We have our new He-Man!
29 year old actor Nicholas Galitzine, star of the recent movie “Idea of You” has been cast as He-Man in the upcoming live-action film adaptation “Masters of the Universe” by Amazon MGM Studios and Mattel Films.

Announced by Amazon MGM Studios and first reported by the trade Variety, here is what the head of film production and development over at Amazon MGM Studios had to say:
“We’re thrilled to bring the beloved ‘Masters of the Universe’ to life and couldn’t be more excited to announce the immensely talented Nicholas Galitzine as our He-Man. This reintroduction of the character and his universe will be an epic film that will delight audiences from here to Eternia.”
-Julie Rapaport, head of film production and development at Amazon MGM Studios
For Eternia was first to report that previous He-Man actor Kyle Allen might no longer be playing the muscular hero (reported HERE), a casting change that has now been confirmed.
The movie “Masters of the Universe” will follow Prince Adam who crashes to Earth in a spaceship as a child and decades later returns to his home planet to defend it from the evil forces of Skeletor as He-Man, the most powerful man in the universe.

“Masters of the Universe” will be released in theaters worldwide on June 5th, 2026.
We’ll see you next time!
Meh. Never heard of this guy. The studios seem determined to cast some unknown pretty boy in the role. He doesn’t look badass enough to be a grizzled barbarian warrior. Also he doesn’t even look He-Man-esque enough. Age wise he’s ok at 30, so they can get some mileage out of him if the film is a success. Build wise…just like the last 2 guys who were cast, he’d have to bulk up massively.
Anyone other than Alan Ritchson is kind of a disappointment to me. I’ll still watch it tho!
I read this as Alan Rickman, which would be … a choice.
Try reading this as Benny Hill and then let it play out in your mind.
@elder Dream casting – Benny Hill as Chef Allen. Tell me that isn’t genius!
He’s a decent actor but producers must be planning to make He-Man cgi which could work. Just write a good script.
OMG He’s hot y’all! 😍😆 I never knew saw him before. He must be a young up and coming actor. He has a thick British accent too! Will He-Man have an accent?
T H I S S S 😩
new celebrity crush unlocked !! lmao
he-man w a british accent? hmmmm, maybe. 😏that could be quite nice.
harkens back to mr. lundgren getting to use his lovely natural swedish accent for he-man in the 1987 canon movie, i always felt that it added such charm to his particular portrayal of he-man, made the character his own you know.
ig if prince adam’s ship happens to crash land in london lol
That is perfect adora lovely! Adam crash lands in London and picks up a sexy accent and a taste for fish and chips! 😋
I got an error with my comment and it disappeared. Can anybody see my comment?
@ninadust I rebuilt it. It unfortunately happens once in a while when a couple people post at the same time. Sorry about that!
@admin ty AJ!
I like it! He has a very strong jawline. His eyes are intense. I think with some blonde hair dye and 6 months of working out he can look the part. People might not remember but Chris Hemsworth was a skinny guy before Thor. Now look at him.
Don’t forget all the steroids. Lots and lots of steroids. You can visually see what Chris liked before and after Thor when he took his first cycle. I don’t even want to know what he was on for Love and Thunder. Dude was massive.
Perfect picture for it! I don’t think that Chris’ physique in 2010 would’ve been unattainable for him naturally, but with how fast he was able to get to that point it would 100% involve steroids of some kind (pretty much every super hero actor is using steroids). As a consistent gym goer myself, there is a lot you can do naturally without the use of PED’s. However, its more so about how much time it took to get there. And there is no possible way you can go from 2009 to 2010 without the use of PED’s. Especially considering he was probably doing that in a 6-8 month period. I don’t think he was on a lot there as, but you can trust that he was using it in some capacity. Regardless, he still had to put in the work to attain the physique.
What do you think about Hugh Jackman? Do you think he took PEDs too? Someone told me you can tell by the veins that they don’t pop out naturally like that without pills.
@gatorrob Wow. That’s an incredible comparison. I haven’t watched the OG X-Men movies in so long I forgot what Hugh looked like back then. I would say that its 100% guaranteed he was using PED’s in the later Wolverine renditions. He’s definitely all natural on the left. Veins are one indicator, but you can achieve vein popping with dehydration and by being very lean as well. In my opinion the easiest way to tell if someone is using is by looking at the separation of their shoulder muscles (deltoids) and their traps (muscles that run between you shoulder and neck and into your upper back). Its nearly impossible to achieve a hard, separated look between these muscles for a majority of people so if there’s a really clean cut line between the two of them the person is likely using. Again that’s not to say that you can just take PED’s and stack muscle, it still requires an insane amount of work. Basically they’ll help you push past your natural boundary and allow you to reach what your natural potential would’ve been sooner.
