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OK, I was stoked by the preview. This video review has me wanting to time travel! Well done!
Nicely done, Jukka!
This will be cool!
My first video game system was an Atari VCS, as it was knows at the time. With the woodgrain front and 4 switches in the front. Later to be knows as...
Has anyone seen this video:
That is awesome casting! John is an excellent actor.
I also think that Gates will be a better voice for the Marlena. I feel the same about Melisa voicing Teela.
OK, someone get me a flying DeLorean! I have to get to Jan 25th today!!! That was awesome and they revealed a lot of stuff on this preview!
This is one awesome poster! Cannot wait for the preview tomorrow!
Thanks for the welcome!
Haven't heard anything about this. It would definitely be cool if they made a release with She-Ra's music.