EVIL-LYN actress Alison Brie says MOTU filming is about to begin, talks costume and working out with Goat Man!

The fan response was extremely positive when actress Alison Brie was cast as Evil-Lyn in the upcoming “Masters of the Universe” movie from Amazon MGM and Mattel Films.

Already expressing excitement over the role in previous interviews, Alison Brie talked about playing the “Evil Warrior Goddess” once again when she was interviewed by Colider at the Sundance Film Festival going on right now. This time she talked about the start of filming “Masters of the Universe“, her costume, and more! Check it out:

Actress Alison Brie at the Sundance Film Festival


"Filming is about to start. Everyone's in pre-production now. I was just out in London lifting some weights with [Hafthor] Júlíus Björnsson." 
Actor Hafthor Bjornsson during a possible make-up test for GOAT MAN.


"I'm not saying a damn thing. You eat your heart out. You better just wait until this movie comes out to lay eyes on it all."


"I'm so excited about it! I sort of felt like I manifested it because I had just been talking to my team, like, 'If I was ever going to do one of those big action movies, it just would be fun to be villainous.' You know? I wanted to put that out there. I was like, 'Isn't there a villain's assistant that people need?' Like, two weeks later, they were like, 'Hey, there is a villain's assistant,' if you could call her that. So, I'm so excited. I've never done anything like this before, so I'm sort of curious to see what I come up with."

So according to actress Alison Brie, filming will start soon for the new “Masters of the Universe” movie. It is entirely possible that some filming has already taken place… Earth scenes for instance that do not feature the character of Evil-Lyn. However, Alison Brie’s reveal does line up with the news that For Eternia broke last week regarding the movie production looking to cast extras in the London area for filming between February to June 2025. Regardless the start date, it really does seem this movie is finally happening.

Filming for “Masters of the Universe” is reportedly slated to begin around now with the movie itself scheduled to be released in cinemas worldwide on June 5th, 2026.

We’ll see you next time.

8 thoughts on “EVIL-LYN actress Alison Brie says MOTU filming is about to begin, talks costume and working out with Goat Man!

    1. While I think this movie will fail for the same reason the 87 one did, this was visually spot on casting visually. Her eyes are perfect!

      Meg Foster had perfect eyes too.


      The difference is Meg has scary pretty eyes and Alison’s eyes are just pretty.

    1. I’m so excited to see her play Evil Lynn. I hope they make her skin tone yellow like the card art & vintage action figure.

      I am for that as long as it doesn’t look funny. Some things look cool as toys but look strange in real life.

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