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Well here it is the final bio of 2023! The concluding chapter of The Story of Vykron.
Now I know this will be hit and miss with people but I had a few messages on Instagram that said that they wanted to see Vykron become the gladiator Vykron. I ummed and arred about it but in the end decided to go with it. I didn’t want to change the text from the original bio so that is all in this bio somewhere. It may not be a deserved ending for one of the legendary He-men but Vykron’s tale was meant to be one of tragedy and loss, he lost the tribes he was protecting and the friends he made along the way. At one point there was a storyline planned of the devastating loss of his wife and child but I changed my mind on that one. Plus it never quite sat right with me that there were two Vykron’s.
So you can compare, the original bio for Vykron was this…
Fifty years before Prince Adam was born, Vykron the Warrior fought in the gladiatorial arena of Lord Choloh, ruler of the Vine Jungle. Learning from each defeated opponent, he became a master of many combat techniques and weapons. As much a champion as a showman, he would often dress in outlandish garb to rouse the crowd and show off his skills. In his final match, he fought against the great Gygor. Before a cheering crowd, the evil fighting gorilla ripped Vykron’s body in half – at long last defeating the arena champion. Following this match, Gygor claimed not only the arena championship but rule of the Jungle itself, forcing Choloh to abdicate his throne. In life, Vykron was the greatest of Choloh’s gladiatorial warriors, fighting in any environment at any time.
we can only assume that Vykron was reunited with his friends for the Wild Hunt in the Vale of the Ancients after his death. I hope you’ve enjoyed this storyline with all its brand new old characters pulled from the annals of MotU history. Stay tuned for even more next year as we delve further into Eternia rich history.
Did Anacondus (Stretch Nek) ever get a bio?
@danielsan52 I haven’t posted any Snake Men, I have started out writing them and including them in the War of the Snake series of bios. But it’s unfinished as yet. But the short answer is no you haven’t missed one for him and it will come at some point.
I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Years. Now we are back for 2024 with new unofficial just for fun classics bios. This Masters Monday I have updated previous bios to remove text and add a picture instead. This week I updated the Great Black Wizard.
But don’t worry there is still a brand new never seen before bonus bio… THE EVIL ROBOT
For those who have a keen interest in the vintage Toyline will probably remember the advertisement from 1985 for the Evil Robot that never materialised.
So that bio.
Where did the names A.L.P.S85 come from?
The robot prototype toy gets its body from a robot produced by ALPS Japan and it was advertised in 1985.
A Robotican?
I decided it would be cool to have this character in Preternia and to end up as an ally of Bandwidth. Who I’d already planned on being Robotican to explain his advance tech in an era where technology was scarce.
next week the new bio will be for a character who appeared in name only in the UK London addition comics. But if you’re up on your British sci-do TV series then you might recognise them.
A warm Masters Monday welcome to you all today!
This Monday I’ve added in a visual bio for The Shaping Staff Unlocked in the very first post of the thread telling the Legend of the Great Black Wizard’s story. So go check that out.
And as for todays Masters Monday bio, it is for a character many people didn’t even know existed in the Masters of the Universe universe.…HART-NELL
Yes exactly it is.
Back in the 80s comics produced by Egmont Comics in the UK several indirect mentions of the popular sci-fi character Doctor Who were made. Particularly in 198? Issue ??, when Skeletor attempted to use Chronos Canyon to time travel in order to conquer Eternia. According to the villain a time travelling doctor named Hart-Nell came to Eternia and his blue time box combined with the magic in the rocks created Chronos Canyon and the Winds of Time. Doctor Who was still fairly popular family viewing at the time so one of the writers probably thought it would be amusing.
The name Hart-Nell was almost definitely used because the first actor to play the Doctor was an actor named William Hartnell. The blue time-box was the Doctor’s T.A.R.D.I.S (time and relative dimension in space) a huge spaceship that could change its shape and size to disguise itself. It was always bigger on the inside than it was on the outside (like Point Dredd) and thanks to a broken chameleon switch, the Doctor’s ship was stuck in the shape of a British 1960s Police telephone box.
I made this bio in excitement after watching the new Doctor Who specials over Christmas, so really it is just for fun. It’s one that can be discarded if you really don’t feel it. But it was mentioned in UK comics so it made sense to word it in a way that if ‘you know you know’. I also liked the idea of the Ancients learning how to explore the universe from someone who already had. Also a little tie in to Dyr trying to breach the Eternian Dimension from Infintia.
Tune in next week for the update to the third chapter of the Legend of the Great Black Wizard and for a bio for a rather negative character
Its Masters Monday once again, so I bid thee welcome!
