With a Sorceress around the corner, Tweeterhead (via their social media pages) has just teased two new upcoming statues in their Masters of the Universe “LEGENDS” Maquette line.
Shown off in “various stages of both design and sculpt”, fans can now see what to expect next in this exciting MOTU maquette line: Man-at-Arms and Scare Glow! Here are those designs:

Pre-orders for both Man-at-Arms and Scareglow is expected to go live later this year, as well as the Sorceress (which will be up next.)

We’ll see you next time!
Loving the design on Scareglow and Man-At-Arms. The Tweeterhead statues are gorgeous. Would love He-Man to get a redo since I never got the original from Sideshow when I picked up the original Skeletor. Sorceress I’m less of a fan of though. I much prefer the 200x design over the simplistic classic design, especially when all of the other releases have been “elevated" from the original designs.
I’d love to see a cost reduction though. They have HUGE DC busts for like $400 that are brand new, but somehow Beast Man is $735? I get there’s more detail and paint apps, but I think the cost increase on these things has been pretty heavy over the last few years.
@smokinya DC sells more than motu so that could be bringing the cost down
Scare glow is looking 🔥