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SDCC Questions for Mattel

21 Posts
12 Users
Royal Guard
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Joined: 1 year ago
Posts: 73

Posted by: @durendal

@rogerblake Which questions were mean spirited exactly?

You are asking two unrelated people, three or more if you include the people passing Pixel Dan the questions, to risk their careers to get information for you. 

And you start with some RACIST BS about no one asking of the Rulers of the Sun figures. People asked for them. People love them. The originals go for HUGE bucks. Now more people can enjoy these characters without selling their homes. 


When you are speaking Truth to Power, like asking why someone killed the pensions of 100k workers, it's very important to be angry and accusatory. This person chose to cause harm to others for personal gain. 


This is about toys. You like some of the previous toys and you want more toys. Pixel Dan is under no obligation to ask your questions and the Mattel booth representative is under no obligation to answer questions. And in all probability, they were given very precise instructions about what they could and couldn't say. 

If Dan asks a rude question, he could absolutely lose his access. If the booth dude says something he's not allowed to say, he could get fired. 


Saying, please may I have the thing is the path to getting the thing. Especially if you express gratitude for previous things. Expressing anger at the people over past things they have made for us, just shuts them down. 


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