Fans of the Netflix animated series “Masters of the Universe: Revelation & Revolution” have been chomping at the bit for an update regarding a third season.
Excited over a pre-credit stinger in “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” featuring the character Despara who is not only known as the Force Captain of the Evil Horde but also the alter ego of Adora, fans have been hoping a third installment of the trilogy would be greenlit and She-Ra would finally join the story. (Masters of the Universe: Rebellion? Masters of the Universe: Redemption?)

But while Mattel owns the rights to Despara, the television rights to the woman underneath the mask otherwise known as Adora a.k.a. She-Ra is currently under the control of Dreamworks (not Mattel) and we knew the two companies would have to come to an agreement to make it work. (You can learn more about the She-Ra television rights in this video.)
Well now we finally we have an update to share regarding a potential third season to Revelation and Revolution. Talking to AnyGoodFilms on YouTube, showrunner Kevin Smith was asked about the status of Season 3. While Kevin chose his words carefully, he basically indicated it was still up to Mattel and Dreamworks making a deal to use the She-Ra character.
Per Kevin Smith:
"At the end of (Revolution Episode) 5 -- we tease a character that you know, I got to walk carefully, is a real Hail Mary, because there are iterations of that character that Mattel does not own. Does that make sense?
"So, our Season 3, I would assume, particularly if we are going in the direction of the story we were planning to tell, has everything to do whether two titans of media want to let each other play with their toys. Does that make sense?
"So longest short, (it's) out of my hands and it's in the hands of folks far more powerful than (me)."
Here is the full video clip.
Can the two titans, i.e. Mattel and Dreamworks finally come together to make a deal and allow She-Ra to appear in a third and final season of this amazing Masters of the Universe animated series? We can only hope.
We’ll see you next time.
Can’t Dreamworks do it for the fans? He-Man and She-Ra are siblings and it makes me sad inside that we may never see brother and sister together again. EVER!! 😿
And they should! I think it would be poor form not to.
Conspiracy theory answer would be “we make it end on a legal cliffhanger to get a excuse" that would be really sad if the show flopped that hard… 🙁
Yes they are actually, there is talks of a She-Ra movie and a live action show has once again been dragged up from the grave.
Midnights Edge made a nice documentary about the rise and fall of the franchise, Mattels greed is the short answer. (2 licences 2 times the money)
@catra I know, but thats back then. There is obviously some or more naysayer blocking it these days for law excuse reasons; that make everyone involved look worse with each passing year; I as a fan really do not care the slightest about: Egg’em till they think they are meant to be drank at an x-mas party! And then some more just to be sure they know they done bad. 😛
There is no “loophole." Despara is wholly owned by Mattel. No exclusive rights were infringed including her in Revolution.
Midnight’s Edge is trash.
Also who else than ME have made a documentary about it that is free and better on Youtube for all to see? 🤔
No shit. Mattel does not hold the exclusive rights to Adora and She-Ra. Hence, why an agreement needs to be made, so they may proceed with their vision for season three. Including Despara in season two does not jeopardize that in any way—which is your contention—because they hold the exclusive rightst to that character. They are not stepping on anyone’s toes here.
That your standard is “free" and “on YouTube" and not “factual" and “unbiased" speaks volumes.
That your standard is “free" and “on YouTube" and not “factual" and “unbiased" speaks volumes.
Ok then mr.american tell me about a free vpn to get it on Netflix then?! Then I guess I gotta go tell everyone that wanna see the info to go get Netflix + a VPN? Great plan. Maybe think before complaining?
Perhaps you should try thinking, period. The information is freely available, but you would rather have someone else tell you what to think, instead of doing the least bit of research yourself.
@adam_prince-of-eternia You seem to come in so hot all the time like you are looking for an argument. We are all on the same side friend.
Come on. One more. Give us one more. Then I swear I can die happy and won’t ask for anything MOTU again. Please please please.
What about the movie?
OK the movie too lolol
Kevin needs to pass the bong and broker a peace deal
The tease is a lie. She-ra never needed to be in the stinger. And why set up a season you know very well may never happen because you don’t have the rights to the central character? I’m gobsmacked. So if they can’t get Adora/Despora/She-ra, then we just don’t get a season 3? This didn’t have to happen this way.
If the unimaginable happens and it ends with Revolution I agree. Teasing She-Ra without knowing they could use her is kind of cruel the more I think about it. Teasing Lynn as a cosmic enforcer would have been just fine. It is exciting but there would be no need to see it continued in any meaningful way.
All right, I sincerely feel for the She-Ra fans, I really do, but if an alternative can be found, I’ll still be happy. There are many interesting ways this mysterious character (Despara) could be developed, endless possibilities…
Is DreamWorks even doing anything with She-Ra? Or is this a Sony/ Spider-Man vs Marvel type situation?
Yes to both.
Amazon is writing She-Ra a new show.
The creative part of me me would like to see them try and put together a new origin for Despera and separate her from Adora entirely, so they can push ahead with this third volume and worry about it another time. There’s far more important things in MOTU to adapt and cover for this than frickin’ Adora. You got five years of a pretty popular reboot with her, I think it’s time we move on.
@zarius If they had not shown us baby Adora being kidnapped from the palace I would agree with you but that tiger is already loose from its cage.
Can’t Mattel just create a new story from scratch where He-Man discovers he has another long lost sister who isn’t Adora/She-Ra and then make damn sure they own and keep the rights to that character? What an unforgivable blunder on their part
@durendal I think your feelings come from a good place but I don’t think I would be happy with that. She-Ra is an icon. You can’t replace an icon with a cheap copy.
Whose the brick head that hold apart what should be together? Can we sent an army of kids to egg everthing they have as belated Halloween trick (unless they offer the only treat we care about)?
I think one could easily do Despara. At the end of 5 episodes, you could even hint at her being Adam’s sister without saying the words “Adora" or “She-Ra". I’d like to see 5 more episodes to wrap up the Adam-Teela love story even if they need to drop the last minute teaser. There are other directions they could go.
They still haven’t started working on the next season?
Yep that about sums it up.
Seriously, why didn’t they discuss Adora/She-Ra with Dreamworks/Matel BEFORE they did that cliffhanger in Revolution?! If we don’t get a season 3 now because of this and I’m left forever wondering what could have happened, I’m sending the producers my therapy bills!
I sincerely hope that Kevin Smith will be ousted of the franchise. I don’t really like him, he is imho a really dishonest person, he is insincere, not genuine in his opinions, driven more by greed than by true passion for the MOTU project. He’s just an opportunist. As soon as he will be kicked out, the project will receive a fresh wind of new ideas, more geeky, more genuine, more true to the MOTU universe. And, last but not least, surely new energy.
But we are young at heart!
@asterstar I think that motu dies with us. They have lured in a new younger audience but the numbers are peanuts
@brasco The movie has a chance to connect to a whole new generation like Wednesday or Cobra Kai but it has to be something really special.
Masters of the Universe is a product of a specific time. As a genre, barbarian fantasy will eventually go the way of the western or the pulp hero. Attempts will be made to modernize it and to draw new audiences, but they will get little traction, and eventually fade away. Nobody is clamoring for The Lone Ranger or John Carter anymore. They had their time, and now their time is passed.