Mattel released today (via their packaging designer Roy Juarez) the new packaging design for their upcoming Masters of the Universe: Origins “Turtles of Grayskull” Mouse-Jaw figure.

Now while we normally would reserve this packaging reveal to a our social media pages and a community forum post, this particular figure has introduced a brand new feature into the “Turtles of Grayskull” action figure line: BUILD A FIGURE!

Build A Figure or (BAF) are waves of figures that individually come included with an additional body part of a new character to build. Then normally, if you buy all the figures in a wave, you have all the pieces to build an additional figure.

Well it looks like “Turtles of Grayskull” will implement this feature and Mouse-Jaw will start you on your way to building METAL-BOTO… the combination of Roboto and Metalhead. Check it out:

What other surprises will the Masters of the Universe “Turtles of Grayskull” Origins action figure line bring? Stay tuned to find out. We’ll see you next time!
a build a figure?
I wish they would have used the BAF potential in Origins since it started. Wasted opportunity.
Masterverse too. Imagine the New Eternia oversized figures they could have included.
this omg ^^
i actually had the same thoughts as you, he-dad 🙂
that BAF would be a cool feature for the masterverse line.
not saying i don’t love this for origins, i do but imo, i think BAF would suit masterverse better. masterverse is definitely an easier line to collect for, the figures are easier to find and much more affordable.
i still think that modulok would be a cool BAF, considering his whole stchick is his ability to detach his limbs and the fact he can still control each body part even when it’s separated from him.
there’s some cool mini-comic potential there too, or in the case of masterverse, fun story blurbs for the back of the packaging seeing is how masterverse doesn’t have mini-comics. lol
@adoralovely Definitely for masterverse. Multi-bot, maybe an oversized figure like Gygor or Procrustus.
@brasco that would certainly be so cool. 🥰
i love the idea of having larger figures and BAF allows us to get these for cheaper. i mean, origins figures that come with BAF parts are going to cost more than regular origins figs
but still, a character like procrustus as a BAF is still much cheaper than if mattel decided to release procrustus or gygor or granamyr as separate figures 😅
i agree with you, BAF is a wonderful way for mattel to give us larger characters. i hope we get more in the future.
As cool as this would be, I’d miss not having packaging artwork for any figure that arrives just as a BAF. If it was a really cool figure it would be a bummer not to be able to have it MOC also.
@daavid I gotta say that’s a mighty good point, david
i’m very much hoping for more BAF in the future but yeah, with BAF figures we DO lose out on the marvelous boxart that we get from standalone releases. as a collector of both loose and MOC figures, i feel this 😅
i suppose in that case, mattel could keep BAF to the origins line only and certain well received BAF figures could get standalone variants as part of the masterverse line.
for example (and this is just off the top of my head)
blade from the 1987 movie as an origins BAF (kind of a niche character)
and if this figure is well-received by the community, than we got get a standalone blade figure in masterverse. peeps who didn’t have the chance to get the BAF origins blade will have the opportunity to get him as a masterverse toy and for anybody who did get him as a BAF, the masterverse figure is still different enough from the origins one to warrant buying.
@adoralovely or what about this. Vintage Origins is starting at Mattel Creations. What if, if you purchase all figures that come with the BAF parts for Blade, you can get a collector style card for Blade either free or at a small price. So you can put the fully built figure into the blister with the slide on card.
I think Metal-Boto works as a BAF because he’s a robot and might even be Metalhead and Roboto rebuilt after they two of them are damaged. A human BAF would be fine in MOTU but I think it would work better as a nonessential character.
I agree Smitty! BAF should never be essential characters, I always hate it when they do that!
@daavid i actually like your idea better than mine lol 😂 now if only mattel took idea submissions from motu fans 😉
