Battle Cat an overgrown alley cat; Aremesh calls Skeletor a fool

Episode 49: Return Of The Gryphon – Trap Jaw calls Beast Man a hairy fool

Episode 50: Temple Of The Sun – NO NAME-CALLING

Episode 51: City Beneath The Sea – Prince Adam calls Cringer a big coward; He-Man calls Mer-Man a fish-face; Mer-Man calls the Aquaticans fools

Episode 52: Teela’s Trial – Man-At-Arms calls Skeletor a bonehead; Skeletor calls Beast Man and Trap Jaw fools; He-Man says Skeletor’s goons; Skeletor calls He-Man a muscle-bound oaf

Episode 53: Dree Elle’s Return – Clawful calls Trap Jaw a cowardly hunk of tin; Clawful calls Orko a little runt; Teela calls Clawful a crust face

Episode 54: Game Plan – Battle Cat calls Ram Man effective but dumb; Negator calls He-Man and Ram-Man his pigeons

Episode 55: Eye Of The Beholder – Shaman calls He-Man the ugly one; Skeletor calls Garth a hideous insect; Skeletor calls Garth a crawling ugly bug; Skeletor calls Garth He-Man’s ugly friend

Episode 56: Quest For The Sword – He-Man calls Raybar a bully

Episode 57: Castle Of Heroes – Skeletor calls He-Man a lucky fool; Skeletor calls Clawful a fool; Skeletor calls Clawful a fool; Skeletor calls He-Man a fool; Skeletor calls Monteeg a boob; Skeletor calls Monteeg, Blackbeard, and Hannibal fools

Episode 58: The Once And Future Duke – NO NAME-CALLING

Episode 59: The Witch And The Warrior – Skeletor calls Kothos a fat fool; Teela calls Evil-Lyn an evil witch; Evil-Lyn calls Teela an impudent fool; He-Man calls Clawful lobster lips; Teela calls the Orks goons; Kothos calls the Orks fools

Episode 60: The Return Of Granamyr – Granamyr calls Lyra small and foolish like all humans; Zem calls He-Man an oaf; Braylok calls He-Man and Man-At-Arms fools

Episode 61: Pawns Of The Game Master – The Game Master calls Humanoid a fool; Teela calls Kraggox gruesome; The Game Master calls Bear Man, Humanoid, Insect Men and Lizard Guards cowards

Episode 62: Golden Disks Of Knowledge – Skeletor calls the snake below Snake Mountain a fool

Episode 63: The Huntsman – Cringer calls Castle Greyskull a creepy place; Baron Grod calls Cringer a good-looking beast; Baron Grod calls Gamrak a stupid ogre

Episode 64: The Remedy – NO NAME-CALLING

Episode 65: The Heart Of A Giant – Keeper calls He-Man a muscle man four times; Keeper calls Orko a strange little elf; Keeper calls Cambro big but dumb; Keeper calls He-Man a musclebound hero; Keeper calls the Birdmen birdbrains 


Episode 1: The Cat And The Spider – Webstor calls Skeletor boney; Skeletor calls Webstor a bug-face; Skeletor calls He-Man a muscle-bound buffoon; He-Man calls Skeletor a bonehead; Skeletor calls He-Man a fool; Skeletor calls Webstor a bug-face; Skeletor calls Webstor a spider-brain; Kittrina calls Battle Cat a big boy three times; Kittrina calls Battle Cat handsome; Kittrina calls Battle Cat a handsome fellow; Webstor calls Kittrina a fur ball; Kittrina calls Webstor a spider-breath

Episode 2: The Energy Beast – Orko calls himself a noodlehead; Skeletor calls Prince Adam, Teela, and Orko fools; Teela calls Skeletor a bonehead; He-Man calls Skeletor a bone-face; Skeletor calls He-Man a muscle-head; Orko calls Skeletor a bonehead; Skeletor calls Orko a little pest  

Episode 3: Day Of The Machines – Skeletor asks why he is surrounded by fools; Skeletor calls Trap Jaw a pile of scrap iron

Episode 4: The Gamesman – NO NAME-CALLING

Episode 5: Fisto’s Forest – Fisto calls the Elf Lord old pointy ears; Fisto says only fools want happiness; Fisto calls He-Man, Teela, Battle Cat, and Orko meddling do-gooders

Episode 6: The Rarest Gift Of All – Cringer calls Orko dorko; He-Man calls Orko pretty silly

Episode 7: The Great Book Mystery – Skeletor calls Beast Man a worthless hunk of fur; Skeletor calls Beast Man a dummy; Skeletor calls Beast Man a fur bag; Batros calls Teela and Orko fools; Orko calls Batros a bat-brain; Trap Jaw calls Batros a rotten shot; Batros calls Trap Jaw a rust head; Trap Jaw calls Orko a rotten pest; Skeletor calls Battle Cat He-Man’s stupid beast

Episode 8: Origin Of The Sorceress – Morgath calls the Sorceress and He-Man fools

Episode 9: Island Of Fear – Skeletor calls Mer-Man and Whiplash fishy fools; Whiplash calls Skeletor brilliant; Skeletor calls Orko a silly bag of wind; Skeletor calls Teela, Buzz-Off, and Orko do-gooders; Skeletor calls Mer-Man and Whiplash bumbling fools

Episode 10: To Save Skeletor – Sh’Gora calls Skeletor a foolish creature; Skeletor calls the Sorceress, He-Man, Man-At-Arms, Teela, Fisto, Orko, and Battle Cat fools

Episode 11: The Ice Age Cometh – Skeletor calls Whiplash wimplash; Skeletor calls King Randor, Queen Marlena, Man-At-Arms, Teela, Prince Adam, and Philip fools; Teela calls Icer a cube-face

Episode 12: Trouble In Trolla – Orko calls Whiplash alligator breath; Whiplash calls Snoob a wimp; Montork calls Whiplash a villain; Whiplash calls Orko, Dree Elle, and Snoob fools; Whiplash calls Orko, Dree Elle, Montork, and Snoob little pests; He-Man calls Whiplash a scale-head; He-Man calls Whiplash a villain; He-Man calls Orko little buddy

Episode 13: Betrayal Of Stratos – Skeletor calls Trap Jaw and Tri-Klops imbeciles; Skeletor calls the Avionians bird-brains; Whiplash calls Orko a half-pint sorcerer; Whiplash calls He-Man a muscle-headed moron; Kraal calls Whiplash a fool

Episode 14: Disappearing Dragons – Orko calls Granamyr a lizard breath; Webstor calls Kobra Khan a snake puss; Kobra Khan calls Webstor a web-head; Mekaneck calls Kobra Khan a snake-face; Webstor calls Buzz-Off a bee-brain; Kobra Khan calls Orko a meddling little wizard; Buzz-Off calls Bylon, Cara, and Verdor bats; Buzz-Off calls Bellatron a hunk of junk; He-Man calls Bellatron a bucket-face; Mekaneck calls Bellatron a rolling rust pot; Webstor calls Bellatron a stupid robot; He-Man calls Bellatron an overgrown tea-pot; Webstor calls He-Man a musclebound meddler; Granamyr calls He-Man hero of Eternia; Orko calls Granamyr a big bully

Episode 15: The Shadow Of Skeletor – Skeletor calls Beast Man a fool; Evil-Lyn calls King Barbo a dope

Episode 16: The Arena – Om calls Orko a little creature; Skeletor calls He-Man a musclebound moron

Episode 17: Attack From Below – Teela calls the Belots cowards

Episode 18: Into The Abyss – Beast Man calls the rock creatures cowards and miserable traitors

Episode 19: Fraidy Cat – Orko calls Cringer lazy-bones; Orko calls Cringer a fraidy cat; Kobra Khan calls Whiplash, Clawful, and Mer-Man fools; Skeletor calls Whiplash and Clawful fools; Skeletor calls Cringer a silly cat; Skeletor calls Screeech a stupid machine; Skeletor calls Mer-Man, Clawful, and Whiplash fools

Episode 20: The Rainbow Warrior – Skeletor calls Trap Jaw a tin tongued dolt; Skeletor calls Beast Man a flea-bitten fur-brain; Skeletor calls He-Man a musclebound moron; Skeletor calls Beast Man and Trap Jaw a couple of stupid assistants, and a dim-witted duo; Skeletor calls Trap Jaw a metal-munching moron; Skeletor calls Trap Jaw and Beast Man fools; Skeletor calls Trap Jaw and Beast Man a pathetic pair of pitiful pinheads; Teela calls Skeletor a fiend; Queen Marlena calls Skeletor a villain; Queen Marlena calls Skeletor a demon; Teela calls Skeletor an evil monster; Teela calls Skeletor a hooded hoodlum

Episode 21: A Trip To Morainia – He-man calls Clawful fish bait, swamp breath

Episode 22: Things That Go Bump In The Night – Skeletor calls Prince Glitch a fool; Skeletor calls Clawful a fishmonger; Skeletor calls Clawful and Evil-Lyn a fine pack of sniveling cowards; Skeletor calls Prince Glitch a sniveling little coward; Skeletor calls Prince Glitch a sniveling little coward; Skeletor calls Prince Glitch a miserable wimp; Skeletor calls Prince Glitch a sniveling little Glitch; Skeletor calls Clawful a fool; Skeletor calls He-Man a musclebound meddler; Skeletor calls Prince Glitch a sniveling coward; He-Man calls Skeletor a real coward; King Sallas calls Skeletor a deceitful blaggard

Episode 23: Three On A Dare – Skeletor calls Beast Man a fur ball; He-Man calls Mer-Man a scale-face; Teela calls Trap Jaw a lump of worthless oar; Skeletor calls Beast Man, Mer-Man, Trap Jaw and Tri-Klops dullards; Skeletor calls Evil-Lyn, Beast Man, Mer-Man, Trap Jaw and Tri-Klops incompetent fools

Episode 24: Just A Little Lie – NO NAME-CALLING

Episode 25: One For All – Sticky Fingers calls Prince Adam and Teela land lovers; Sticky Fingers calls Batty, Frogman, Hisser, Lavaman, and Leo fools; Batty calls Cringer a p*ssy cat

Episode 26: Jacob And The Widgets – Mer-Man calls Trap Jaw a metal mouth; Mer-Man calls Trap Jaw stupid; Lara calls Mer-Man a fish face

Episode 27: The Littlest Giant – Evil-Lyn calls Squinch a little fool; He-Man calls Orko a big clown

Episode 28: Trouble’s Middle Name – NO NAME-CALLING

Episode 29: Journey To Stone City – Vokan calls Kobra Khan snake man

Episode 30: A Bird In The Hand – Skeletor calls Trap Jaw a fool; Skeletor calls Beast Man a fur face; Beast Man calls Holly lizard lips; Skeletor calls Beast Man a clumsy oaf; Skeletor calls Trap Jaw an incompetent pile of scrap metal; Skeletor calls Stanlan a young fool; Beast Man calls Holly a stupid Hollywag

Episode 31: Battlecat – Teela calls Cringer a cringer; a student calls Cringer a scaredy-cat and a cringer

Episode 32: The Time Wheel – King Tamusk calls King Randor a pretender, a liar, a coward

Episode 33: Search For The Past – King Randor calls the Enchantress a witch twice; The Enchantress calls Drude a bothersome insect; The Enchantress calls King Miro a royal buffoon; The Enchantress calls Drude slimy sludge; The Enchantress calls Drude a fool; a sludge

Episode 34: Hunt For He-Man – Trap Jaw calls Whiplash a fool; Skeletor calls Trap Jaw and Whiplash dunderheads; Skeletor calls Snake Mountain dark and dismal

Episode 35: The Greatest Show On Eternia – He-Man calls Battle Cat a mighty beast; Evil-Lyn calls Skeletor a bonehead; Skeletor calls Prince Adam and Man-At-Arms fools

Episode 36: Not So Blind – NO NAME-CALLING

Episode 37: Revenge Is Never Sweet – Beast Man calls Orko a little magician; Evil-Lyn calls the Orks fools

Episode 38: The Good Shall Survive – Skeletor calls Webstor and Kobra Khan fools

Episode 39: The Secret Of Grayskull – Skeletor calls Orko a little insect; Skeletor calls Orko a fool; Skeletor calls Orko an insect; Skeletor calls Clawful a crab-faced coward; Sorceress calls Skeletor a villain, Sorceress calls Skeletor a fool; Skeletor calls Trap Jaw and Clawful fools; Skeletor calls Sorceress a goody goody witch

Episode 40: No Job Too Small – Beast Man calls Evil-Lyn a foolish witch; Beast Man calls Orko a small one; Evil-Lyn calls Orko a little one

Episode 41: The Bitter Rose – Skeletor calls Beast Man and Trap Jaw meatheads; Skeletor calls Orko a little menace; Skeletor calls Orko foolish; Skeletor calls Orko a menace; Skeletor calls Beast Man and Trap Jaw dolts; Trap Jaw calls Beast Man a fur brain; Skeletor calls Beast Man and Trap Jaw no good rotten excuses

