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I recently started working on updating the opening page of Wiki Grayskull. There was a section for the different cartoon series, a section for the different character factions (Heroes, Villains, Horde, Snakes, Rebellion, Guardians, Mutants, etc), and a section for the toy lines.Â
Before my tinkering the toylines listed were MOTU, He-Man, POP, Powers of Grayskull (which theoretically is just a mostly cancelled wave of MOTU), 200X, Classics and M.U.S.C.L.E.
Now the updated list includes:
Masters of the Universe (1982-1988)
Princess of Power (1985-1987)
Powers of Grayskull (1987)
He-Man (1989-1992)
200X (2002-2004)
Classic (2008-2020) (Matty/Super7)
MOTU Minis (2013-2015) (Matty Collector)
M.U.S.C.L.E. (2015) (Super7)
MOTU ReAction (2016-2020) (Super7)
MOTU 5.5 Vintage Collection (2017-2019) (Super7)
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2019-2020)
Masters of the WWE Universe (2019-2021)
MOTU Origins (2020-Current)
Eternia Minis (2020-2023)
MOTU Micro Collection (2020)
World's Smallest MOTU (2020) (Super Impulse)
Mega Construx (2020-2023)
Fisher Price - Little People (2020-2022)
Masterverse (2021-Current)
Netflix He-Man (2021-2023)
Then there's also a Hot Wheels line of at least 5 cars from 2021, if not other previous/later Hot Wheels.Â
And Mondo and other like statues and whatnot.Â
So very many....
What else am I missing?
Do you have Origins Cartoon Collection and Origins Turtles of Grayskull listed under MOTU Origins?Â
"If you feel safe in the area you’re working in, you’re not working in the right area. Always go a little further into the water than you feel you’re capable of being in. Go a little bit out of your depth. And when you don’t feel that your feet are quite touching the bottom, you’re just about in the right place to do something exciting."
Do you have Origins Cartoon Collection and Origins Turtles of Grayskull listed under MOTU Origins?Â
That is hilarious.Â
For the Mini Comics, both are on the Origins Mini Comics page, but for the action figure line Turtles of Grayskull is it's own page, and somehow I manged to leave it off the main page list.Â
Thanks. That's now fixed.Â
I added a Hot Wheels page, turns out MOTU Hot Wheels go back to at least 1986.Â
Added 200X Minis to the list
Added a page for the 3013-2015 MOTU Minis from Matty Collector
Added a page for the 2021 Dollar Store Micro Collection. (Only 5 makes it easy)
Started a page for the Mega Construx, that's going to be a lot of work to finish.
There is the Masters of the Universe Commemorative series.
There is the Masters of the Universe Commemorative series.
So if I'm understanding a Toy Habits page on it, Mattel released the series in 2000, with reprints of the mini comics(?), two years before the launch of the 200X cartoon/toy line, probably to gage interest in the franchise.Â
I started at Fred Meyer in 2002, so I definitely remember seeing the 200X toys. I might have seen these as well. Not sure. Â
THANKS! Adding it to the list.Â
There were cute MOTU minis made by a company called Loyal Subjects too.
There were cute MOTU minis made by a company called Loyal Subjects too.
Adding to the list. I just watched a Pixel Dan review of the blind boxes to nail down a date, and the Stratos figure came with the very powerful Staff of Avion, like the new Origins Cartoon Collection figure. So I added a pic of that Startos to the Staff of Avion page.Â
Funko and Funko minis
Thanks! I will have to research to find when the first MOTU Funk was.Â