Ever since the thrilling Part Two conclusion aired for “Masters of the Universe: Revelation” on Netflix, fans have been chomping at the bit to learn if there will be a follow-up mini-series to this epic show… one that will continue where the cliffhanger ending left off with Skeletor being infected by the mysterious Motherboard.

Well thanks to the detective work of fellow fan zodak74, we now have some very interesting news to share!
Over at Powerhouse Animation Studios (the animation studio responsible for “Masters of the Universe: Revelation”), they have some brand new job openings available for what appears to be a new Masters of the Universe project!

Seeking job applications for both a Series Character Designer and Series Storyboard Artist, Powerhouse Animation Studios has coded these jobs MOTU-CHAR and MOTU-SB. Now we don’t have to tell you that “MOTU” is the widely known abbreviation for Masters of the Universe! And not only that, both job offers actually mention “Masters of the Universe: Revelation” in their listings!
Check it out:
“Powerhouse Animation Studios is hiring Character Designers for upcoming projects, similar in style to Masters of the Universe: Revelation.”
“Powerhouse Animation is looking for talented storyboard artists to work on upcoming animated series like Mattel’s Masters of the Universe: Revelation.”
These job listing can be found HERE and HERE.
*Editor’s Note: During the writing of this article, Powerhouse Animation Studios actually changed these job codes from “MOTU-CHAR” and “MOTU-SB” to “M-CHAR” and “M-SB”. Here’s a screenshot of how it previously looked, thanks to fellow fan RiverToad:

* 2nd Editor’s Note: Hours after writing this article, within the two job descriptions, Powerhouse Animation Studios removed the verbiage that the project they are taking applicants for is similar to “Masters of the Universe: Revelation” and substituted it with “Netflix’s Castlevania and Blood of Zeus”. While one doesn’t know for certain, it appears these changes might have been made as damage control, due to Powerhouse accidentally letting the proverbial cat out of the bag.
So is this an indicator that a follow-up series to “Masters of the Universe: Revelation” has been greenlit, is going into production, and an official announcement will be coming soon between now and possibly the date of Power-Con?
Let’s hope Revelation fans!
Now this sounds promising. So when could we expect a release if they already started working on it?
I believe both Kevin Smith and Ted Biaselli said on different occasions it takes 18-24 months to produce one of these shows. Considering a lot of Eternia and its characters have already been designed, I’d bet on the shorter 18 month side.