Episode 42: The Gambler – Melbrag calls his guards bunglers and fools

Episode 43: Teela’s Triumph – Evil-Lyn calls Battle Cat mangy; Skeletor calls Evil-Lyn a fool

Episode 44: Orko’s New Friend – NO NAME-CALLING

Episode 45: The Problem With Power – Skeletor calls Man-At-Arms a tin hat; Skeletor calls Orko a little vermin; Orko calls Skeletor an evil creep; Skeletor calls the Goblins cowards

Episode 46: Double Trouble – Skeletor calls Kol Darr a fool

Episode 47: The Eternia Flower – Count Marzo calls Jonno a young airhead; a fool; a young fool; a fool boy

Episode 48: Mistaken Identity – Skeletor calls Modulok a wimp scientist; Skeletor calls Modulok a wimp villain; Modulok calls Grabber a fool

Episode 49: Battle Of The Dragons – NO NAME-CALLING

Episode 50: Time Doesn’t Fly – NO NAME-CALLING

Episode 51: Here, There, Skeletor Everywhere – Skeletor calls He-Man, Battle Cat and Jova fools; Whiplash calls He-Man’s friends Battle Cat and Jova mangy; Skeletor calls his doubles fools; Skeletor calls Jova a soon to be prisoner

Episode 52: Beauty And The Beast – Skeletor calls Whiplash a fool; Prince Moragore calls Evil-Lyn a witch

Episode 53: Orko’s Return – Trap Jaw calls Orko a slave; Beast Man calls He-Man and Man-At-Arms fools; Man-At-Arms calls Orko a little trickster

Episode 54: Visitors From Earth – Two Bad calls Beast Man a fur face; Beast Man calls Two Bad a two-faced practical joker; Beast Man calls Two Bad pale faces; Two Bad calls Beast Man a furry fossil

Episode 55: Monster On The Mountain – NO NAME-CALLING

Episode 56: The Magic Falls – Skeletor calls Orko a meddling fool

Episode 57: Search For A Son – Count Marzo calls Philip a fool, an ungrateful wretch, and a scoundrel; Count Marzo calls Mekaneck a fool

Episode 58: Happy Birthday Roboto – He-Man calls Modulok a fiend; Man-At-Arms calls Modulok a fiend; Modulok calls Roboto a stupid robot

Episode 59: The Toy Maker – Skeletor calls The Toy Maker a little man; Skeletor calls Orko a little wizard; Skeletor calls The Toy Maker his slave

Episode 60: Bargain With Evil – Angast calls Starchild, Lady Arvela, Bowena, He-Man, Orko, and Battle Cat fools; Angast calls Lady Arvela a foolish woman; Angast calls his guards clots and bunglers; Orko calls Angast a bat-face; Bowena calls Angast a horn-head

Episode 61: Capture The Comet Keeper – Skeletor calls Two Bad a fang face; Skeletor calls everyone goody-good fools; Skeletor calls He-Man a meddlesome muscle-man

Episode 62: The Ancient Mirror Of Avathar – Two Bad calls Trap Jaw a tin-head

Episode 63: The Games – NO NAME-CALLING

Episode 64: To Save The Creatures – Maddok calls Skeletor your greatness; Maddok calls Skeletor your excellence; Maddok calls Skeletor master; Maddok calls Skeletor sire; Skeletor calls Maddok a broken-down genius; Maddok calls Skeletor your perfectness; Maddok calls Skeletor master; Skeletor calls Maddok a ninny; Skeletor calls Maddok a fool; Maddok calls Skeletor your excellence; Maddok calls Skeletor master; Maddok calls Skeletor master

Episode 65: The Cold Zone – Attak Trak calls Land Shark smiley; Orko calls Kobra Khan a snake


Name-Calling on He-Man - Season 1

Skeletor calls Beast Man a fur face
Skeletor calls Trap Jaw a clumsy oaf
He-Man calls Beast Man a fur face
Attak Trak calls Skeletor an old bonehead 
He-Man calls Skeletor a villain
Skeletor calls Evil-Lyn a boob
Skeletor calls Beast Man a fury coward
Beast Man calls Orko a blasted cricket
Evil-Lyn calls He-Man a fool
Evil-Lyn calls Orko a court clown
Evil-Lyn calls Skeletor a blundering skull face
Skeletor calls Sorceress a meddler
Skeletor calls Beast Man a fur face
Skeletor calls Beast Man a fool
He-Man calls Mer-Man a fish-face
Mer-Man calls He-Man a fool
Skeletor calls He-Man a fool
He-Man calls Skeletor a skull face
Skeletor calls Mer-Man a fool
Skeletor calls Beast Man a beast brain
Skeletor calls He-Man a fool
Ileena calls Prince Adam a fun stopper
Prince Adam calls Aran and Oona poor fools
Skeletor calls Beast Man and Mer-Man his lackies
He-Man calls Skeletor a skull face
Skeletor calls Beast Man, Mer-Man, and Panthor witless fools
He-Man calls Skeletor a skull face
Skeletor calls Beast Man and Mer-Man fools
Skeletor calls Beast Man and Mer-Man dolts, halfwits, bunglers
Skeletor calls He-Man a fool
Skeletor calls Beast Man and Mer-Man brainless idiots
Skeletor calls Beast Man and Mer-Man morons
Skeletor calls Beast Man and Mer-Man fools
Evil-Lyn (Nadira) calls the Widgets kind-hearted fools
Squinch calls Panthor a purple pest
Skeletor calls Beast Man and Trap Jaw idiots
Skeletor calls He-Man and Teela fools
Skeletor calls Beast Man a lazy creature
Skeletor calls Beast Man a fur face
Skeletor calls Beast Man a fur brain
Skeletor calls Evil-Lyn a witch
Skeletor calls Beast Man beastie
Skeletor calls Beast Man a flea bag
Battle Cat calls Skeletor a boney creep
Teela calls Beast Man an overgrown chimp
Teela calls Evil-Lyn a witch
Evil-Lyn calls Beast Man a fur-brain fool
Evil-Lyn calls Battle Cat a big cat
Skeletor calls Evil-Lyn a witch
Skeletor calls Evil-Lyn a witch
Skeletor calls Evil-Lyn a witch
Daimar calls He-Man a little nuisance
Skeletor calls He-Man a fool
Skeletor calls Beast Man a fury fool
Evil-Lyn calls Orko the King’s fool
Skeletor calls Orko a little rodent
Skeletor calls Beast Man an oaf
Skeletor calls He-Man a fool
Skeletor calls Orko a troublesome trollan
Skeletor calls Beast Man and Evil-Lyn fools
Skeletor calls Man-At-Arms a fool
He-Man calls Trap Jaw a metal-mouth
Skeletor calls Evil-Lyn and Tri-Klops fools
Evil-Lyn calls Tri-Klops a fool
Evil-Lyn calls Tri-Klops three-eyes
He-Man calls Beast Man a rug face
Skeletor calls He-Man a flesh-face
He-Man calls Skeletor a light-weight
Tauron calls Orko a troublesome Trollan
Evil Itself calls Battle Cat a miserable animal
Evil Itself calls He-Man, Teela, Ram Man, Battle Cat, Mallek, and Karyn fools
Skeletor calls He-Man a muscle boy
Evilseed calls Skeletor a bonehead
Skeletor calls Evilseed a cabbage
Skeletor calls Trap Jaw a fool
Skeletor calls Trap Jaw a blundering fool
Skeletor calls He-Man a muscle-brain
Evil-Lyn calls Tri-Klops a coward
Azrog calls Montork a fool
Evil-Lyn calls Gorgon a fool
Skeletor calls Beast Man a fury fool
Tri-Klops calls Beast Man a poor old fuzz-face
Beast Man calls Skeletor a skull-faced creep
King Randor calls Beast Man a furry devil
King Randor calls Beast Man a monster
Beast Man calls Mer-Man a fool
Beast Man calls Skeletor a skull-face
Beast Man calls Skeletor an old bonehead
Beast Man calls He-Man a fool
Beast Man calls Skeletor a bone-faced creep
Beast Man calls Skeletor a loudmouth
Skeletor calls Beast Man a fury flee-bitten fool
Mer-Man calls Beast Man a fool
He-Man calls Skeletor a loser
Skeletor calls He-Man, Teela, and Sorceress fools
A Gargons Warrior calls another Gargons Warrior a fool
Queen Balina calls He-Man a brave warrior
Queen Balina calls He-Man a fool
Queen Balina asks He-Man if he takes her for a fool
Queen Balina calls He-Man a stranger
Draca calls He-Man a stranger
Garn calls He-Man a stranger
Draca calls He-Man a fool
He-Man calls Queen Balina a cruel woman
Queen Balina calls Draca a fool
Teela calls Skeletor a villain
He-Man calls Skeletor a bonehead
Granamyr calls all humans lame, greedy, warlike, untruthful, and quite ugly
Beast Man calls He-Man a muscle-bound meddler
Skeletor calls Beast Man and Mer-Man simpletons
Mer-Man calls Beast Man a fuzzy-faced Cretan
Beast Man calls Mer-Man a fish-faced meathead
Skeletor calls Beast Man and Mer-Man fools
Skeletor calls Beast Man and Mer-Man fools
Skeletor calls He-Man a flippant fool
Beast Man calls He-Man a slave
Skeletor calls Beast Man a fool
Skeletor calls Orko a pipsqueak
Danavas calls He-Man, Teela, and Battle Cat fools 
Orko calls Cringer a dumb cat
He-Man calls Trap Jaw a metal mouth
Lord Masque calls Trap Jaw an incompetent fool
He-Man calls Trap Jaw Trappy
He-Man calls the Reptile Man scale face
Orko calls Ram Man a lead-head
Orko calls Lord Masque a funny face
Shokoti calls Ram Man a fool
He-Man calls Shokoti a witch
Chad calls Orko a funny magician
Battle Cat calls Orko funny
Squinch calls Man-E-Faces a creep creature
Man-E-Faces calls Squinch and Lara little worms
Orko calls the Widgets little squirts
Squinch calls Orko a half-pint
Skeletor calls Man-E-Faces a fool
Skeletor calls Man-E-Faces a dolt
Beast Man calls Man-E-Faces a slave
Beast Man calls Man-E-Faces a slave
Beast Man calls Man-E-Faces a slave
Skeletor calls Beast Man a fool
Giant guard calls He-Man a pipsqueak
Giant guard calls He-Man a shorty
Darkdream calls Tavor a fool
Darkdream calls Evil-Lyn a cowardly witch
Trap Jaw calls Cringer an overgrown cat
Prince Adam calls Aremesh a bright boy
Skeletor calls Orko a little floating bag of wind
Skeletor calls Beast Man a fuzz-brain
Aremesh calls He-Man a puny mortal
Skeletor calls Orko a little floating runt
Skeletor calls Orko a little bag of wind
Skeletor calls Beast Man an overgrown fur coat
Skeletor calls Battle Cat an overgrown alley cat
Aremesh calls Skeletor a fool
Trap Jaw calls Beast Man a hairy fool
Prince Adam calls Cringer a big coward
He-Man calls Mer-Man a fish-face
Mer-Man calls the Aquaticans fools
Man-At-Arms calls Skeletor a bonehead
Skeletor calls Beast Man and Trap Jaw fools
He-Man says Skeletor’s goons
Skeletor calls He-Man a muscle-bound oaf
Clawful calls Trap Jaw a cowardly hunk of tin
Clawful calls Orko a little runt
Teela calls Clawful a crust face
Battle Cat calls Ram Man effective but dumb
Negator calls He-Man and Ram-Man his pigeons
Shaman calls He-Man the ugly one
Skeletor calls Garth a hideous insect
Skeletor calls Garth a crawling ugly bug
Skeletor calls Garth He-Man’s ugly friend
He-Man calls Raybar a bully
Skeletor calls He-Man a lucky fool
Skeletor calls Clawful a fool
Skeletor calls Clawful a fool
Skeletor calls He-Man a fool
Skeletor calls Monteeg a boob
Skeletor calls Monteeg, Blackbeard, and Hannibal fools
Skeletor calls Kothos a fat fool
Teela calls Evil-Lyn an evil witch
Evil-Lyn calls Teela an impudent fool
He-Man calls Clawful lobster lips
Teela calls the Orks goons
Kothos calls the Orks fools
Granamyr calls Lyra small and foolish like all humans
Zem calls He-Man an oaf
Braylok calls He-Man and Man-At-Arms fools
The Game Master calls Humanoid a fool
Teela calls Kraggox gruesome
The Game Master calls Bear Man, Humanoid, Insect Men and Lizard Guards cowards
Skeletor calls the snake below Snake Mountain a fool
Cringer calls Castle Greyskull a creepy place
Baron Grod calls Cringer a good-looking beast
Baron Grod calls Gamrak a stupid ogre
Keeper calls He-Man a muscle man
Keeper calls He-Man a muscle man
Keeper calls He-Man a muscle man
Keeper calls He-Man a muscle man
Keeper calls Orko a strange little elf
Keeper calls Cambro big but dumb
Keeper calls He-Man a musclebound hero
Keeper calls the Birdmen birdbrains

