Our investigate journalism knows no bounds!
With filming either scheduled or already on the way for the new “Masters of the Universe” film, we have been anticipating that… since this is a big budget movie certain to be filled with large epic battle scenes on Eternia and Earth… “extras” would be needed on set. And we were right!
For the past few weeks we have been monitoring casting agencies in the UK for the hiring of “extras”. A film extra is a person (often with no professional acting experience required) who appears in a film or a television series typically in the background to fill out the world with no speaking lines.
Well we hit the jackpot: There are casting calls!
The Casting Collective Company has been specializing in background casting in the UK for over 25 years. And now that company has put out a casting call for two types of people: Regular and Athletic / Muscular people! Check it out:
CASTING CALL: Athletic / Muscular people and Bodybuilders in London
We are looking for athletic / muscular people and bodybuilders of all ages, genders & ethnicities for a high-profile fantasy feature film shooting in the London area.
Sporadic dates from February to June 2025.
Applicants must be very fit and train regularly.
All work is paid
CASTING CALL: People in Somerset
We are looking for people of all ages, ethnicities & genders for filming on a high-profile fantasy feature film in Somerset.
Filming from May to June 2025
All work is paid.
Of course, casting calls like this never mention the movie by its specific title… but we don’t know of any other “high-profile fantasy feature film” filming in the UK over the next six months that would require bodybuilders other than “Masters of the Universe” … so we believe this is a safe bet!
Athletic, Muscular, Bodybuilder People who are interested APPLY HERE.
Regular People who are interested APPLY HERE.
If one of our community members is lucky enough to get in as an extra, all we ask is they regale ForEternia.com with their “Masters of the Universe” movie experience at a later date.
Good luck and we’ll see you next time!
AJ thanks for the investigative journalism mate. This would be a dream fulfilled so I will give it a go.
Would you look at that. This movie is actually happening.
Can I be a random Eternian villager who hurls a pitchfork at Goat Man and immediately gets slaughtered by him?
You joke but that would awesome bro!
OMG! The UK is too far for me but this an amazing opportunity y’all. Why can’t they make it in Texas?
Challenge accepted.