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Mattel has confirmed yet another figure we reported on months ago: The Masterverse New Eternia Trap Jaw! Revealed at Mattel’s Masters of the Universe in the Making: Action Figure Design Panel and Product Reveal today at the Comic-Con International at San Diego, they first showed fans all the new artwork and packaging that is going…
We have the Power!
Also... What is the usual turn around on a figure that is annouced at a convention that they become available for sale?
Yep, I agree but I hope it’s because of the prospective of that pic taken from up to down. I think it’s a cool figure, I mean head, jaw and eyes looks much better than the Revelation one, but the junction between the arm and the chest got a kinda hole that doesn’t look so nice.
Also... What is the usual turn around on a figure that is annouced at a convention that they become available for sale?
I think it varies. For instance, Revelation Sorceress started showing up in people's hands in December 2022 and Dark-Lyn in April 2023 and both were first seen at the SDCC 2022.
We have the Power!
I agree. The gap where the blue skin peeks through spoils the whole concept of the mechanical right arm being contiguous with the shoulder and right chest.
@bricrue @alberto @knightstorm1
Here is another shot of Trap Jaw from a lower point of view. It still does appear on the thinner side, I think.... 🤔
We have the Power!
From that prospective legs looks less skinny. And now watching him inside his box in your last post the black chest support seems better connected to his mecha arm, no more blue gap. If this is the definitive version is a great one. The face and his expression rocks and are so improved compared to the Revelation’ one. Just my opinion.
So what is so New Eternia about him? I don't really see a difference.
If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success. -James Cameron
@elder I agree. Mostly cosmetic changes including:
1. The tongue is gone, making those who complained about the "crazy look" in the Revelation version happy I hope? (I didn't mind the Revelation head sculpt. Seems like it was a faithful following of the design sheet from the show.)
2. No more biceps-shaped shaft of his mechanical arm
3. Different lower leg designs. (The Revelation Trapjaw and Roboto lower legs are the same and I would have preferred that Roboto got different ones although again, the design sheets seem similar.)
But on the whole, you're right and I do wish they could have been a little bit more imaginative with the New Eternia version, following the trend of what they did with Viking He-Man and Barbarian Skeletor where you had options/parts to display the figure as a Classic version or a Re-imagined version.
@mergryphon Re-imagined would have been cool bro like some of that art AJ shared.
It would be neat to see him have a replacement head, and an arm you could alternate with this figure to create a Kronus figure. Looks like the armor comes off but I could be wrong.