Name-Calling on He-Man - Season 2

Webstor calls Skeletor boney
Skeletor calls Webstor a bug-face
Skeletor calls He-Man a muscle-bound buffoon
He-Man calls Skeletor a bonehead
Skeletor calls He-Man a fool
Skeletor calls Webstor a bug-face
Skeletor calls Webstor a spider-brain
Kittrina calls Battle Cat a big boy
Kittrina calls Battle Cat a big boy
Kittrina calls Battle Cat a big boy
Kittrina calls Battle Cat handsome
Kittrina calls Battle Cat handsome fellow
Webstor calls Kittrina a fur ball
Kittrina calls Webstor a spider-breath
Orko calls himself a noodlehead
Skeletor calls Prince Adam, Teela, and Orko fools
Teela calls Skeletor a bonehead
He-Man calls Skeletor a bone-face
Skeletor calls He-Man a muscle-head
Orko calls Skeletor a bonehead
Skeletor calls Orko a little pest 
Skeletor asks why he is surrounded by fools
Skeletor calls Trap Jaw a pile of scrap iron
Fisto calls the Elf Lord old pointy ears
Fisto says only fools want happiness
Fisto calls He-Man, Teela, Battle Cat, and Orko meddling do-gooders
Cringer calls Orko dorko
He-Man calls Orko pretty silly
Skeletor calls Beast Man a worthless hunk of fur
Skeletor calls Beast Man a dummy
Skeletor calls Beast Man a fur bag
Batros calls Teela and Orko fools
Orko calls Batros a bat-brain
Trap Jaw calls Batros a rotten shot
Batros calls Trap Jaw a rust head
Trap Jaw calls Orko a rotten pest
Skeletor calls Battle Cat He-Man’s stupid beast
Morgath calls the Sorceress and He-Man fools
Skeletor calls Mer-Man and Whiplash fishy fools
Whiplash calls Skeletor brilliant
Skeletor calls Orko a silly bag of wind
Skeletor calls Teela, Buzz-Off, and Orko do-gooders
Skeletor calls Mer-Man and Whiplash bumbling fools
Sh’Gora calls Skeletor a foolish creature
Skeletor calls the Sorceress, He-Man, Man-At-Arms, Teela, Fisto, Orko, and Battle Cat fools
Skeletor calls Whiplash wimplash
Skeletor calls King Randor, Queen Marlena, Man-At-Arms, Teela, Prince Adam, and Philip fools
Teela calls Icer a cube-face
Orko calls Whiplash alligator breath
Whiplash calls Snoob a wimp
Montork calls Whiplash a villain
Whiplash calls Orko, Dree Elle, and Snoob fools
Whiplash calls Orko, Dree Elle, Montork, and Snoob little pests
He-Man calls Whiplash a scale-head
He-Man calls Whiplash a villain
He-Man calls Orko little buddy
Skeletor calls Trap Jaw and Tri-Klops imbeciles
Skeletor calls the Avionians bird-brains
Whiplash calls Orko a half-pint sorcerer
Whiplash calls He-Man a muscle-headed moron
Kraal calls Whiplash a fool
Orko calls Granamyr a lizard breath
Webstor calls Kobra Khan a snake p*ss
Kobra Khan calls Webstor a web-head
Mekaneck calls Kobra Khan a snake-face
Webstor calls Buzz-Off a bee-brain
Kobra Khan calls Orko a meddling little wizard
Buzz-Off calls Bylon, Cara, and Verdor bats
Buzz-Off calls Bellatron a hunk of junk
He-Man calls Bellatron a bucket-face
Mekaneck calls Bellatron a rolling rust pot
Webstor calls Bellatron a stupid robot
He-Man calls Bellatron an overgrown tea-pot
Webstor calls He-Man a musclebound meddler
Granamyr calls He-Man hero of Eternia
Orko calls Granamyr a big bully
Skeletor calls Beast Man a fool
Evil-Lyn calls King Barbo a dope
Om calls Orko a little creature
Skeletor calls He-Man a musclebound moron
Teela calls the Belots cowards
Beast Man calls the rock creatures cowards
Beast Man calls the rock creatures miserable traitors
Orko calls Cringer lazy-bones
Orko calls Cringer a fraidy cat
Kobra Khan calls Whiplash, Clawful, and Mer-Man fools
Skeletor calls Whiplash and Clawful fools
Skeletor calls Cringer a silly cat
Skeletor calls Screeech a stupid machine
Skeletor calls Mer-Man, Clawful, and Whiplash fools
Skeletor calls Trap Jaw a tin tongued dolt
Skeletor calls Beast Man a flea-bitten fur-brain
Skeletor calls He-Man a musclebound moron
Skeletor calls Beast Man and Trap Jaw a couple of stupid assistants
Skeletor calls Beast Man and Trap Jaw a dim-witted duo
Skeletor calls Trap Jaw a metal-munching moron
Skeletor calls Beast Man and Trap Jaw fools
Skeletor calls Beast Man and Trap Jaw a pathetic pair of pitiful pinheads
Teela calls Skeletor a fiend
Queen Marlena calls Skeletor a villain
Queen Marlena calls Skeletor a demon
Teela calls Skeletor an evil monster
Teela calls Skeletor a hooded hoodlum
He-man calls Clawful fish bait
He-Man calls Clawful swamp breath
Skeletor calls Prince Glitch a fool
Skeletor calls Clawful a fishmonger
Skeletor calls Clawful and Evil-Lyn a fine pack of sniveling cowards
Skeletor calls Prince Glitch a sniveling little coward
Skeletor calls Prince Glitch a miserable wimp
Skeletor calls Prince Glitch a sniveling coward
Skeletor calls Prince Glitch a sniveling little coward
Skeletor calls Prince Glitch a sniveling little coward
Skeletor calls Prince Glitch a sniveling little Glitch
Skeletor calls Clawful a fool
Skeletor calls He-Man a musclebound meddler
Skeletor calls Prince Glitch a sniveling coward
He-Man calls Skeletor a real coward
King Sallas calls Skeletor a deceitful blaggard
Skeletor calls Beast Man a fur ball
He-Man calls Mer-Man a scale-face
Teela calls Trap Jaw a lump of worthless oar
Skeletor calls Beast Man, Mer-Man, Trap Jaw and Tri-Klops dullards
Skeletor calls Evil-Lyn, Beast Man, Mer-Man, Trap Jaw and Tri-Klops incompetent fools
Sticky Fingers calls Prince Adam and Teela land lovers
Sticky Fingers calls Batty, Frogman, Hisser, Lavaman, and Leo fools
Batty calls Cringer a p*ssy cat
Mer-Man calls Trap Jaw a metal mouth
Mer-Man calls Trap Jaw stupid
Lara calls Mer-Man a fish face
Evil-Lyn calls Squinch a little fool
He-Man calls Orko a big clown
Vokan calls Kobra Khan snake man
Skeletor calls Trap Jaw a fool
Skeletor calls Beast Man a fur face
Beast Man calls Holly lizard lips
Skeletor calls Beast Man a clumsy oaf
Skeletor calls Trap Jaw an incompetent pile of scrap metal
Skeletor calls Stanlan a young fool
Beast Man calls Holly a stupid Hollywag
Teela calls Cringer a cringer
A student calls Cringer a scaredy-cat
A student calls Cringer a cringer
King Tamusk calls King Randor a pretender
King Tamusk calls King Randor a liar
King Tamusk calls King Randor a coward
King Randor calls the Enchantress a witch
King Randor calls the Enchantress a witch
The Enchantress calls Drude a bothersome insect
The Enchantress calls King Miro a royal buffoon
The Enchantress calls Drude a slimy sludge
The Enchantress calls Drude a fool
The Enchantress calls Drude a sludge
Trap Jaw calls Whiplash a fool
Skeletor calls Trap Jaw and Whiplash dunderheads
Skeletor calls Snake Mountain dark and dismal
He-Man calls Battle Cat a mighty beast
Evil-Lyn calls Skeletor a bonehead
Skeletor calls Prince Adam and Man-At-Arms fools
Beast Man calls Orko a little magician
Evil-Lyn calls the Orks fools
Skeletor calls Webstor and Kobra Khan fools
Skeletor calls Orko a little insect and a fool
Skeletor calls Orko an insect
Skeletor calls Clawful a crab-faced coward
Sorceress calls Skeletor a villain
Skeletor calls Trap Jaw and Clawful fools
Sorceress calls Skeletor a fool
Skeletor calls Sorceress a goody goody witch
Beast Man calls Evil-Lyn a foolish witch
Beast Man calls Orko a small one
Evil-Lyn calls Orko a little one
Skeletor calls Beast Man and Trap Jaw meatheads
Skeletor calls Orko a little menace
Skeletor calls Orko foolish
Skeletor calls Beast Man and Trap Jaw dolts
Trap Jaw calls Beast Man a fur brain
Skeletor calls Beast Man and Trap Jaw no good rotten excuses
Melbrag calls his guards bunglers and fools
Evil-Lyn calls Battle Cat mangy
Skeletor calls Evil-Lyn a fool
Skeletor calls Man-At-Arms a tin hat
Skeletor calls Orko a little vermin
Orko calls Skeletor an evil creep
Skeletor calls the Goblins cowards
Skeletor calls Kol Darr a fool
Count Marzo calls Jonno a young airhead
Count Marzo calls Jonno a fool
Count Marzo calls Jonno a young fool
Count Marzo calls Jonno a fool boy
Skeletor calls Modulok a wimp scientist
Skeletor calls Modulok a wimp villain
Modulok calls Grabber a fool
Skeletor calls He-Man, Battle Cat and Jova fools
Whiplash calls He-Man’s friends Battle Cat and Jova mangy
Skeletor calls his doubles fools
Skeletor calls Jova a soon to be prisoner
Skeletor calls Whiplash a fool
Prince Moragore calls Evil-Lyn a witch
Trap Jaw calls Orko a slave
Beast Man calls He-Man and Man-At-Arms fools
Man-At-Arms calls Orko a little trickster
Two Bad calls Beast Man a fur face
Beast Man calls Two Bad a two-faced practical joker
Beast Man calls Two Bad pale faces
Two-Bad calls Beast Man a furry fossil
Skeletor calls Orko a meddling fool
Count Marzo calls Philip a fool
Count Marzo calls Philip an ungrateful wretch
Count Marzo calls Philip a scoundrel
Count Marzo calls Mekaneck a fool
He-Man calls Modulok a fiend
Man-At-Arms calls Modulok a fiend
Modulok calls Roboto a stupid robot
Skeletor calls The Toy Maker a little man
Skeletor calls Orko a little wizard
Skeletor calls The Toy Maker his slave
Angast calls Starchild, Lady Arvela, Bowena, He-Man, Orko, and Battle Cat fools
Angast calls Lady Arvela a foolish woman
Angast calls his guards clots and bunglers
Orko calls Angast a bat-face
Bowena calls Angast a horn-head
Skeletor calls Two Bad a fang face
Skeletor calls everyone goody-good fools
Skeletor calls He-Man a meddlesome muscle-man
Two Bad calls Trap Jaw a tin-head
Maddok calls Skeletor your greatness
Maddok calls Skeletor your excellence
Maddok calls Skeletor master
Maddok calls Skeletor sire
Skeletor calls Maddok a broken-down genius
Maddok calls Skeletor your perfectness
Maddok calls Skeletor master
Skeletor calls Maddok a ninny
Skeletor calls Maddok a fool
Maddok calls Skeletor your excellence
Maddok calls Skeletor master
Maddok calls Skeletor master
Attak Trak calls Land Shark smiley
Orko calls Kobra Khan a snake



Episode 5: She-Demon Of Phantos
Episode 16: Reign Of The Monster
Episode 20: Dawn Of Dragoon
Episode 32: Search For The VHO
Episode 33: The Starchild
Episode 35: The Sleepers Awaken
Episode 37: It’s Not My Fault
Episode 39: Trouble In Arcadia
Episode 50: Temple Of The Sun
Episode 58: The Once And Future Duke
Episode 64: The Remedy


Episode 4: The Gamesman
Episode 24: Just A Little Lie
Episode 28: Trouble’s Middle Name
Episode 36: Not So Blind
Episode 44: Orko’s New Friend
Episode 49: Battle Of The Dragons
Episode 50: Time Doesn’t Fly
Episode 55: Monster On The Mountain
Episode 63: The Games






