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MasterChef Australia Season 16 has announced its return for Monday April 22!
I am so excited and hopefully I'll make new friends to join my list of MC favourites!
While Andy Allen will be returning as a judge, he will be joined by new judges, popular MC alumnus Poh Ling Yeow, food critic Sofia Levin and star chef Jean-Christophe Novelli.
However, former MC judge Melissa Leong will be back later in the year with Amaury Guichon in the amazing spin-off Dessert Masters!
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I love MasterChef, and I get attached to contestants each year, I rejoice in their successes and feel sad when they are sent home. I tried to express this to people a season or so ago, but people tried to tell me they aren't "real friends" and I shouldn't be so silly and sentimental. That is just the way I am, always have been and will always be.
Because of illness, disability and depression, it is hard for me to get out and about and pretty much my whole social life is online now. I know that makes me sad and pathetic, but I really get a warm fuzzy feeling when I reach out to people and they seem to appreciate it. I would hate to go through life and feel me and my life have not mattered at all to anyone.
I want to be like this new contestant Juan De La Cruz who has already captured people's hearts in preview clips, before the season has even airs, and I also want to shine my light for all the world to see. People like this are a symbol for who I would love to be. 😍
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I just wanted to share this dish. Sadly, it wasn't the winning dish of the night (although in my view it SHOULD have been). This fabulous dish was created by my new buddy and favourite contestant Juan De La Cruz. It is a vegetarian dish comprised of a porridge-like corn dish, cheese balls and chilli oil. Juan's bubbly personality and absolute HOTNESS is matched by his obvious culinary skills! His dish was a success, but not the best dish (according to the judges). 😀
The contestants reached into a bag and drew a coloured apron, either Burgundy or Purple, there were 11 people on each team.
They were then given core ingredients from the judges - mushrooms for the entree, chillies and cashews for the main and grapefruit for the dessert.
The Purple Team led by Mimi included my new buddy Juan. They made pork wontons in mushroom broth for the entree, peppery lamb with pepper/chilli sauce and a cashew crumb for the main, and grapefruit infused date sponge with vanilla bean ice cream.
The Burgundy Team made scallops in a mushroom broth for the entree, fish served with a cashew and chilli curry, and a meringue with grapefruit sauce for the dessert.
I really wanted Juan to have a chance at the Immunity Challenge where the winning team will have a chance to win immunity for the maker of the best dish from the first elimination later in the week.
However, Team Burgundy, led by Sav won the challenge.
Tonight on MasterChef, the 11 members of the winning Burgundy Team from last night had to make food the judges could eat with their hands for the Immunity Challenge Part 1.
The best five dishes (Sumeet, Sav, Lourdes, Snezana & Stephen) saw their creators go straight into tomorrow night's Immunity Challenge Part 2 where the winner is automatically immune from Sunday night's Elimination Challenge. No episodes on Friday or Saturday as usual.
Sumeet made pani puri, a kind of dumpling you could hollow out and fill with a spiced potato salad, tamarind and date chutney and mint and coriander pesto and mint & coriander water to bring it all together.
Lourdes made lemon meringue bites with lemon curd and lemon cream which looked absolutely fabulous.
Snezana made krofne, a type of jelly doughnut from Serbia.
Stephen made pork belly with whiskey & tamarind sauce and charred corn ribs.
On the other hand, Alex had a disaster, the peri peri prawns she cooked on the hibachi filled the whole kitchen with smoke and some of the prawns were half raw and half overcooked at the same time! If this were Sunday, she would be going home!
They had a choice of working with ONE ingredient with a cooking time of 90 Minutes, or Up To TWENTY ingredients with a cooking time of 45 Minutes.
Stephen & Snezana chose the one ingredient with 90 minutes, working with macadamia nuts and onions respectively.
Stephen made macadamia gateau with meringue, cream and toffee-toasted nuts. The presentation was considered overly rustic and not very sophisticated.
Snezana made ricotta and caramelised onion tortellini with onion crisps, onion puree, pickled onion and onion broth. Her dish was judged as being too elaborate with too many elements going on.
Lourdes, Sumeet & Savindri (Sav)chose up to twenty ingredients and 45 minutes.
Sav made mango and squid ceviche with crispy potatoes, coconut cream and coriander oil. Her dish was exceptional and was judged as being restaurant quality.
Lourdes made pork medallions served on a bed of corn and bacon salsa. First she undercooked the pork, and then when she tried to put it back on to cook, she overcooked it. Not a good night for her. If this had been Sunday, she would have gone home.
The winning dish of the night was Sav who has won immunity from Sunday. She is definitely going to be hard to beat!

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More MasterChef updates coming soon. 😀
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The other night on MasterChef was a Pressure Test for Stephen, Steph, Lily, Sumeet & Josh Clarke (there are two Josh's - Clarke & Perry - so I refer to them by full name).
