Last month, Masters of the Universe fans were treated to the fourth (and so far final) issue of the Dark Horse Anthology Comic Series “Masterverse”.
With three variant covers to choose from, issue #4 featured two multiverse tales, one being “The Megabeast Matrix”, where the legendary He-Force excitingly returns to confront a threat to the entire multiverse. Written by Tim Seeley, this second story (and one of its three covers) were illustrated by the extremely talented artist Fico Ossio.

Now, fast forward to June, Fico Ossio recently posted on social media a few days ago a new drawing of the most powerful man in the universe, indicating that he had the power.
Check it out:

And when an eager fan asked artist Fico Ossio in the comments if brand new Masters of the Universe comics were coming, Fico responded positively “I would think so!“

So what inspired this post? Did Masterverse artist Fico Ossio just tease to fans that more Masters of the Universe comics are on the way from Dark Horse Publishing, either in a continuation of the Masterverse anthology series, perhaps a prequel series to “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” or something else entirely? We shall see!
Either way, we’ll keep you updated with all the Masters of the Universe comics news if anything develops.

We’ll see you next time!
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Yay!!!!! Please be an ongoing series!!
Please be the season 4 of the 3D series.
Probably a dumb question but what is the 3d series?
@ravewayneboo I think he’s talking the cgi kids show that came out on Netflix two years ago.
Oh ok thanks, I thought it was something new I never heard of.
Masterverse art was all over the place but if this dude is doing the art i’m in