01. 193 – Skeletor
02. 122 – Hordak
03. 42 – Catra
04. 38 – Princess Adora / She-Ra
05. 36 – He-Man
06. 29 – Shadow Weaver
07. 25 – Beast Man
08. 23 – Mantenna
09. 21 – She-Ra | Bow
10. 20 – Evil-Lyn
10. 18 – Horde Troopers
11. 17 – Princess Adora
12. 16 – Orko
12. 15 – Teela
14. 9 – Kowl | Imp
15. 8 – Keeper | Count Marzo
16. 7 – Trap Jaw | Whiplash | Leech | Sea Hawk | Perfuma
17. 6 – Mer-Man | Webstor | Kittrina | Scorpia | Grizzlor | Modulok
18. 5 – Cringer/Battle Cat | Admiral Scurvy
19. 4 – King Randor | The Enchantress | Glimmer | Tung Lashor | Huntara | Davy Jones
20. 3 – Prince Adam | Sorceress | Man-At-Arms | Fisto | Battle Cat | Kobra Khan | Two Bad | Sprag | Octavia | Netossa
21. 2 – Queen Marlena | Granamyr | Cringer | Mekaneck | Buzz-Off | Clawful | Madame Razz | Horde Prime | Peekablue | Drone 7 | Inspector Darkney
22. 1 – Man-E-Face | Tri-Klops Rattlor | Multi-Bot
23. 0 – Ram Man | Stratos | Sy-Klone | Moss Man | Roboto | Spikor | Broom


01. 85 – He-Man
02. 64 – Beast Man
03. 63 – Skeletor
04. 52 – Hordak | Orko
05. 50 – Horde Troopers
06. 41 – She-Ra
07. 40 – Bow
08. 32 – Trap Jaw
09. 24 – Grizzlor
10. 23 – Mantenna
11. 22 – Mer-Man
12. 19 – Princess Adora | Catra
13. 17 – Battle Cat
14. 14 – Evil-Lyn
15. 13 – Clawful | Madame Razz
16. 12 – Teela | Glimmer
17. 11 – Prince Adam | Cringer | Whiplash | Leech | Kowl
18. 9 – Man-At-Arms | Sea Hawk | Scorpia
19. 7 – Tri-Klops | Webstor | Broom
20. 6 – Two Bad | Imp | Dylamug
21. 5 – King Randor | Sorceress | Ram Man | Man-E-Faces | Kobra Khan | Ratlor | Shadow Weaver
22. 4 – Modulok | Multi-Bot
23. 3 – Spikor
24. 2 – Buzz-Off | Panthor | Swift Wind | Tung Lashor
25. 1 – Queen Marlena | Fisto | Mekaneck | Roboto | Queen Angela




01. 169 – Skeletor
02. 34 – He-Man
03. 24 – Beast Man
04. 20 – Evil-Lyn
05. 15 – Teela | Orko
06. 8 – Keeper | Count Marzo
07. 7 – Trap Jaw | Whiplash
08. 6 – Mer-Man | Webstor | Kittrina 
09. 5 – Cringer/Battle Cat
10. 4 – King Randor | The Enchantress
11. 3 – Prince Adam | Man-At-Arms | Fisto | Kobra Khan | Battle Cat
12. 2 – Sorceress | Queen Marlena | Cringer | Granamyr | Mekaneck | Buzz-Off | Clawful | Modulok
13. 1 – Man-E-Faces | Tri-Klops | Two Bad
14. 0 – Ram Man | Stratos | Sy-Klone | Moss Man | Roboto | Spikor


01. 60 – Beast Man
02. 56 – He-Man
03. 47 – Orko
04. 45 – Skeletor
05. 32 – Trap Jaw
06. 22 – Mer-Man
07. 17 – Battle Cat
08. 14 – Evil-Lyn | Clawful
09. 13 – Whiplash
10. 12 – Teela
11. 11 – Cringer
12. 8 – Man-At-Arms
13. 7 – Tri-Klops
14. 6 – Man-E-Faces | Webstor
15. 5 – Prince Adam | Sorceress | Ram Man
16. 4 – King Randor | Kobra Khan | Modulok
17. 3 – Two Bad
18. 2 – Panthor | Buzz-Off
19. 1 – Queen Marlena | Fisto | Mekaneck | Roboto


01. 106 – Fool/Fools
02. 66 – Fool
03. 40 – Fools



Episode 5: She-Demon Of Phantos
Episode 16: Reign Of The Monster
Episode 20: Dawn Of Dragoon
Episode 32: Search For The VHO
Episode 33: The Starchild
Episode 35: The Sleepers Awaken
Episode 37: It’s Not My Fault
Episode 39: Trouble In Arcadia
Episode 50: Temple Of The Sun
Episode 58: The Once And Future Duke
Episode 64: The Remedy


Episode 4: The Gamesman
Episode 24: Just A Little Lie
Episode 28: Trouble’s Middle Name
Episode 36: Not So Blind
Episode 44: Orko’s New Friend
Episode 49: Battle Of The Dragons
Episode 50: Time Doesn’t Fly
Episode 55: Monster On The Mountain
Episode 63: The Games


Name-Calling On The Secret Of The Sword and A Christmas Special (1985)

Name-Calling On He-Man And She-Ra: The Secret Of The Sword

The Laughing Swan Inn manager calls Prince Adam a stranger
A bard / harp player calls a Horde Trooper a miserable wretch
A Horde Trooper calls the bard / harp player a music-maker
A Horde Trooper calls Prince Adam a citizen
A Horde Trooper calls Bow a troublemaker
Bow calls himself a rebel
Shadow Weaver calls Prince Adam a stranger
Hordak calls Prince Adam a stranger
Hordak calls Prince Adam a stranger
Kowl calls Sprag a ninny
Sprag calls Cringer a p*ssy cat
Bow calls Leech a sucker-face
Scorpia calls Bow a rebel
Adora calls Bow and Glimmer rebels
Adora calls He-Man a rebel
Scorpia calls He-Man a muscle man
Sprag calls Mantenna a bug face
Sprag calls He-Man a big guy
Adora calls He-Man a rebel
Adora calls He-Man a stranger
Adora calls He-Man a stranger
Hordak calls He-Man a stranger
Shadow Weaver calls He-Man a stranger
Adora calls Hordak mighty one
Glimmer calls two Horde Troopers boys
A Horde Trooper calls Etherians slaves
Grizzlor calls Bow, Glimmer, Madame Razz, Broom, Kowl, and Battle Cat rebel fools
Hordak calls Bow, Glimmer, Madame Razz, Broom, Kowl, and Battle Cat rebels
He-Man calls Hordak a villain
Grizzlor calls Bow, Glimmer, Madame Razz, Broom, Kowl, He-Man, and Battle Cat rebels
Adora calls the Horde evil, cruel, unjust
Bow calls Prince Adam a brave man
Hordak calls the rebels pests
An Etherian slave calls Hordak an evil tyrant
Hordak calls the Horde Troopers incompetent fools
Hordak calls He-Man a rebel warrior
Shadow Weaver calls He-Man a rebel
Adora calls He-Man a lying rebel spy
Hordak calls He-Man a rebel
Shadow Weaver calls He-Man a rebel
Hordak calls He-Man a rebel
Adora calls He-Man a rebel
Adora calls He-Man a strong rebel
Adora calls He-Man a rebel warrior
Hordak calls He-Man and She-Ra rebels
Hordak calls He-Man a rebel
Hordak calls He-Man a rebel
Hordak calls He-Man a rebel
Sorceress calls Hordak a vicious tyrant
Bow calls Glimmer a fool
Glimmer calls Bow a fool
Hunga the Harpy calls He-Man and She-Ra fools
Queen Angella calls He-Man a mighty warrior
Shadow Weaver calls She-Ra the warrior woman
Skeletor calls Hordak an old friend
Hordak calls Adora a traitor to the Horde
Hordak calls Adora a traitor
Hordak says he’ll make life miserable for those Eternian fools
Skeletor calls Hordak an old friend
Hordak calls Skeletor a traitor
Skeletor calls Beast Man a fur face
Adora calls Beast Man fangs
Skeletor calls King Randor a royal boob
Skeletor calls Kobra Khan and Webstor nincompoops and pea brains
She-Ra calls Skeletor a bone brain
Skeletor calls She-Ra a female He-Man
Hordak calls Queen Angella a fool

Name-Calling On He-Man And She-Ra: A Christmas Special

Two Bad calls himself lame brain
Two Bad calls himself motor mouth
Skeletor calls Two Bad, Spikor, Webstor, and Rattlor fools
Skeletor calls She-Ra musclebound
Hordak calls Skeletor bone brain
Skeletor calls Hordak a miserable excuse for a villain
Skeletor calls Miguel and Alisha troublesome tots
Hordak calls Skeletor a bonehead
Hordak calls Skeletor a skull-faced scoundrel
Miguel calls Skeletor very kind
Skeletor calls Relay a bratty dog
Alisha calls Skeletor wonderful
He-Man calls Skeletor a bone face
Hordak calls Miguel and Alisha goody goods
Hordak calls Miguel and Alisha little fools




01. 18 – Hordak
02. 12 – Adora
03. 6 – Skeletor
04. 5 – Shadow Weaver
05. 4 – Bow | Horde Troopers
06. 3 – Sprag
07. 2 – Glimmer | Scorpia | Grizzlor
08. 1 – He-Man | She-Ra | Sorceress | Queen Angella | Kowl | Hunga The Harpy


01. 24 – He-Man
02. 7 – Bow
03. 6 – Prince Adam | Hordak
04. 5 – Glimmer
05. 4 – She-Ra
06. 3 – Horde Troopers | Madame Razz | Broom | Kowl | Battle Cat
07. 2 – Adora | Skeletor | Beast Man
08. 1 – Sprag | Cringer | Leech | Mantenna | King Randor | Kobra Khan | Webstor | Queen Angella


01. 5 – Skeletor | Hordak
02. 2 – Two Bad
03. 1 – He-Man | Miguel | Alisha


01. 6 – Skeletor
02. 3 – Two Bad | Miguel | Alisha
03. 1 – Spikor | Webstor | Rattlor | She-Ra | Hordak | Relay


01. 23 – Hordak
02. 12 – Adora
03. 11 – Skeletor
04. 5 – Shadow Weaver
05. 4 – Bow | Horde Troopers
06. 3 – Sprag
07. 2 – Glimmer | Scorpia | Grizzlor | Two Bad | He-Man
08. 1 – She-Ra | Sorceress | Queen Angella | Kowl | Hunga The Harpy | Miguel | Alisha


01. 24 – He-Man
02. 8 – Skeletor
03. 7 – Bow | Hordak
04. 6 – Prince Adam
05. 5 – Glimmer | She-Ra
06. 3 – Horde Troopers | Madame Razz | Broom | Kowl | Battle Cat | Miguel | Alisha
07. 2 – Adora | Beast Man | Webstor |
08. 1 – Sprag | Cringer | Leech | Mantenna | King Randor | Kobra Khan | Queen Angella | Spikor | Rattlor | Relay

- - - Updated - - -


01. 19 – Rebel/Rebels
02. 14 - Rebel
03. 9 – Fool/Fools
04. 8 – Stranger
05. 6 – Fools
06. 5 – Rebels
07. 3 – Fool
08. 3 – Traitor
09. 3 – Warrior






01. 193 – Skeletor
02. 122 – Hordak
03. 42 – Catra
04. 38 – Princess Adora / She-Ra
05. 36 – He-Man
06. 29 – Shadow Weaver
07. 25 – Beast Man
08. 23 – Mantenna
09. 21 – She-Ra | Bow
10. 20 – Evil-Lyn
10. 18 – Horde Troopers
11. 17 – Princess Adora
12. 16 – Orko
12. 15 – Teela
14. 9 – Kowl | Imp
15. 8 – Keeper | Count Marzo
16. 7 – Trap Jaw | Whiplash | Leech | Sea Hawk | Perfuma
17. 6 – Mer-Man | Webstor | Kittrina | Scorpia | Grizzlor | Modulok
18. 5 – Cringer/Battle Cat | Admiral Scurvy
19. 4 – King Randor | The Enchantress | Glimmer | Tung Lashor | Huntara | Davy Jones
20. 3 – Sorceress | Man-At-Arms | Fisto | Battle Cat | Kobra Khan | Two Bad | Sprag | Octavia | Netossa
21. 2 – Queen Marlena | Granamyr | Cringer | Mekaneck | Buzz-Off | Clawful | Madame Razz | Horde Prime | Peekablue | Drone 7 | Inspector Darkney
22. 1 – Prince Adam | Man-E-Face | Tri-Klops Rattlor | Multi-Bot
23. 0 – Ram Man | Stratos | Sy-Klone | Moss Man | Roboto | Spikor | Broom


01. 85 – He-Man
02. 64 – Beast Man
03. 63 – Skeletor
04. 52 – Hordak | Orko
05. 50 – Horde Troopers
06. 41 – She-Ra
07. 40 – Bow
08. 32 – Trap Jaw
09. 24 – Grizzlor
10. 23 – Mantenna
11. 22 – Mer-Man
12. 19 – Princess Adora | Catra
13. 17 – Battle Cat
14. 14 – Evil-Lyn
15. 13 – Clawful | Madame Razz
16. 12 – Teela | Glimmer
17. 11 – Prince Adam | Cringer | Whiplash | Leech | Kowl
18. 9 – Man-At-Arms | Sea Hawk | Scorpia
19. 7 – Tri-Klops | Webstor | Broom
20. 6 – Two Bad | Imp | Dylamug
21. 5 – King Randor | Sorceress | Ram Man | Man-E-Faces | Kobra Khan | Ratlor | Shadow Weaver
22. 4 – Modulok | Multi-Bot
23. 3 – Spikor
24. 2 – Buzz-Off | Panthor | Swift Wind | Tung Lashor
25. 1 – Queen Marlena | Fisto | Mekaneck | Roboto | Queen Angela