Here is a great example of what can be achieved naturally: Jeff Nippard YouTube Page
I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jeff is and always has been 100% natural. He has an incredible physique, but its his job to compete and he’s been working out consistently for a decade to achieve what he has now. The issue with actors is that they don’t have the time to dedicate to get to this point. Hence why a majority of them use steroids. In the older Marvel movies (pre-Ironman/MCU) I think everyone was natural, but as the Marvel movies blew up so did the requirements of the male physique and actors. Actors who used to have nice, athletic physiques needed to get even bigger and the easiest way to do that is to cycle up. Especially because the studios usually have doctors on call as well to help negate and manage any side effects the PED’s.
TLDR; Even if you were in the bottom 10% of genetics you could still achieve a great physique, but it will take lots of time and dedication and you likely won’t be able to win a competition. If someone goes from zero to hero out of the blue, its pretty much guaranteed they’re on something. If they’re a male action star, they’re probably on something as well (even if its something “minor" like TRT).
@smokinya PEDs are controlled substances right? As far as I know using them to build muscle is not medically legal. There must be doctors out there who forgot to take their hippocratic oath. Or maybe they are getting their PEDs from Mexico.
Depending on the country, yes they are a controlled substance, but they really aren’t that hard to get. Additionally, since he seems like he lives in the UK it would be even easier to get. In the UK PEDs are legal to have on your person for personal use. Its only illegal to sell it or to give it to someone else. But based on some documentaries I’ve watched on YouTube it doesn’t seem like the police care to enforce the law very much.
I would assume the doctors actors/studios would use would be entirely private and have private clinics. For example, here in Canada you can go to a certain type of clinic (forgot the name of it) and get prescribed TRT fairly easily. TRT is mostly used to get your testosterone levels back to normal levels. Good for folks doing shift work or for older men to get their levels back to when they were in their early twenties, but based on what I’ve heard its pretty easy to get prescribed TRT even if you don’t “need" it. Granted TRT is going to be a very minor dosage compared to using anabolics.
The only thing that bothers me about the use of PED’s (I’ve never taken anything myself FYI) is how its warped the reality of society and how many people flat out lie about using them while selling fitness products. We need look no further than this very thread where we have lots of people saying that as long as he “bulks" up for the next 6-8 months he should be a fine choice. Many not realizing that it would take him YEARS of dedication to naturally get a He-Man esque physique. Or they could also just use CGI lol
@smokinya I have been thinking a lot about it and I am OK with them using CG as long as it doesn’t look fake. Is there any examples out there where CG was used to create muscle and it looked realistic? All I can think is the Hulk from Avengers End Game but his skin was green which kind of changes things.
@gatorrob Does this count?
@asterstar I forgot about Terminator Genisis. That CG was amazing!
omg i’ve been chomping at the bit for this 😭
i’ve wanted updates on the movie’s cast for so long, i’m so happy to have something set in stone and not just a rumour – thank u so so much for keeping us in the know @admin 🤗
i’ll have to check out nicholas’ filmography soon, i’d like to see what movies/tv shows he’s been in because it would give me a better understanding of the type of actor he is and what he can bring to the table as he-man.
so far i’ve very enthusiastic ! imho he’s got the height and as well as he-man’s boyish good looks. he’s got a good frame too and as we are at least two years away from seeing the movie, i’m sure with training (as others have said) he’ll soon have the right body for he-man too.
Eh, hard to say either way. It looks like Amazon cast a relative newcomer with previous work with the studio. I do hope he ends up blonde and bulks up. He is 29, so it fits the crash lands at 8 and stuck on Earth 20 years bad plot device. This guy won’t cost much, so hopefully they can get a better Skeletor than Cohen.
Oh no, hes that dweeb from all those awful Anne Hathaway ads i got to sit through.
Mondo must have seen into the future, since all the heman/Adam sculpts have big ol chins and wide faces, and dead eyes.
DANG savage bruh! 🤣
It would be wicked cool but I don’t see any version of this where we get He-Man as a grizzled barbarian warrior.
@caliban unfortunately, because chicks won’t agree to go see the movie with their geeky boyfriends unless He-Man is “hot".
Do you remember the commercial for the Dolph He-Man movie where it ended with a woman saying He-Man’s hot? It didn’t go that well then but consider it market tested with Thor.
I think Nicholas would be awesome in the role!
You’d think Steve Buscemi would be awesome in the role.
@durendal There’s no need for you to always be hateful and sarcastic to me.
@michaelholloway Your writing style and tone tend to invite blowback. It happened for years on the org. Get used to it.
@durendal I only post positivity and happy vibes which do not deserve this blowback you speak of. There’s no need to be hateful and unkind when someone has not been so to you.