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The other night on MasterChef, judge Andy Allen's mother Maree was a guest judge! The challenge was to take one of Maree's recipes (she admitted she is not really MasterChef material when it comes to cooking) and then MAKE it MasterChef ready, take a dish and make it better and different.
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Last night on MasterChef was a Pressure Test Elimination, as Snezana, Sumeet, Mimi & Khristian had to recreate judge Jean-Cristophe Novelli's "Jack In The Box" dessert which consisted of a layer of whiskey-infused chocolate and hazelnut brownie, chocolate and vanilla mousse, and white chocolate cream, encased in a melted sugar-crystal box, set with roasted hazelnuts, served with berries and thin spirals of sugar.
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Tonight's MasterChef is going to be an epic two-round Immunity Challenge where the winning team will be safe from Sunday night's Elimination Challenge.
I am hoping Team Gray wins, because it has Juan De La Cruz (paired with Snezana Calic & Sue Bazely).
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Tonight on MasterChef, the Immunity Challenge was in two rounds. The 18 remaining contestants were split into 6 teams of 3 with a matching coloured apron.
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Lourdes banana buttermilk pancakes:
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Tonight on MasterChef, the contestants had to taste test all these little cubes of food with a blindfold on. The first 6 to guess incorrectly (Juan, Lily, Sumeet, Stephen, Josh Clarke & Mimi) had to play the Elimination Round where they had to make a dish with the ingredients that had been cubed on the judges table. They were not allowed to use the pantry, garden or under the bench staples this time.
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So far, we have lost James, Steph, Jonathan, Khristian, Lily & Lourdes.
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Tonight on MasterChef, the contestants went on a road trip of sorts to a Truffle Farm, where - you guessed it - they had to cook with truffles! Lourdes, Alex, Nat & Gillian (the bottom four from last night) all had to cook the same dish, created by guest chef Liam Downes. They had to make a large raviolo (singular of ravioli) with two different doughs - egg yolk and basil & spinach - rolled together to make a white and green striped piece of pasta, filled with ricotta, truffles and a soft boiled egg (which had to be runny), the raviolo was placed on a white asparagus puree, served with crispy chicken skin, and a reduced chicken sauce, and garnished with white asparagus spears, truffles, onion leaves and edible flowers.
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More Juan awesomeness!
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I am so devastated and heartbroken that Juan was eliminated tonight.
He was my favourite, but I hope for good things from him in the future. Hopefully these will involve opening a restaurant, writing a cookbook, getting his own TV show, continuing with his board game designing and best of all, I would love for him to release a CD - I love his music! Just like past seasons, I wish all the contestants well and I hope Juan becomes to me what many of the other contestants are - former MasterChef alumni who I still befriend and would love to keep in touch with.
They are all winners to me.
I will still watch the rest of the season, but I don't have the heart to choose a new favourite. 😥
Still, Juan has announced he has news for us over the next few days, so I am excited for that, whatever it is! 😀
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Since my last update, we have said farewell to Stephen, Snezana, Sue & David.
Savindri was also eliminated, but she won her place back in the Second Chance Challenge.
Nat was finally forced to cash in her Immunity Pin. She no longer has that advantage.
Sumeet won the latest Immunity Challenge, she was safe from tonight's elimination, and she won the bonus prize of her InTalian sauce (a combination of Indian and Italian flavours) being mass produced and sold in stores.
Tonight, Josh Clarke was eliminated.
This week is a desserts themed week where every night is a chance to win immunity from next Sunday's elimination.
Top 10 2024:
Darrsh Clarke (ELIMINATED)
Gillian Dinh (ELIMINATED)
Harry Butterfield (ELIMINATED)
Josh Perry (TOP 2)
Lachlan Whittle (ELIMINATED)
Nat Thaipun (TOP 2)
Savindri Perera (RE-ELIMINATED)
Sumeet Saigal (ELIMINATED)
Besides the fish component (stuffed with scallop mousse), the trio had to recreate all the sauces and arrange them into a special round design. The sauces included macadamia tahini, harissa, preserved lemon yoghurt, green zucchini puree and curried squash puree.
Josh accidentally put the sauces on the plate in the WRONG order, so while he stuffed up the presentation, his textures and taste were sound.
Nat made a few technical errors including overcooking the fish and the scallop mouse, which had the consistency of scrambled egg!
Harry also stuffed up and forgot to wrap the fish in cling wrap before steaming it (resulting in it kind of exploding everywhere) and his overall execution just had too many flaws, so he was eliminated.
So the Top 3 for MasterChef 2024 are Savindri, Nat & Josh. Sunday tonight is a goof-off night (presumably to allow the trio to de-stress) as the judges have to cook for the contestants. Then Monday and Tuesday are the Semi-Final & Grand Finale.
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I've been away from here for a while, for various reasons, but I realised I never completed the rundowns of the season of MasterChef.
The winner was Nat Thaipun, (see photo). She received $250,000 the title of MC AU 24 and her name etched on the trophy with past winners.
Josh Perry came second and received $40,000.
Savindri Perera came third and was awarded $10,000.
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