Name-Calling On She-Ra: Princess Of Power (1985-1986)



Episode 1: Into Etheria – The Laughing Swan Inn keeper calls Prince Adam a stranger; A bard / harp player calls a Horde Trooper a miserable wretch; A Horde Trooper calls the bard / harp player a music-maker; A Horde Trooper calls Prince Adam a citizen; A Horde Trooper calls Bow a troublemaker; Bow calls himself a rebel; Shadow Weaver calls Prince Adam a stranger; Hordak calls Prince Adam a stranger; Hordak calls Prince Adam a stranger; Kowl calls Sprag a ninny; Sprag calls Cringer a p*ssy cat; Bow calls Leech a sucker-face; Scorpia calls Bow a rebel; Adora calls Bow and Glimmer rebels; Adora calls He-Man a rebel; Scorpia calls He-Man a muscle man; Sprag calls Mantenna a bug face; Sprag calls He-Man a big guy; Adora calls He-Man a rebel

Episode 2: Beast Island – Adora calls He-Man a stranger; Adora calls He-Man a stranger; Hordak calls He-Man a stranger; Shadow Weaver calls He-Man a stranger; Adora calls Hordak mighty one; Glimmer calls two Horde Troopers boys; A Horde Trooper calls Etherians slaves; Grizzlor calls Bow, Glimmer, Madame Razz, Broom, Kowl, and Battle Cat rebel fools; Hordak calls Bow, Glimmer, Madame Razz, Broom, Kowl, and Battle Cat rebels; He-Man calls Hordak a villain; Grizzlor calls Bow, Glimmer, Madame Razz, Broom, Kowl, He-Man, and Battle Cat rebels; Adora calls the Horde evil, cruel, unjust

Episode 3: She-Ra Unchained – Bow calls Prince Adam a brave man; Hordak calls the rebels pests; An Etherian slave calls Hordak an evil tyrant; Hordak calls the Horde Troopers incompetent fools; Hordak calls He-Man a rebel warrior; Shadow Weaver calls He-Man a rebel; Adora calls He-Man a lying rebel spy; Hordak calls He-Man a rebel; Shadow Weaver calls He-Man a rebel; Hordak calls He-Man a rebel; Adora calls He-Man a rebel; Adora calls He-Man a strong rebel; Adora calls He-Man a rebel warrior; Hordak calls He-Man and She-Ra rebels; Hordak calls He-Man a rebel; Hordak calls He-Man a rebel; Hordak calls He-Man a rebel

Episode 4: Reunions – Sorceress calls Hordak a vicious tyrant; Bow calls Glimmer a fool; Glimmer calls Bow a fool; Hunga the Harpy calls He-Man and She-Ra fools; Queen Angella calls He-Man a mighty warrior; Shadow Weaver calls She-Ra the warrior woman; Skeletor calls Hordak an old friend; Hordak calls Adora a traitor to the Horde; Hordak calls Adora a traitor
Hordak says he’ll make life miserable for those Eternian fools

Episode 5: Battle For Bright Moon – Skeletor calls Hordak an old friend; Hordak calls Skeletor a traitor; Skeletor calls Beast Man a fur face; Adora calls Beast Man fangs; Skeletor calls King Randor a royal boob; Skeletor calls Kobra Khan and Webstor nincompoops and pea brains; She-Ra calls Skeletor a bone brain; Skeletor calls She-Ra a female He-Man; Hordak calls Queen Angella a fool

Episode 6: Duel At Devlan – The Inn-keeper calls Dylamug rotten

Episode 7: The Sea Hawk – Sea Hawk calls Swen a sympathetic fool; Adora calls Sea Hawk a traitor; Grizzlor calls Catra a cheater; Catra calls Adora a rebel; Sea Hawk calls Catra whiskers; Catra calls Sea Hawk a treacherous pirate dog; She-Ra calls Catra a poor little kitty; Sea Hawk calls Catra and Grizzlor horde squids; Sea Hawk calls Hordak old boney

Episode 8: The Red Knight – Hordak calls Imp a nasty little nit; Hordak calls Mantenna a brainless boob; Hordak calls the rebels fools; Hordak calls Mantenna, Leech, and Scorpia dolts

Episode 9: The Missing Ax – Mantenna calls Bow She-Ra’s worthless friend; Mantenna calls Bow She-Ra’s rebel friend

Episode 10: The Laughing Dragon – Kowl calls Bow an accident; Kowl calls Bow a gallivanting gallant; Leech calls Sorrowful a clown; Leech calls Sorrowful a lily-livered reptile

Episode 11: The Peril Of Whispering Woods – NO NAME-CALLING

Episode 12: The Prisoners Of Beast Island – Catra calls Leech a fool; Sorrowful calls Hordak Your Awfulness; Catra calls the Horde Troopers fools; Catra calls Grizzlor a fool; Bow calls a Horde Trooper a revolting robot; Catra calls Madame Razz and Castaspella rebels; Sorrowful calls Catra a mean person; Catra calls Grizzlor, Leech, and Rattlor fools, dolts, worthless, empty-headed

Episode 13: King Miro’s Journey – Hordak calls the Horde Troopers clowns; Hordak calls Inspector Darkney a coward

Episode 14: Friendship – Hordak calls a Horde Trooper a fool; Hordak calls Adora a traitor

Episode 15: He Ain’t Heavy – Hordak calls Adora a traitorous outlaw rebel; Hordak calls Adora a traitor

Episode 16: Return Of The Sea Hawk – Catra calls She-Ra a musclebound meddler; Catra calls Grizzlor a fur-face; Catra calls Grizzlor a fur-ball; She-Ra calls Catra cat-lady; Sea Hawk calls the Horde Troopers metal heads; Catra calls Sea Hawk a worm; Catra calls Sea Hawk a fool; Catra calls Sea Hawk a rebel-loving slug; Sea Hawk calls Grizzlor a fur-faced nightmare

Episode 17: A Loss For Words – A Horde Trooper calls Bow a rebel; Imp calls Shadow Weaver a fool; Hordak calls Shadow Weaver a second-rate sorceress from Mystacor; Hordak calls Mantenna a worm; Mantenna calls Hordak great one; Hordak calls Bow a rebel spy

Episode 18: Gateway To Trouble – Kowl calls a Horde Trooper a swamp slug; Kowl calls a Horde Trooper a __ head; Modulok calls Tung Lash long lips; Hordak calls Skeletor a bone-faced bog waddler; Skeletor calls Hordak an oversized rust-bucket; Hordak calls Skeletor a bonehead; Hordak calls He-Man, She-Ra, and Battle Cat troublemakers

Episode 19: Enchanted Castle – Mortella calls her Magic Knights fools; Mortella calls She-Ra and Bow fools

Episode 20: Three Courageous Hearts – NO NAME-CALLING

Episode 21: The Stone In The Sword – Hordak calls Grizzlor a clumsy cluck; Grizzlor calls Hordak his high and mightiness; Grizzlor calls Hordak great maestro; Hordak calls Grizzlor a pea-brain; Hordak calls himself Horrible Hordak and a herd of hideous hordsmen; Hordak calls Grizzlor a twit; Hordak calls Grizzlor a bumbling boob; Shadow Weaver calls Bow her pretty little pet; Hordak calls Bow a rebel; Hordak calls Bow a rebel; She-Ra calls Hordak a happy loser

Episode 22: The Crystal Castle – The fire calls She-Ra a mortal woman; A troll calls She-Ra a warrior woman

Episode 23: The Crown Of Knowledge – Imp calls Adora a rebel; Hordak calls Imp wonderful; Shadow Weaver calls Hordak the meanest man she knows

Episode 24: Enemy With My Face – Hordak calls She-Ra a nuisance

Episode 25: Small Problems – Catra calls Scorpia a miserable insect; Catra calls Hordak mighty one; Bow calls the Horde Troopers fools; Bow calls Scorpia the Horde’s finest warrior; Catra calls the Horde Troopers fools; Scorpia calls Catra a fool; Catra calls Scorpia a bug-face; Kowl calls Bow a joke

Episode 26: Book Burning – Leech calls Adora and Bow rebels; Cory calls Adora and Bow rebels; Hordak says She-Ra made the Horde look like fools

Episode 27: The Eldritch Mist – Hordak calls He-Man a character; Hordak calls He-Man and She-Ra rebels

Episode 28: Bow’s Farewell – Catra calls the Horde Troopers fools; She-Ra calls the Horde Troopers clumsy; Catra calls the Horde Troopers mumblers, fools, cowards; Catra calls She-Ra and Bow fools

Episode 29: The Price Of Freedom – Hordak calls He-Man Eternia’s golden boy

Episode 30: Play It Again, Bow – Catra calls Bow, Frit and the Twiggets rebels; Catra calls Madame Razz a rebel; Catra calls Bow, Frit, Madame Razz, and the Twiggets helpless fools; Catra calls She-Ra a fool; Frit calls Madame Razz his beauty; Madame Razz calls Frit her honey-bunch

Episode 31: The Reluctant Wizard – A Horde Trooper calls Hordak wonderful-great; Catra calls She-Ra a miserable insect

Episode 32: Friends Are Where You Find Them – Hordak calls a Horde Trooper a fool; Hordak calls a Horde Trooper a fool; Catra calls Adora a traitor; Leech calls Grizzlor a fur-brain

Episode 33: A Talent For Trouble – Mantenna calls the Horde Troopers useless tin cans; Hordak calls Orko a creature; Orko calls Hordak a bone brain; Hordak calls Orko an insect; Catra calls He-Man bothersome

Episode 34: Troll’s Dream – Duke Dreer calls Bow, Kowl, and Sprag twits

Episode 35: Black Snow – She-Ra calls Multi-Bot a metalhead; She-Ra calls Multi-Bot a goofy robot; Multi-Bot calls Modulok a genius; Modulok calls Multi-Bot a nincompoop; Modulok calls Multi-Bot a big mouth; Modulok calls She-Ra a meddling woman 

Episode 36: The Unicorn King – Hordak calls Mantenna floppy-eyes; Hordak calls Mantenna a fool; Hordak calls Mantenna a nincompoop; Mantenna calls Hordak magnificent; Hordak calls Mantenna a bug-brain; Hordak calls Mantenna a fool; Mantenna calls Hordak magnificent

Episode 37: The Anxious Apprentice – Scorpia calls Ariel a little troublemaker; Ariel calls Scorpia a big bully bug; Scorpia calls Ariel a troublemaker

Episode 38: Zoo Story – Adora calls Bow foolish; Kowl calls Vultak a feathered freak

Episode 39: Into The Dark Dimension – She-Ra calls Hordak a power-mad, narrow-minded fool; Catra calls She-Ra, Bow, and Madame Razz rebels

Episode 40: Treasure Of The First Ones – Octavia calls She-Ra a rebel; Hordak calls Octavia a fool

Episode 41: Glimmer’s Story – Glimmer calls Prince Highcliff handsome; Imp calls Catra ugly

Episode 42: The Mines Of Mondor – Scorpia calls Prince Hazar a rebel

Episode 43: Welcome Back, Kowl – Hordak calls Madame Razz a rebel witch; Hordak calls Madame Razz a rebel; Tung Lashor calls Madame Razz a rebel hack

Episode 44: The Rock People – Catra calls the Rock People rockheads; Scorpia calls She-Ra a blondie; Mantenna calls the Rock People rockheads; Kowl calls Stonedar and Granita cowards; Catra calls Stonedar and Granita rockheads; Hordak calls the Horde Troopers fools

Episode 45: Huntara – Imp calls Catra, Scorpia, Mantenna, Leech, and Grizzlor a bunch of wimps; Catra calls Imp a big faced little snoop; Hordak calls Catra, Scorpia, Mantenna, Leech, and Grizzlor fools and dolts; Hordak calls She-Ra evil; Huntara calls She-Ra powerful; Huntara calls She-Ra an evil one; She-Ra calls Huntara clever; Huntara calls She-Ra a worthy opponent; Huntara calls She-Ra evil one; Hordak calls Huntara a foolish woman; Hordak calls the Horde Troopers nincompoops; bunglers; Hordak calls Catra and Scorpia fools

Episode 46: Micah Of Bright Moon – Tung Lashor calls Hordak mighty; Tung Lashor calls Hordak mighty; Tung Lashor calls Hordak old great one; Hordak calls Tung Lashor a fool

Episode 47: The Price Of Power – Nightfire calls Norwyn, She-Ra, Swift Wind; Madame Razz, and Broom fools

Episode 48: Birds Of A Feather – Hordak calls Kowl a rebel; Shadow Weaver calls Red-Eye a silly fur-ball; Bow calls Kowl a featherhead; Hordak calls Adora, Glimmer, and Bow rebels; Hordak calls Red-Eye an idiot; Hordak calls the Horde Troopers fools

