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Madam Web trailer

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Palace Guard
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The trailer for a new chapter in Sony’s Spiderverse - Madam web has been released.

im unfamiliar with the character really but I’ll give it a watch when it comes out. Although the trailer doesn’t really give much away about the story or the character. But I don’t mind a mystery.


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I never heard of these characters before but this one surprised me bro. I am kind of all superheroed out but this one feels kinda different. Not more of the same which is good.


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I've seen the memes for this movie (the "he was with my mom in the amazon" line from the trailer), I'm a life long fan of Spider-Man so I recognize all the characters, though they're not exactly long-lasting cast members and have middling success as stars of their own comics.


Ezkiel Simms, the villain of the movie, is based on a character created by J.Micheal Strazynski for the Amazing Spider-Man book back in the 2000s. 

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Palace Guard
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it looks okay, i got this trailer on youtube as an ad when i was trying to watch the new ghostbusters : frozen empire trailer 👻 

it looks fine, though i think the trailer gave away too much of the story. the trailer summarizes the three acts of the movie, movie trailers should be more like the blrubs on the back of dvd cases, not like wikipedia synopsis ! 😝

i'mma go out on a limb here and say the end part of the trailer with madame web and the three spider-women is footage taken from the big final battle scene at the end of the movie.

but I'm sure i'll like it better than the marvels 


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