Best of both worlds. Now I just need to find a Mattel office here in Ireland that I can sit outside and lobby to take ideas.
Good! I was hoping Metal Head & Chrome Dome would be in this line. 1 down.
The Mouse Trap artwork also shows us Teela. (I’m calling him Mouse-Trap. Mouse-Jaw sounds stupid AF)
I like the more box like deluxe packaging.
Cool figure. But that name will get him mocked repeatedly by the other evil warriors. Except maybe Stinkor…
Correct me if I am wrong but this is the first time a build a figure element has been implemented within this MOTU brand yes? It’s historic?
@elder Yes this is a first. Again like everyone else, finding the Walmart exclusives is going to be a pain.
@brasco Chase figures not by design.
Walmart exclusives seem to be very hard in the beginning but they are eventually easy to order on their website. Moss-Man is available now. Finding them in stores is harder but as long as the website is easy it’s all good. Flocked Panthor was impossible to find for a long time but eventually ended up shelfwarming & even ended up on clearance.
Duplico seems to be the exception because he was jammed into wave 12 & replaced Hypno. That was a really stupid way to ship him.
Oh, nevermind! Moss-Man says not available to ship. But it says free pick-up at my store but my store doesn’t have any unless they are in the back. They’ll probably get more though.
Masterverse would be great for BAF because you can actually find all the figs in the waves at regular prices! Minicomics would be cool but it might up the price of the Masterverse figures a few bucks. I think they do it with Origins to capture that vintage way which is awesome. Also Origins are cheap to make. They are really basic toys in today’s standards so you can add other stuff like comics with them to increase the appeal.
That Modulok Masterverse BAF idea is perfect!
@he-dad 🥰 hee hee thank you !
On one hand, I’m down with a Build-A-Figure!
On the other hand…isn’t Mouse-Jaw an exclusive? This is going to be a pain to finish with Wal-Mart involved…
@chrisa I can see the scalper prices now… ☹️
There are 4 exclusives & 4 parts.
Mouse-Trap & Sla’ker = Target
Moss-Man & Krang = Walmart
Metal-Boto is our first baf figure? LAME
I hope Krang comes with the legs so we can put the Krang pod on the Metal-Boto legs.
The Teela tease is so disappointing. I was hoping they’d finally tool a new female buck. Hopefully they do that with April.
A closer look at the packaging artwork for the upcoming MOUSE-JAW figure from the Masters of the Universe: Origins “Turtles of Grayskull" line, including a tease of what the TEELA figure will look like!
Art by Axel Gimenez 🎨 / Courtesy of Roy Juarez.
@admin awww aj, thank you so much for this ! 🫶🏽
i love this 🩷 that teela design slaps fr
i’m all about the turtle shell design for her gear, she appears to be one of the few characters that hasn’t been mutated, she just gets nice new clothes lol
No mutation and just nice new clothes? Teela for the win!
@admin haha yes ! teela for the win always ! 💅🏽🔥🔥
Ok if these are exclusive and members here are having trouble finding figures maybe we set up a thread in the buy-sell-trade section when AJ sets it up and we can help eachother out. I know some people don’t have access to a bunch of different stores. I’ve lived in Cleveland Ohio my whole life, live just outside of it now. I have like 10 walmarts that are somewhat close to me and I would guess like 6-7 targets. I always eventually find the store exclusive figures, and usually more than one. I have no problem grabbing an extra one or two when I can and getting them out to you guys at cost plus the shipping.
Well, I have not yet decided if I am getting the MOTU Turtles, but going by past experience with Mattels distribution for Origins, I am a little concerned. Meaning, I see a very high possibility for a lot of people get stuck with 3/4 figures and never, or not with added financial trouble, completing this build-a-figure. So yeah…not a huge fan of this idea. If Mattel had done a better job with Origins, maybe. The good thing is, if these figures are all in the same wave, at least one could try and just pre-order the lot and not having to worry. But for many less organized collectors and impulse buyers…uhm.
@lasastard I see scalpers being an issue, at least in the beginning anyway. I hope these are abundant for all