Episode 49: For Want Of A Horse – A Horde Trooper calls Bow tough, clever, scary; Shadow Weaver calls a Horde Trooper a fool; Shadow Weaver calls She-Ra a wind head; Hordak calls Mantenna a soggy simpleton; She-Ra calls Bow a brave, wonderful fool; Bow calls the Horde Troopers rotten robots; Shadow Weaver calls the Horde Troopers fools

Episode 50: Just Like Me – Leena calls Adora a regular woman; Leena calls She-Ra strong and brave; Modulok calls Adora a meddling rebel

Episode 51: My Friend, My Enemy – Bow calls a Horde Trooper a metalhead; Hordak calls Catra a fool

Episode 52: The Wizard – Adora calls Leech and the Horde Troopers bullies; Kowl calls himself a useless coward; Doctor Drome calls Acrobad a bouncing boob; Colonel Blast calls Kowl a mangy bird; Colonel Blast calls Broom rotty-looking; Bow calls Kowl a rotten bird

Episode 53: Unexpected Ally – Bow calls General Sunder a fiend; General Sunder calls Bow a rebel; A Horde Trooper calls Bow a fool; A Horde Trooper calls She-Ra stupid; Bow calls Mally a rebel; Hordak calls She-Ra, Bow, and Mally rebels

Episode 54: The Light Of The Crystal – Catra calls She-Ra the rebel queen; Catra calls She-Ra a rebel; Catra calls Prince Arkion a rebel 

Episode 55: Loo-Kee Lends A Hand – Imp calls She-Ra and Frosta rebels; Hordak calls She-Ra and Frosta rebels; Shadow Weaver calls Imp a squirt; Shadow Weaver calls Imp a toad; Skeletor calls Beast Man a miserable beast; Skeletor calls Beast Man an imbecile; Mantenna calls Hordak great one; Hordak calls Mantenna a fool

Episode 56: Of Shadows And Skulls – Shadow Weaver calls Imp a pig-faced little worm; Hordak calls Shadow Weaver a useless trickster; Imp calls Shadow Weaver shadow wimpy; Skeletor calls Spikor a nail-head; Hordak calls Skeletor a boneheaded bog waddler; Skeletor calls Hordak bolt breath; Skeletor calls Hordak a dolt; She-Ra calls Skeletor a bone brain; Skeletor calls She-Ra a fool; Shadow Weaver calls Hordak mighty one; Hordak calls Skeletor a boney buffoon; Skeletor calls Catra, Scorpia, Leech, Grizzlor, and Mantenna slugs; Imp calls Catra, Scorpia, Leech, Grizzlor, and Mantenna cowards; Bow calls Hordak a villain

Episode 57: Jungle Fever – Imp calls Catra Madame cat; Catra calls Imp a little beast; Hordak calls Grizzlor and Rattlor fools; She-Ra calls Rattlor Hordak’s slimy friend

Episode 58: Horde Prime Takes A Holiday – Hordak calls Horde Prime great one; Mantenna calls Horde Prime most exalted and wonderful ruler of the entire galaxy; Horde Prime calls Mantenna a bug-eyed buffoon; Hordak calls Horde Prime ruler of the galaxy; Skeletor calls Hordak a blasted Horde bully-boy, and a conniving claim jumper; Mantenna calls Hordak a mighty one; Hordak calls Mantenna a bug-eyed boob; Hordak calls Skeletor a treacherous turncoat two-faced traitor; Hordak calls Skeletor a bone face; Hordak calls Skeletor a blasted blue bungler; He-Man calls Hordak and Skeletor evil monsters; She-Ra calls Skeletor a rat; She-Ra calls Hordak a rat

Episode 59: Anchors Aloft – Part 1 – Davy Jones calls Sea Hawk an overgrown oaf; Davy Jones calls Sea Hawk the sorriest sap of a sea hawk; Davy Jones calls Sea Hawk Mr. Smarty Sea Hawk; Davy Jones calls Sea Hawk a dummy; Sea Hawk calls Davy Jones a strange little mouse; Admiral Scurvy calls Adora a rebel

Episode 60: Anchors Aloft – Part 2 – Adora calls Admiral Scurvy a monster; Admiral Scurvy calls a Horde Trooper a stupid robot; Swen calls the Horde Troopers cowardly tin cans; A Horde Trooper calls Swen a sea dog; Davy Jones calls a Horde Trooper a pitiful piece of vermin; A Horde Trooper calls Davy Jones an insulant rodent; Admiral Scurvy calls Adora the leader of the rebellion and a traitor to the Horde; Adora calls Admiral Scurvy a monster; Admiral Scurvy calls the Horde Troopers fools; Admiral Scurvy calls She-Ra a blasted flying female

Episode 61: Darksmoke And Fire – NO NAME-CALLING

Episode 62: Magicats – NO NAME-CALLING

Episode 63: Wild Child – Bow calls Kowl a featherbrain

Episode 64: Flowers For Hordak – Mantenna calls Hordak majestic one; Mantenna calls Hordak merciful one; Hordak calls Glimmer a rebel; Perfuma calls Hordak hordikins; Perfuma calls the Horde Troopers sweet; Perfuma calls the Horde Troopers clumsy; Perfuma calls Hordak hordikins; Perfuma calls Hordak hordikins; Perfuma calls Hordak an old grouch; She-Ra calls the Horde Troopers the welcoming committee; Hordak calls the Horde Troopers idiots; Perfuma calls Hordak hordikins; She-Ra calls Hordak hordikins

Episode 65: The Greatest Magic – Doctor Zoog calls She-Ra a meddling muscle woman; Foosabella the Muckess calls Doctor Zoog a scoundrel


Episode 1: One To Count On – Leech calls Adora, Bow, and Glimmer rebels; Leech calls the Horde Troopers bunglers; Leech calls Adora, Bow, and Glimmer rebels; Catra calls Bow a rebel

Episode 2: Return Of The General – She-Ra calls Hordak a fiend; Hordak calls Mally and Telzy pitiful prisoners; Mantenna calls Hordak masterful; Mantenna calls Hordak your evilness; Hordak calls She-Ra a dreaded rebel; Hordak calls General Sunder a rebel

Episode 3: Out Of The Cocoon – Baron Condor calls his soldiers fools; Baron Condor calls Bow and Prince Norb fools

Episode 4: A Lesson In Love – Hordak calls Mantenna an incompetent fool; Hordak calls Mantenna a bumbling fool; Hordak calls Mantenna a fool; Hordak calls Prince Kevin a fool; Shadow Weaver calls She-Ra a muscle-brain

Episode 5: Something Old, Something New – Ely calls a Horde Trooper a big metal lummox; Shadow Weaver calls the Horde Troopers fools; Shadow Weaver calls Ely a thief; Shadow Weaver calls She-Ra a meddler

Episode 6: Loo-Kee’s Sweety – Catra calls Pop-Pee a multi-colored maggot; Catra calls She-Ra and Laa-See rebels

Episode 7: The Pearl – Hordak calls a Horde Trooper a fool; Hordak calls a Horde Trooper an iron fool

Episode 8: The Time Transformer – A Horde Trooper calls Adora a traitor; A Horde Trooper calls Adora a traitor; A Horde Trooper calls Adora a traitor; Hordak calls the Horde Troopers fools; Hordak calls the Horde Troopers bolt bags; Hordak calls the Horde Troopers metallic nincompoops; Hordak calls She-Ra a foolish woman

Episode 9: Above It All – Bow calls She-Ra an answer to a prayer; She-Ra calls Shadow Weaver a blowhard 

Episode 10: Day Of The Flowers – Hordak calls the Monstroids drumheads

Episode 11: Brigis – Mantenna calls Adora a rebel; Mantenna calls Grizzlor a fool; Shadow Weaver calls Mantenna, Grizzlor, and the Horde Troopers fools; Mantenna calls Hordak mighty

Episode 12: The Caregiver – Hordak calls Madame Razz a ridiculous witch; Madame Razz calls Shakra a traitor

Episode 13: When Whispering Woods Last Bloomed – Hordak calls Catra, Grizzlor, and Mantenna fools; Imp calls Catra a little feline failure; Netossa calls the Horde Troopers big chunks of scrap metal; Netossa calls the Horde Troopers walking junk piles; Netossa calls the Horde Troopers walking vacuum cleaners

Episode 14: Romeo And Glimmer – Kowl calls a Horde Trooper a turkey; Hordak calls Corporal Romeo a fool Horde soldier

Episode 15: The Perils Of Peekablue – Peekablue calls Hordak a cruel, evil, heartless tyrant; Bow calls Hordak a beast; Peekablue calls Hordak evil; Bow calls Hordak an evil, viscous monster; Hordak calls Glimmer sparkle-head

Episode 16: Just The Way You Are – King Darkspur calls his guard a fool

Episode 17: The Locket – Rattlor calls the Horde Troopers fools; Catra calls Sorrowful, Bow, Kowl, Madame Razz, and Broom rebels; She-Ra calls Hordak a monster

Episode 18: She-Ra Makes A Promise – Mantenna calls Hordak mighty one; Hordak calls Mantenna an armor-plated pop-eye; Hordak calls Mantenna a fool; Octavia calls Sprocker a little rebel stray; Octavia calls Sprocker a rebel; Hordak calls Bow, Arrow, Madame Razz, and Broom fools; Bow calls Hordak a coward

Episode 19: Bow’s Magical Gift – Grizzlor calls Bow a rebel; Hordak calls Bow a fool; Horde Prime calls Bow an over-confident show-off; Hordak calls Grizzlor a fool

Episode 20: Sweet Bee’s Home – Hordak calls a Horde Trooper a tin dolt; She-Ra calls He-Man a chicken

Episode 21: Glimmer Come Home – Bow calls the Horde Troopers robot goons; Shadow Weaver calls Hordak his evilness; Shadow Weaver calls Glimmer a foolish girl; Glimmer calls herself foolish

Episode 22: The Inspector – Hordak calls the Horde Troopers bumbling robots; Hordak calls Spyster a bumbling fool; Inspector Darkney calls Hordak a miserable excuse for a Horde Commander; Inspector Darkney calls Hordak a bumbling bozo

Episode 23: Portrait Of Doom – Hordak calls Catra hasty; Hordak calls Catra a bumbling fur-brain; Catra calls She-Ra, Swift Wind, Sprint and Sprintina rebel scum

Episode 24: Hordak’s Power Play – Catra calls a Horde Trooper a clumsy can of cogs; Hordak calls himself invincible, fearless; Hordak calls She-Ra an irritating amazon

Episode 25: Shades Of Orko – Shadow Weaver calls Orko a miserable excuse for a wizard; Shadow Weaver calls Orko a little bozo; Shadow Weaver calls Orko a little pest; Shadow Weaver calls Orko’s shadow miserable; Shadow Weaver calls Grizzlor and Dylamug fools; Shadow Weaver calls Grizzlor and Dylamug buffoons; Shadow Weaver calls Grizzlor and Dylamug worthless bumblers; Bow calls Man-At-Arms a dreamer; Mantenna calls Grizzlor, Leech, Rattlor, and Dylamug buffoons; Mantenna calls Grizzlor, Leech, Rattlor, and Dylamug dullards

Episode 26: Assault On The Hive – Skeletor calls Trap Jaw a tin head; Beast Man calls Skeletor awesome; Drone 7 calls Skeletor a bone-faced monster; Skeletor calls Drone 7 a bug-brain; Drone 7 calls Skeletor a monster; Skeletor calls Drone 7 a bee-man; Skeletor calls Drone 7 a slave; Skeletor calls Sweet Bee a bee lady; Sweet Bee calls Trap Jaw a can-opener with a bad temper

Episode 27: The Bibbet Story – A Horde Trooper calls She-Ra a muscle-maiden; Bibbet Elder calls Dee and Koo foolish young people; A Horde Trooper calls Koo a mean little thing; Dee calls a Horde Trooper a rotten robot; A Horde Trooper calls Dee short stuff; A Horde Trooper calls Bow a rebel

Episode 28: Swifty’s Baby – Imp calls the Bibbets rough and tough; Catra calls the Horde Troopers mumblers, fools, cowards; She-Ra calls Catra a nice kitty; Mantenna calls Hordak clever; Mantenna calls Hordak mighty; Mantenna calls Hordak mighty


