We have breaking news to share on possible new Masters of the Universe figures!
After some extensive research completed exclusively by ForEternia.com, we have now discovered that Mattel has recently registered two new trademarks on two iconic Masters of the Universe characters: GRANAMYR and VIKOR.
Thats right! In the Trademark Class 28 subcategory “Toy action figures and accessories”, Mattel has trademarked no one other than Granamyr on April 19th 2023 and Vikor on May 9th 2023! This leads us to believe that a new Granamyr and a new Vikor action figure is on the way in either the Origins or Masterverse toylines!
(A sidenote: If you recall, our friends at ToyHabits.com similarly discovered a different trademark registered for Vykron weeks ago, that later was confirmed as a reality.)
Lets check out the Trademark details we found:

Now if you’re unaware of these characters, Granamyr is the oldest and most wisest dragon of Darksmoke in MotU lore. Alive long before a truce between humans and dragons existed (which filled him with a distrust for humanity), that trust was finally restored in Granamyr once he met the noble, heroic He-Man.
Granamyr’s most iconic iteration was on television in the 1983 Filmation series “He-Man and the Masters of the Universe”, where he was red and voiced by legendary He-Man actor himself John Erwin. A Classics figure was also produced of the wise old dragon in his Filmation red look… (and later in his green Mini-Comic coloring.)

Vikor on the other hand, first thought to be based on early concept art by Marc Taylor for He-Man, was later revealed to be based on Taylor’s art of Robert E. Howard’s Conan the Barbarian for Mattel’s discarded Conan action figure line. Regardless, Vikor was solidified in Masters of the Universe lore when he was materialized in things like the Classics action figure line in 2011 and 2021’s “Masters of the Universe: Revelation” on Netflix.

So will these trademarks lead to new Granamyr and Vikor figures? We believe so, but we don’t know for certain yet, so for now treat this as a rumor. But stay tuned!
We’ll see you next time.
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The latter one is 100% guaranteed to get a Masterverse I just know it.
It prob is a Revelation release so we can build up those Preternia heroes
I’m a bit happy that I didn’t fork out the money for the Classics versions. Though the Granamyr would work for for the Masterverse figures, it will probably be cheaper then spending $300 to $500 for that dragon. And of course I’m not really a fan of the bodies that the Classic version uses for the other figures.
I’m betting that granamyr will be a mattel creation exclusive due to his sculpting and lack of media knowledge of his character.
I really hope you both are right! And then Mattel. can follow this up with Revelation Wun-Dar and Kuduk Ungol!🤞
Yeah, that feels like a safe bet to me too. 🙂