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Let's compile a list of critical questions that we would like Mattel to answer at SDCC. Perhaps AJ could send them to Pixel Dan so he could ask them for us when he does his walkthrough with the MOTU brand manager!
Will we see more She-Ra Princess Of Power characters in the main Origins line (NOT the Cartoon Collection line), since we are upon the 40th anniversary of the brand?
When Mattel said they would finish the vintage line does that include all play sets and vehicles? Sorry if this was asked and/or answered alreadyÂ
Let's compile a list of critical questions that we would like Mattel to answer at SDCC. Perhaps AJ could send them to Pixel Dan so he could ask them for us when he does his walkthrough with the MOTU brand manager!
I will definitely be happy to do this! 🙂
We have the Power!
Where is the vintage origins Two Bad figure? Why after years of waiting did we get a CC version first?
Are there plans for the Fan Favorites re-issues to continue? Will they possibly include any of the later waves of Origins figures that were difficult to locate (such as Slamurai and the Snake Troopers)?
I say ask a Classics question. Last time Pixel Dan asked about it, they just kind of danced around the question.Â
Would it be possible to get Classics style figures in the Masterverse line or through Mattel Creations?Â
Can we get some additional categories in Masterverse? It's been forever since we got a new one. 200X, Filmation, Minicomic, etc.Â
Where's Masterverse Panthor? Or other Masterverse beasts and vehicles?
Slime Pit when? And can you please scale it for Classics/Masterverse figures as well as Origins?Â
Are there plans for any more New Adventures characters in Masterverse?
Have there been discussions about adding Turtles of Grayskull to the Masterverse line?
Would it be possible to reissue some of the recent difficult-to-find Masterverse characters like Buzz-Off, Stratos, and Webstor? They are expensive on the secondary market.
The Target exclusives from Turtles of Grayskull have been offered on Mattel Creations. Is it possible to include the Wal-Mart exclusives as well, and if not, what is the reason?
As a side-note: I enjoy seeing Classics-created characters like Fang-Or, Lady Slither, and Reptilax included in Origins. I would like this to continue, and would like to see some in Masterverse as well.
1) When will the NA characters finally get made in Origins? (if they could do 10 Sun Man characters nobody asked for, surely they can give us their very own NA MOTU characters, finally on the same beefy buck and scale)
2) When will we get figures of the many new characters that have been shown on Origins box and card art over the years? (so far we've only gotten Frog Monger and the Skeleton Warriors)
3) Will characters that were created by Filmation get made as figures in the Cartoon Collection? (Shokoti, Icer, Strong Arm, Octavia, and many others for example...)
4) Will characters that never appeared in Filmation be given figures to appear as if they had been in the classic cartoon? (Tuvar and Baddrah seem to indicate this since they never appeared in Filmation as separate characters, and yet have now been released as part of the Cartoon Collection)
5) Two years ago, Josh Graham was asked by Pixel Dan about the possibility of Classics figures being made again, and he hinted that they could conceivably appear as a subset of the Masterverse banner, similar to New Eternia, POP, NA, etc. Why have none been made yet, and what are the current plans to do so?Â
Hey AJ, when do you think these should be sent off to Pixel Dan?
Ask them to say MOTUC is dead.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
Does anyone know if any of these got asked? I didn't hear any in the walk-through.Â
Well this attempt was a total bust. Pixel Dan didn't ask any of the questions we listed here. In fact, he barely did any real digging like he used to in the Classics years. That was his most disappointing walkthrough video ever. He should retire. It's notoriously difficult to get any information out of Mattel, but the single opportunity that rolls around just once a year is at SDCC, where PD has traditionally been able to put them on the spot and get us some dish, but this time he barely made an effort. He seemed to ignore a lot of stuff in the displays like he was in a hurry to be somewhere else. Maybe the Mattel guy gave him a strict time limit for the interview. That being said, I think we need someone else to take over the mantle of "fan rep". He let us down.
To be fair Dan wasn't asking for questions like he had in previous years although I do concur that based on purely watching his content over the years Dan no longer feels as enthusiastic as he once was. Dan did ask one of these questions although it was likely self-serving more than anything. I don't see any way around him for the forseeable future. Based on Dan's reach that fan rep mantle will always be his to retire even if he feels like he's phoning it in.
If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success. -James Cameron
Mattel is committed to finishing the vintage line in Origins.Â
Origins Two Bad is coming.Â
Rob David announced, "We are not done."
Plus tons of new reveals!Â
We got tons of awesome information. No, none of your mean spirited questions got asked.Â, uh, I was just wondering if they got asked. Wasn't looking for Dan's head on a platter...
@rogerblake Which questions were mean spirited exactly?
You are asking two unrelated people, three or more if you include the people passing Pixel Dan the questions, to risk their careers to get information for you.Â
And you start with some RACIST BS about no one asking of the Rulers of the Sun figures. People asked for them. People love them. The originals go for HUGE bucks. Now more people can enjoy these characters without selling their homes.Â
When you are speaking Truth to Power, like asking why someone killed the pensions of 100k workers, it's very important to be angry and accusatory. This person chose to cause harm to others for personal gain.Â
This is about toys. You like some of the previous toys and you want more toys. Pixel Dan is under no obligation to ask your questions and the Mattel booth representative is under no obligation to answer questions. And in all probability, they were given very precise instructions about what they could and couldn't say.Â
If Dan asks a rude question, he could absolutely lose his access. If the booth dude says something he's not allowed to say, he could get fired.Â
Saying, please may I have the thing is the path to getting the thing. Especially if you express gratitude for previous things. Expressing anger at the people over past things they have made for us, just shuts them down.Â