Name-Calling on She-Ra – Season 1

The Laughing Swan Inn-keeper calls Prince Adam a stranger
A bard / harp player calls a Horde Trooper a miserable wretch
A Horde Trooper calls the bard / harp player a music-maker
A Horde Trooper calls Prince Adam a citizen
A Horde Trooper calls Bow a troublemaker
Bow calls himself a rebel
Shadow Weaver calls Prince Adam a stranger
Hordak calls Prince Adam a stranger
Hordak calls Prince Adam a stranger
Kowl calls Sprag a ninny
Sprag calls Cringer a p*ssy cat
Bow calls Leech a sucker-face
Scorpia calls Bow a rebel
Adora calls Bow and Glimmer rebels
Adora calls He-Man a rebel
Scorpia calls He-Man a muscle man
Sprag calls Mantenna a bug face
Sprag calls He-Man a big guy
Adora calls He-Man a rebel
Adora calls He-Man a stranger
Adora calls He-Man a stranger
Hordak calls He-Man a stranger
Shadow Weaver calls He-Man a stranger
Adora calls Hordak mighty one
Glimmer calls two Horde Troopers boys
A Horde Trooper calls Etherians slaves
Grizzlor calls Bow, Glimmer, Madame Razz, Broom, Kowl, and Battle Cat rebel fools
Hordak calls Bow, Glimmer, Madame Razz, Broom, Kowl, and Battle Cat rebels
He-Man calls Hordak a villain
Grizzlor calls Bow, Glimmer, Madame Razz, Broom, Kowl, He-Man, and Battle Cat rebels
Adora calls the Horde evil, cruel, unjust
Bow calls Prince Adam a brave man
Hordak calls the rebels pests
An Etherian slave calls Hordak an evil tyrant
Hordak calls the Horde Troopers incompetent fools
Hordak calls He-Man a rebel warrior
Shadow Weaver calls He-Man a rebel
Adora calls He-Man a lying rebel spy
Hordak calls He-Man a rebel
Shadow Weaver calls He-Man a rebel
Hordak calls He-Man a rebel
Adora calls He-Man a rebel
Adora calls He-Man a strong rebel
Adora calls He-Man a rebel warrior
Hordak calls He-Man and She-Ra rebels
Hordak calls He-Man a rebel
Hordak calls He-Man a rebel
Hordak calls He-Man a rebel
Sorceress calls Hordak a vicious tyrant
Bow calls Glimmer a fool
Glimmer calls Bow a fool
Hunga the Harpy calls He-Man and She-Ra fools
Queen Angella calls He-Man a mighty warrior
Shadow Weaver calls She-Ra the warrior woman
Skeletor calls Hordak an old friend
Hordak calls Adora a traitor to the Horde
Hordak calls Adora a traitor
Hordak says he’ll make life miserable for those Eternian fools
Skeletor calls Hordak an old friend
Hordak calls Skeletor a traitor
Skeletor calls Beast Man a fur face
Adora calls Beast Man fangs
Skeletor calls King Randor a royal boob
Skeletor calls Kobra Khan and Webstor nincompoops and pea brains
She-Ra calls Skeletor a bone brain
Skeletor calls She-Ra a female He-Man
Hordak calls Queen Angella a fool
The Inn-keeper calls Dylamug rotten
Sea Hawk calls Swen a sympathetic fool
Adora calls Sea Hawk a traitor
Grizzlor calls Catra a cheater
Catra calls Adora a rebel
Sea Hawk calls Catra whiskers
Catra calls Sea Hawk a treacherous pirate dog
She-Ra calls Catra a poor little kitty
Sea Hawk calls Catra and Grizzlor horde squids
Sea Hawk calls Hordak old boney
Hordak calls Imp a nasty little nit
Hordak calls Mantenna a brainless boob
Hordak calls the rebels fools
Hordak calls Mantenna, Leech, and Scorpia dolts
Mantenna calls Bow She-Ra’s worthless friend
Mantenna calls Bow She-Ra’s rebel friend
Kowl calls Bow an accident
Kowl calls Bow a gallivanting gallant
Leech calls Sorrowful a clown
Leech calls Sorrowful a lily-livered reptile
Catra calls Leech a fool
Sorrowful calls Hordak Your Awfulness
Catra calls the Horde Troopers fools
Catra calls Grizzlor a fool
Bow calls a Horde Trooper a revolting robot
Catra calls Madame Razz and Castaspella rebels
Sorrowful calls Catra a mean person
Catra calls Grizzlor, Leech, and Rattlor fools, dolts, worthless, empty-headed
Hordak calls the Horde Troopers clowns
Hordak calls Inspector Darkney a coward
Hordak calls a Horde Trooper a fool
Hordak calls Adora a traitor
Hordak calls Adora a traitorous outlaw rebel
Hordak calls Adora a traitor
Catra calls She-Ra a musclebound meddler
Catra calls Grizzlor a fur-face
Catra calls Grizzlor a fur-ball
She-Ra calls Catra cat-lady
Sea Hawk calls the Horde Troopers metal heads
Catra calls Sea Hawk a worm
Catra calls Sea Hawk a fool
Catra calls Sea Hawk a rebel-loving slug
Sea Hawk calls Grizzlor a fur-faced nightmare
A Horde Trooper calls Bow a rebel
Imp calls Shadow Weaver a fool
Hordak calls Shadow Weaver a second-rate sorceress from Mystacor
Hordak calls Mantenna a worm
Mantenna calls Hordak great one
Hordak calls Bow a rebel spy
Kowl calls a Horde Trooper a swamp slug
Kowl calls a Horde Trooper a __ head
Modulok calls Tung Lash long lips
Hordak calls Skeletor a bone-faced bog waddler
Skeletor calls Hordak an oversized rust-bucket
Hordak calls Skeletor a bonehead
Hordak calls He-Man, She-Ra, and Battle Cat troublemakers
Mortella calls her Magic Knights fools; Mortella calls She-Ra and Bow fools
Hordak calls Grizzlor a clumsy cluck
Grizzlor calls Hordak his high and mightiness
Grizzlor calls Hordak great maestro
Hordak calls Grizzlor a pea-brain
Hordak calls himself Horrible Hordak and a herd of hideous hordsmen
Hordak calls Grizzlor a twit
Hordak calls Grizzlor a bumbling boob
Shadow Weaver calls Bow her pretty little pet
Hordak calls Bow a rebel
Hordak calls Bow a rebel
She-Ra calls Hordak a happy loser
The fire calls She-Ra a mortal woman
A troll calls She-Ra a warrior woman
Imp calls Adora a rebel
Hordak calls Imp wonderful
Shadow Weaver calls Hordak the meanest man she knows
Hordak calls She-Ra a nuisance
Catra calls Scorpia a miserable insect
Catra calls Hordak mighty one
Bow calls the Horde Troopers fools
Bow calls Scorpia the Horde’s finest warrior
Catra calls the Horde Troopers fools
Scorpia calls Catra a fool
Catra calls Scorpia a bug-face
Kowl calls Bow a joke
Leech calls Adora and Bow rebels
Cory calls Adora and Bow rebels
Hordak says She-Ra made the Horde look like fools
Hordak calls He-Man a character
Hordak calls He-Man and She-Ra rebels
Catra calls the Horde Troopers fools
She-Ra calls the Horde Troopers clumsy
Catra calls the Horde Troopers mumblers, fools, cowards
Catra calls She-Ra and Bow fools
Hordak calls He-Man Eternia’s golden boy
Catra calls Bow, Frit and the Twiggets rebels
Catra calls Madame Razz a rebel
Catra calls Bow, Frit, Madame Razz, and the Twiggets helpless fools
Catra calls She-Ra a fool
Frit calls Madame Razz his beauty
Madame Razz calls Frit her honey-bunch
A Horde Trooper calls Hordak wonderful-great
Catra calls She-Ra a miserable insect
Hordak calls a Horde Trooper a fool
Hordak calls a Horde Trooper a fool
Catra calls Adora a traitor
Leech calls Grizzlor a fur-brain
Mantenna calls the Horde Troopers useless tin cans
Hordak calls Orko a creature
Orko calls Hordak a bone brain
Hordak calls Orko an insect
Catra calls He-Man bothersome
Duke Dreer calls Bow, Kowl, and Sprag twits
She-Ra calls Multi-Bot a metalhead
She-Ra calls Multi-Bot a goofy robot
Multi-Bot calls Modulok a genius
Modulok calls Multi-Bot a nincompoop
Modulok calls Multi-Bot a big mouth
Modulok calls She-Ra a meddling woman 
Hordak calls Mantenna floppy-eyes
Hordak calls Mantenna a fool
Hordak calls Mantenna a nincompoop
Mantenna calls Hordak magnificent
Hordak calls Mantenna a bug-brain
Hordak calls Mantenna a fool
Mantenna calls Hordak magnificent
Scorpia calls Ariel a little troublemaker
Ariel calls Scorpia a big bully bug
Scorpia calls Ariel a troublemaker
Adora calls Bow foolish
Kowl calls Vultak a feathered freak
She-Ra calls Hordak a power-mad, narrow-minded fool
Catra calls She-Ra, Bow, and Madame Razz rebels
Octavia calls She-Ra a rebel
Hordak calls Octavia a fool
Glimmer calls Prince Highcliff handsome
Imp calls Catra ugly
Scorpia calls Prince Hazar a rebel
Hordak calls Madame Razz a rebel witch
Hordak calls Madame Razz a rebel
Tung Lashor calls Madame Razz a rebel hack
Catra calls the Rock People rockheads
Scorpia calls She-Ra a blondie
Mantenna calls the Rock People rockheads
Kowl calls Stonedar and Granita cowards
Catra calls Stonedar and Granita rockheads
Hordak calls the Horde Troopers fools
Imp calls Catra, Scorpia, Mantenna, Leech, and Grizzlor a bunch of wimps
Catra calls Imp a big faced little snoop
Hordak calls Catra, Scorpia, Mantenna, Leech, and Grizzlor fools and dolts
Hordak calls She-Ra evil
Huntara calls She-Ra powerful
Huntara calls She-Ra an evil one
She-Ra calls Huntara clever
Huntara calls She-Ra a worthy opponent
Huntara calls She-Ra evil one
Hordak calls Huntara a foolish woman
Hordak calls the Horde Troopers nincompoops; bunglers
Hordak calls Catra and Scorpia fools
Tung Lashor calls Hordak mighty
Tung Lashor calls Hordak mighty
Tung Lashor calls Hordak old great one
Hordak calls Tung Lashor a fool
Nightfire calls Norwyn, She-Ra, Swift Wind; Madame Razz, and Broom fools
Hordak calls Kowl a rebel
Shadow Weaver calls Red-Eye a silly fur-ball
Bow calls Kowl a featherhead
Hordak calls Adora, Glimmer, and Bow rebels
Hordak calls Red-Eye an idiot
Hordak calls the Horde Troopers fools
A Horde Trooper calls Bow tough, clever, scary
Shadow Weaver calls a Horde Trooper a fool
Shadow Weaver calls She-Ra a wind head
Hordak calls Mantenna a soggy simpleton
She-Ra calls Bow a brave, wonderful fool
Bow calls the Horde Troopers rotten robots
Shadow Weaver calls the Horde Troopers fools
Leena calls Adora a regular woman
Leena calls She-Ra strong and brave
Modulok calls Adora a meddling rebel
Bow calls a Horde Trooper a metalhead
Hordak calls Catra a fool
Adora calls Leech and the Horde Troopers bullies
Kowl calls himself a useless coward
Doctor Drome calls Acrobad a bouncing boob
Colonel Blast calls Kowl a mangy bird
Colonel Blast calls Broom rotty-looking
Bow calls Kowl a rotten bird
Bow calls General Sunder a fiend
General Sunder calls Bow a rebel
A Horde Trooper calls Bow a fool
A Horde Trooper calls She-Ra stupid
Bow calls Mally a rebel
Hordak calls She-Ra, Bow, and Mally rebels
Catra calls She-Ra the rebel queen
Catra calls She-Ra a rebel
Catra calls Prince Arkion a rebel 
Imp calls She-Ra and Frosta rebels
Hordak calls She-Ra and Frosta rebels
Shadow Weaver calls Imp a squirt
Shadow Weaver calls Imp a toad
Skeletor calls Beast Man a miserable beast
Skeletor calls Beast Man an imbecile
Mantenna calls Hordak great one
Hordak calls Mantenna a fool
Shadow Weaver calls Imp a pig-faced little worm
Hordak calls Shadow Weaver a useless trickster
Imp calls Shadow Weaver shadow wimpy
Skeletor calls Spikor a nail-head
Hordak calls Skeletor a boneheaded bog waddler
Skeletor calls Hordak bolt breath
Skeletor calls Hordak a dolt
She-Ra calls Skeletor a bone brain
Skeletor calls She-Ra a fool
Shadow Weaver calls Hordak mighty one
Hordak calls Skeletor a boney buffoon
Skeletor calls Catra, Scorpia, Leech, Grizzlor, and Mantenna slugs
Imp calls Catra, Scorpia, Leech, Grizzlor, and Mantenna cowards
Bow calls Hordak a villain
Imp calls Catra Madame cat
Catra calls Imp a little beast
Hordak calls Grizzlor and Rattlor fools
She-Ra calls Rattlor Hordak’s slimy friend
Hordak calls Horde Prime great one
Mantenna calls Horde Prime most exalted and wonderful ruler of the entire galaxy
Horde Prime calls Mantenna a bug-eyed buffoon
Hordak calls Horde Prime ruler of the galaxy
Skeletor calls Hordak a blasted Horde bully-boy, and a conniving claim jumper
Mantenna calls Hordak a mighty one
Hordak calls Mantenna a bug-eyed boob
Hordak calls Skeletor a treacherous turncoat two-faced traitor
Hordak calls Skeletor a bone face
Hordak calls Skeletor a blasted blue bungler
He-Man calls Hordak and Skeletor evil monsters
She-Ra calls Skeletor a rat
She-Ra calls Hordak a rat
Davy Jones calls Sea Hawk an overgrown oaf
Davy Jones calls Sea Hawk the sorriest sap of a sea hawk
Davy Jones calls Sea Hawk Mr. Smarty Sea Hawk
Davy Jones calls Sea Hawk a dummy
Sea Hawk calls Davy Jones a strange little mouse
Admiral Scurvy calls Adora a rebel
Adora calls Admiral Scurvy a monster
Admiral Scurvy calls a Horde Trooper a stupid robot
Swen calls the Horde Troopers cowardly tin cans
A Horde Trooper calls Swen a sea dog
Davy Jones calls a Horde Trooper a pitiful piece of vermin
A Horde Trooper calls Davy Jones an insulant rodent
Admiral Scurvy calls Adora the leader of the rebellion and a traitor to the Horde
Adora calls Admiral Scurvy a monster
Admiral Scurvy calls the Horde Troopers fools
Admiral Scurvy calls She-Ra a blasted flying female
Bow calls Kowl a featherbrain
Mantenna calls Hordak majestic one
Mantenna calls Hordak merciful one
Hordak calls Glimmer a rebel
Perfuma calls Hordak hordikins
Perfuma calls the Horde Troopers sweet
Perfuma calls the Horde Troopers clumsy
Perfuma calls Hordak hordikins
Perfuma calls Hordak hordikins
Perfuma calls Hordak an old grouch
She-Ra calls the Horde Troopers the welcoming committee
Hordak calls the Horde Troopers idiots
Perfuma calls Hordak hordikins
She-Ra calls Hordak hordikins
Doctor Zoog calls She-Ra a meddling muscle woman
Foosabella the Muckess calls Doctor Zoog a scoundrel

