Issue 4 Covers have been finally revealed for writer Tim Seeley’s He-Man “Year One” epic Masters of the Universe: Forge of Destiny!
With glorious artwork by artists Eddie Nunez, Tom Fowler, and Fico Ossio, Issue #4 is looking to be the most exciting issue yet. Check them out!

If that last cover by artist Fico Ossio looks familiar, that’s because a portion of it was shared by Fico on social media this past June, making us speculate that there were more MOTU comics on the way (after Masterverse) which turned out to be true!

And here is the synopsis for Issue #4 *some spoilers*
Writer: Tim Seeley / Artist: Eddie Nunez
A Battle for the Soul of Anwat Gar! As Gen. Storm’s soldiers close in on King Randor, He-Man and Teela make their stand against the evil polluting the heart of the island. But now that he wields the power of the Forge itself, can anything stop the Lord of Destruction? Prince Adam’s first year as He-Man comes to an explosive conclusion!
“Masters of the Universe: Forge of Destiny” issue #4 hits comic shows and digital platforms this December 6th, 2023. And be sure to check out Issue #1 on sale now!
We’ll see you next time!
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