This week I’ve updated the third chapter of the Great Black Wizard’s story back on my first post so check that out. And now for your MASTERS MONDAY bonus bio…NEGATIVE HE-MAN!
Surprisingly, this bio is based on a character that appearing in only 6 panels over two pages of Germany’s Interpart Condor comics. In issue 3 1984 he appeared in the story ‘Revenge of the Evil One’. Skeletor was the aforementioned Evil One in the story though and the negative doppelgänger was a mere footnote.
I thought it would be quite fun to bring him back to face both the Twins of Power and the New Masters, but make him a bit more of a threat.
below is one of the pages that Negative He-man appeared in
tune in next week for a howling good bio for another one shot villain from Brazil!
Masters Monday is once again upon, so welcome to all who join us.
This week I have updated the visual chapter four of the Great Black Wizard’s story in the first post in this thread, so go check that out.
This weeks bonus bio is…OAK THE JACKAL GOD
Oak the Jackal God appeared in the Brazilian Editora Abril comics, featuring once in issue 30 1988 and was never seen or heard of again, like many of the characters who appeared in their comic series. In the comic very little info is given about Oak other than he was worshipped by the citizens of Zhar.
So that concludes another Masters Monday, tune in next week for more tales from Eternia
It’s that time of the week…Masters Monday! I hope you’ve had a good week.
I have updated the Saga of the Great Black Wizard in the first post on this thread so feel free to check that out.
This weeks bonus Masters Monday bio is …THE DEMON FROM THE BEGINNING OF TIME
The Demon from the Beginning of Time, he appeared in issue 20 of the Brazilian Editora Abril comic from 1987. He came to Eternia to destroy He-man believing he was the ancient force of good that once imprisoned him. He was also mentioned in the MotUC bios involving Ditztroyer and the Fighting Foe Men. Thamilia Tower and Kor originally appeared in the UK newspaper strip ‘Vengeance of the Viper King’ and was the place where King Hiss was imprisoned centuries ago. However with the origins of King Hiss changing in the Classics canon, the Tower was mentioned to hold the demon that Ditztroyer attempted to free.
Been a couple weeks since updated this. Been a busy period of time but here are the next bonus bios.
once again I have updated and rewritten two recent bio in first post in this thread, so go check back next week for the updated version on the conclusion to the story.
this weeks bonus bios are…DEMON OF MADNESS
The Demon of Madness comes from the Brazilian Editora Abril comic’s final issue of it 33 issue run in 1988. The demon was held in a cell in Castle Grayskull and escaped, drove the Sorceress and Orko mad then got trapped in a mirror by He-man. Other than that there was no backstory to this original character. So being the Demon of Madness, I like the idea that he came from the Dimension of Insanity that features in a story in the Italian Magic Boy comics. As for when he first appeared, it made sense for him to arrive at time in Eternian history where a vacuum of power had been created and people would fight to fill it. I also wanted to address it being kept in a cell in Grayskull, because why would you lock a demon who could drive you mad from a touch in the Dwell of Souls with a plethora of nasty creatures that were trapped there.
The Riders of Morc were the lead antagonists of the German Interpart-Condor comics issue 6 1985. They also briefly mentioned in the Ultimate He-man Classic bio, which sets their story in the Times of King He-man. So combining the story laid out in the comic story and the time from the Classics bio, you get this. One major change was made: Buzz Off and Man-e-Faces featured in the original story but were replaced by Fork Lift and Man-e-Faces II due to the time period it was now set. I also added little backstory for the dimension and the monster riders. also I named the ruler using the description from the translation of the comic, originally he was unnamed.
eek - just noticed that I missed the word ‘dimension’ from the subtitle and it should read ‘demonic monster riders from another dimension’. Will edit that at some point soon.
Congrats! You made it to another Masters Monday and for your effort here is another just for fun unofficial Masters Monday Classics bio.
This week I’ve updated the first thread of the post with a visual for the final chapter of THE STORY OF THE LEGEND OF THE GREAT BLACK WIZARD with… COSMIC ARMOR HE-MAN
This weeks Masters Monday bonus bio is …. MONTEEG
Monteeg appeared in the FILMation episode ‘Castle of Heroes’. In the cartoon we learn that he and Skeletor had a history that was never alluded to more than they took down Good King Archibald. So I gave him a little backstory adding who King Archibald was and how Monteeg came to occupy Polonia. Plus covering the episode he appeared in and his unfortunate fate.
hope you enjoyed this weeks bios and that I’ll see you next week, for a new short set of bios exploring one MotU’s most terrifying villains. Plus more bonus bios from the FILMation series.