Name-Calling on She-Ra – Season 2

Leech calls Adora, Bow, and Glimmer rebels
Leech calls the Horde Troopers bunglers
Leech calls Adora, Bow, and Glimmer rebels
Catra calls Bow a rebel
She-Ra calls Hordak a fiend
Hordak calls Mally and Telzy pitiful prisoners
Mantenna calls Hordak masterful
Mantenna calls Hordak your evilness
Hordak calls She-Ra a dreaded rebel
Hordak calls General Sunder a rebel
Baron Condor calls his soldiers fools
Baron Condor calls Bow and Prince Norb fools
Hordak calls Mantenna an incompetent fool
Hordak calls Mantenna a bumbling fool
Hordak calls Mantenna a fool
Hordak calls Prince Kevin a fool
Shadow Weaver calls She-Ra a muscle-brain
Ely calls a Horde Trooper a big metal lummox
Shadow Weaver calls the Horde Troopers fools
Shadow Weaver calls Ely a thief
Shadow Weaver calls She-Ra a meddler
Catra calls Pop-Pee a multi-colored maggot
Catra calls She-Ra and Laa-See rebels
Hordak calls a Horde Trooper a fool
Hordak calls a Horde Trooper an iron fool
A Horde Trooper calls Adora a traitor
A Horde Trooper calls Adora a traitor
A Horde Trooper calls Adora a traitor
Hordak calls the Horde Troopers fools
Hordak calls the Horde Troopers bolt bags
Hordak calls the Horde Troopers metallic nincompoops
Hordak calls She-Ra a foolish woman
Bow calls She-Ra an answer to a prayer
She-Ra calls Shadow Weaver a blowhard 
Hordak calls the Monstroids drumheads
Mantenna calls Adora a rebel
Mantenna calls Grizzlor a fool
Shadow Weaver calls Mantenna, Grizzlor, and the Horde Troopers fools
Mantenna calls Hordak mighty
Hordak calls Madame Razz a ridiculous witch
Madame Razz calls Shakra a traitor
Hordak calls Catra, Grizzlor, and Mantenna fools
Imp calls Catra a little feline failure
Netossa calls the Horde Troopers big chunks of scrap metal
Netossa calls the Horde Troopers walking junk piles
Netossa calls the Horde Troopers walking vacuum cleaners
Kowl calls a Horde Trooper a turkey
Hordak calls Corporal Romeo a fool Horde soldier
Peekablue calls Hordak a cruel, evil, heartless tyrant
Bow calls Hordak a beast
Peekablue calls Hordak evil
Bow calls Hordak an evil, viscous monster
Hordak calls Glimmer sparkle-head
King Darkspur calls his guard a fool
Rattlor calls the Horde Troopers fools
Catra calls Sorrowful, Bow, Kowl, Madame Razz, and Broom rebels
She-Ra calls Hordak a monster
Mantenna calls Hordak mighty one
Hordak calls Mantenna an armor-plated pop-eye
Hordak calls Mantenna a fool
Octavia calls Sprocker a little rebel stray
Octavia calls Sprocker a rebel
Hordak calls Bow, Arrow, Madame Razz, and Broom fools
Bow calls Hordak a coward
Grizzlor calls Bow a rebel
Hordak calls Bow a fool
Horde Prime calls Bow an over-confident show-off
Hordak calls Grizzlor a fool
Hordak calls a Horde Trooper a tin dolt
She-Ra calls He-Man a chicken
Bow calls the Horde Troopers robot goons
Shadow Weaver calls Hordak his evilness
Shadow Weaver calls Glimmer a foolish girl
Glimmer calls herself foolish
Hordak calls the Horde Troopers bumbling robots
Hordak calls Spyster a bumbling fool
Inspector Darkney calls Hordak a miserable excuse for a Horde Commander
Inspector Darkney calls Hordak a bumbling bozo
Hordak calls Catra hasty
Hordak calls Catra a bumbling fur-brain
Catra calls She-Ra, Swift Wind, Sprint and Sprintina rebel scum
Catra calls a Horde Trooper a clumsy can of cogs
Hordak calls himself invincible, fearless
Hordak calls She-Ra an irritating amazon
Shadow Weaver calls Orko a miserable excuse for a wizard
Shadow Weaver calls Orko a little bozo
Shadow Weaver calls Orko a little pest
Shadow Weaver calls Orko’s shadow miserable
Shadow Weaver calls Grizzlor and Dylamug fools
Shadow Weaver calls Grizzlor and Dylamug buffoons
Shadow Weaver calls Grizzlor and Dylamug worthless bumblers
Bow calls Man-At-Arms a dreamer
Mantenna calls Grizzlor, Leech, Rattlor, and Dylamug buffoons
Mantenna calls Grizzlor, Leech, Rattlor, and Dylamug dullards
Skeletor calls Trap Jaw a tin head
Beast Man calls Skeletor awesome
Drone 7 calls Skeletor a bone-faced monster
Skeletor calls Drone 7 a bug-brain
Drone 7 calls Skeletor a monster
Skeletor calls Drone 7 a bee-man
Skeletor calls Drone 7 a slave
Skeletor calls Sweet Bee a bee lady
Sweet Bee calls Trap Jaw a can-opener with a bad temper
A Horde Trooper calls She-Ra a muscle-maiden
Bibbet Elder calls Dee and Koo foolish young people
A Horde Trooper calls Koo a mean little thing
Dee calls a Horde Trooper a rotten robot
A Horde Trooper calls Dee short stuff
A Horde Trooper calls Bow a rebel
Imp calls the Bibbets rough and tough
Catra calls the Horde Troopers mumblers, fools, cowards
She-Ra calls Catra a nice kitty
Mantenna calls Hordak clever
Mantenna calls Hordak mighty
Mantenna calls Hordak mighty



Episode 11: The Peril Of Whispering Woods
Episode 20: Three Courageous Hearts
Episode 61: Darksmoke And Fire
Episode 62: Magicats




01. 117 – Hordak
02. 42 – Catra
03. 38 – Adora / She-Ra
04. 29 – Shadow Weaver
05. 23 – Mantenna
06. 21 – She-Ra | Bow
07. 19 – Skeletor
08. 18 – Horde Troopers
09. 17 – Adora
10. 9 – Imp | Kowl
11. 7 – Leech | Sea Hawk | Perfuma
12. 6 – Grizzlor | Scorpia
13. 5 – Admiral Scurvy
14. 4 – Modulok | Tung Lashor | Glimmer | Huntara | Davy Jones
15. 3 – Sprag | Octavia | Netossa
16. 2 – Horde Prime | Madame Razz | Peekablue | Inspector Darkney | Drone 7
17. 1 – Sorceress | Multi-Bot | Rattlor | He-Man | Sweet Bee | Orko | Beast Man
18. 0 – Prince Adam


01. 59 – She-Ra / Adora
02. 50 – Hordak | Horde Troopers
03. 40 – She-Ra | Bow
04. 36 – He-Man / Adam
05. 30 – He-Man
06. 24 – Grizzlor
07. 23 – Mantenna
08. 19 – Catra | Adora
09. 15 – Skeletor
10. 13 – Madame Razz
11. 12 – Glimmer
12. 11 – Leech | Kowl
13. 9 – Scorpia | Sea Hawk
14. 7 – Broom
15. 6 – Imp | Dylamug | Adam | Orko
16. 5 – Shadow Weaver
17. 4 – Multi-Bot | Rattlor | Beast Man
18. 3 – Battle Cat
19. 2 – Tung Lashor | Swift Wind | Spikor
20. 1 – Modulok | Queen Angella | Arrow | Man-At-Arms | Kobra Khan | King Randor | Cringer


01. 60 – Fool/Fools
02. 59 – Rebel/Rebels
03. 41 – Rebel
04. 35 – Fool
05. 25 – Fools
06. 18 – Rebels
07. 10 – Traitor




01. 193 – Skeletor
02. 122 – Hordak
03. 42 – Catra
04. 38 – Princess Adora / She-Ra
05. 36 – He-Man
06. 29 – Shadow Weaver
07. 25 – Beast Man
08. 23 – Mantenna
09. 21 – She-Ra | Bow
10. 20 – Evil-Lyn
10. 18 – Horde Troopers
11. 17 – Princess Adora
12. 16 – Orko
12. 15 – Teela
14. 9 – Kowl | Imp
15. 8 – Keeper | Count Marzo
16. 7 – Trap Jaw | Whiplash | Leech | Sea Hawk | Perfuma
17. 6 – Mer-Man | Webstor | Kittrina | Scorpia | Grizzlor | Modulok
18. 5 – Cringer/Battle Cat | Admiral Scurvy
19. 4 – King Randor | The Enchantress | Glimmer | Tung Lashor | Huntara | Davy Jones
20. 3 – Prince Adam | Sorceress | Man-At-Arms | Fisto | Battle Cat | Kobra Khan | Two Bad | Sprag | Octavia | Netossa
21. 2 – Queen Marlena | Granamyr | Cringer | Mekaneck | Buzz-Off | Clawful | Madame Razz | Horde Prime | Peekablue | Drone 7 | Inspector Darkney
22. 1 – Man-E-Face | Tri-Klops Rattlor | Multi-Bot
23. 0 – Ram Man | Stratos | Sy-Klone | Moss Man | Roboto | Spikor | Broom


01. 85 – He-Man
02. 64 – Beast Man
03. 63 – Skeletor
04. 52 – Hordak | Orko
05. 50 – Horde Troopers
06. 41 – She-Ra
07. 40 – Bow
08. 32 – Trap Jaw
09. 24 – Grizzlor
10. 23 – Mantenna
11. 22 – Mer-Man
12. 19 – Princess Adora | Catra
13. 17 – Battle Cat
14. 14 – Evil-Lyn
15. 13 – Clawful | Madame Razz
16. 12 – Teela | Glimmer
17. 11 – Prince Adam | Cringer | Whiplash | Leech | Kowl
18. 9 – Man-At-Arms | Sea Hawk | Scorpia
19. 7 – Tri-Klops | Webstor | Broom
20. 6 – Two Bad | Imp | Dylamug
21. 5 – King Randor | Sorceress | Ram Man | Man-E-Faces | Kobra Khan | Ratlor | Shadow Weaver
22. 4 – Modulok | Multi-Bot
23. 3 – Spikor
24. 2 – Buzz-Off | Panthor | Swift Wind | Tung Lashor
25. 1 – Queen Marlena | Fisto | Mekaneck | Roboto | Queen Angela

Longtooth reacted
Royal Guard
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Joined: 1 year ago
Posts: 177

Ha a clumsy can of cogs. Spectacular friend. Another fabulous resource!

Palace Bodyguard
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Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 499

Very entertaining mate. @OwenMorton would enjoy this.

If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success. -James Cameron

Soldier of Eternos
0 CBST Agreements
Joined: 1 year ago
Posts: 48

Oh yes... this is a labour of love! Nice list. Great to see "fool" getting its due recognition.

Palace Bodyguard
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Posts: 439

Posted by: @dynastymastersuniverse

Catra calls Pop-Pee a multi-colored maggot

Laugh Prince Adam



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