Why CAN’T She-Ra appear in the Masters of the Universe Revelation & Revolution & Unnamed Trilogy?

We know Masters of the Universe: Revelation, the Netflix animated series that debuted in 2021, was designed as a trilogy. Hopefully its previous success carries over to its sophomore entry Masters of the Universe: Revolution (coming to Netflix early 2024), enough for Netflix to greenlight its *yet to be titled* third chapter shortly after its debut.

But the question that still remains for many fans, questions still asked of us all the time, is will She-Ra, He-Man’s twin sister, appear in this Revelation trilogy? We try to answer that very question in this video:

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11 thoughts on “Why CAN’T She-Ra appear in the Masters of the Universe Revelation & Revolution & Unnamed Trilogy?

    1. 1. DreamWorks owns her and all 3 of the 80s shows even tough Mattel owns several characters in 2 of the 3.2. They also do appear to have reset the timeline to be before She-Ra but after the He-Man show so…

      What does #2 mean? You think She-ra will be in Revolution?

      1. @he-dad NO, more like they erased her in this timeline so she never existed!
        So we got DreamWorks owned timeline which goes like…
        * He-Man 1983 to She-Ra 1985 to New Adventures of He-Man 1989
        originally new adventures was not a part of the timeline since the 3rd show was made by another company alongside Mattel. However since Filmation & Jetlag was both bought by NBC Universal and handed to DreamWorks well you can now see all 3 are CANON AND IN SAME TIMELINE.
        Now since Mattel owns several characters in the 3 shows DreamWorks owns and wise versa Mattel could not legally make a sequal, so what they did was to PRETEND that Revoltion is the sequal but with a few changes which our pal AJ has told us before. So in this timeline it goes like…
        * He-Man 1983 mixed with a bit of 2002 & live action movie to Revelation to Revolution to Re???
        Besides those 2 timelines there are
        * He-Man 2002
        * She-Ra 2018
        * He-Man 2021
        Which gives us a total of 5 universes in the multiverse across the animated shows!

  1. Too bad Dreamworks doesn’t seem too interested in collaboration. You’d think they’d be willing to so it now that their own She-Ra project finished (without a Netflix cancellation no less). Makes you wonder if we’ll ever see She-Ra and He-Man on screen together again (even though yes, they can still appear together in the comics).

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