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Posted by: @costume-n00b

Hi there. 

Was always aware of He-Man and She-Ra growing up, even though it wasn't running on any of the TV channels where I lived. We did rent a few videos from Blockbuster.

Fortunately, we got cable when I was in high school, and got hooked on the 2002 reboot. Currently loving all 3 Netflix adaptations.

I miss going in a Blockbuster store SO MUCH  😢 



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It’s not just blockbuster, we are slowly loosing flea markets, swap meets and face to face interaction.  Knowing it’s on the way out, makes us all a little nostalgic for our youth.  I may be showing my age a little too much, but I really miss Christmas catalogs and monthly magazines. I love the convenience of having everything at the tip of my fingers, thanks to smart phones; however, there was something to the anticipation of the wait in our less connected past.  

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@costume-n00b @he-dad @sshook27 - You all were starting such a great conversation, that it deserved to be split off into its own topic. 🙂 

So regarding things I miss.... wow! I can go on forever with this topic!

So just a few things I miss, one is putting on an album (a record, cassette or compact disc - take your pic) and lying on my bed, listening to the music, looking at the album cover art and liner notes and just getting lost for an hour. Time felt like it went so much slower back then without electronic devices to speed it up. And I also miss DVD Special Edition discs! We would get behind-the-scenes documentaries, animated menus, commentaries, trailers, all wrapped in very cool collectible packaging. There was so much effort in new home video releases that feels almost practically disappeared now. Some things don't even come out on home video now, like Werewolf By Night or Prey!

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There is still one Blockbuster open. It has a series about it on Netflix. People come from all over the world to see it.

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I miss the old experimental era of video games. Back in the PS2 / early PS3 days. Developers were willing to take more risks back then. There was all sorts of unique ideas / concepts being thrown around. But, with games being more expensive to develop these days, most AAA studios are just sticking with the "tried and true" stuff. Heck, it's hard to find a decent JRPG title these days that isn't Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy 7-related. Thank goodness for the indie-developers.

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I miss it when all the summer movies were not superhero movies. There were all kinds. I do not know why that changed.

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Posted by: @talonfighter

I miss it when all the summer movies were not superhero movies. There were all kinds. I do not know why that changed.

Word. Look at the movies in the 80s and 90s and look at them now. Most of them suck now.


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Seems like Hollywood's only ideas involve the butchering of our classics.  You would think as easy as it is today to collaborate with anyone, anywhere in the world we would get new concepts all the time.  In practical application, it just doesn't seem to work that way.  

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Reboots / remakes seem to be the flavor of the entertainment industry these days. On the plus side, it got us more MotU related stuff.

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While I do agree there has been a drop in quality overall with film, and a huge drought of original 'genre' movie content, I must say television has definitely improved and perhaps is the causation of it? It certainly must offer a steadier paycheck for a writer. 🤔 

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I miss walking into Toys R Us and checking out figures. My Walmarts/Targets get stuff in, but I just don't have the time to check the sfores every few days to see what they got in before the scalpers move in like vultures. I also miss Toys R Us because our daughter was born just a few years before they closed and my family and I used to have a lot of fun going there together, seeing what she liked to play with (trying to get Christmas/birthday gift ideas), etc. Good times. 

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@griff Did you ever visit K B Toys? They were a lot smaller than Toys R Us but I found their action figure selection always impressive.

If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success. -James Cameron

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@elder Oh yes.  I tended to stop checking there once I hit my 30s as my avoidance of malls/large groups of people intensified, lol.

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There are still toy stores but not many. I read toys are dying.

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No love here for Child World?


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@he-dad never heard of that one.

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@talonfighter no kidding. Most kids seem to be into electronic entertainment these days. Video games, smartphone games and apps, making posts on social media. Kind of sad, really.

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@griff Child World used to be the biggest rival to Toys R Us and they used to accuse each other of dirty tricks back in the day. I guess they were like Coke and Pepsi in the toy world.

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Posted by: @admin

@griff Child World used to be the biggest rival to Toys R Us and they used to accuse each other of dirty tricks back in the day. I guess they were like Coke and Pepsi in the toy world.

Yup and instead of Geoffrey the Giraffe they had Peter Panda.



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@he-dad Well, I grew up in a small town in WV, so we were lucky to even have a Toys R Us.... Granted, it was 20 minutes away, lol.

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@griff 20 minute car rides. Those were the days. In the backseat of the station wagon with just me and my crazy imagination.😆


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@he-dad I remember those days. Just looking out the window daydreaming as the soul music my mom played became its soundtrack. 🙂

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@admin I miss the good old Toys R Us as well. My job was located right next to a Toys R Us so I would visit there each day on my break. I was able to score quite a few rare collectables during that time. Mostly ones in the G.I.Joe area. I remember getting some Masters of the Universe stuff but because they did not all under my poseable rule for what I would buy.


I was going through some pretty messy divorce stuff around the time the Classics line was released so I didn't pick up much during that time. Hoping they continue to make these figures. I suppose as long as they do they will be collecting money from me.

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@bricrue Well the future seems bright for 2023 at least with regards to Origins and Masterverse with all the upcoming retailer info that came out. And with Revelation coming 2024, I have to imagine figure releases will continue through 2024 at least with Masterverse (but perhaps in refreshed packaging?) And we have Masterverse comics with a Trade Paperback coming in September that at least teases the possibility of more comics coming beyond the initial four issues. So the Motu resurgence continues! 🙂

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In addition to missing the PS2 / early PS3 experimental era of video games (on reflection, I'd add late PS1 era as well), I miss the old video game commercials. They were just so crazy back then.

Take the Sega Genesis era:

Or the Segata Sanashiro Japanese Sega Saturn campaign:

Or even the PS1 ads with Crash, Sweet Tooth and Lara Croft:

The few we get today? Nowhere near as memorable.

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