We have new “Masters of the Universe: Revolution” news! Today Mattel hosted a “Masters of the Universe” livestream event to discuss their new Eternia (Preternia) playset, currently available via crowdfunding through their Mattel Creations website (CLICK HERE to learn more).

At this livestream event was Rob David, Executive Producer of “Masters of the Universe: Revelation” and Vice President, Content Creative at Mattel Television. Towards the end of the livestream, Rob David was asked what secrets he could spill regarding the next chapter in the Revelation story “Masters of the Universe: Revolution”.
Here is what Rob had to say:
“Well I can tell you, if you remember from Revelation with the three towers that, Evil-Lyn when she got all the powers of Grayskull and in the universe, and became God-Lyn, to basically show the heroes that there was no hope for them – she destroyed Preternia. She destroyed the three towers. She destroyed heaven, so to speak.
But I can tell you, I can tease, and reveal just a little bit. So in Revolution you’re not done seeing the three towers. You’re not done learning about Preternia. And secrets will be revealed about its origin and cosmic significance and balancing all the different powers, good and evil, and everything in between in the universe.”

So it appears Evil-Lyn destroying Preternia didn’t signify the last time we would see the Eternian heaven in this continuity, which is something many Revelation fans have been wondering since the series concluded last November. Exciting news!
We’ll see you next time!
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