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Fan Made Short Movies--All right I'll do it myself

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(@Anonymous 41631)
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With the lack of an official live action movie, and an already always in limbo project I guess maybe we need to put our hopes on we the fans to create.  I wish someone would start creating He-Man live action shorts that put the character in people's eyes. There has certainly be a resurface with the action figures and the Netflix shows. Justin Rasch animations started as a fan endeavor and then became Mattel official. And I hope they continue doing more! I would love to cast people and get something creative going. I'm a graphic artist and animator good enough with technology that could attempt some green skin and special effects.  Would start with He-Man and Battlecat. Maybe a sequence of He-Man jumping on battlecat and screaming for Eternia! ready for battle. I like what they attempted to do with wrestler Brian Cage some years ago, at least the main character look great as He-Man and the story happened in Eternia, I think they should have gotten another wrestler as Beastman and exploit their talent to choreograph an exciting fight instead of trying to make a short movie. Just a neat extended fighting sequence between He-Man and Beastman with some cinematic shots would have been better. Like Justin Rasch started to do with the stop motion. Then keep producing segments and develop from there.

Palace Bodyguard
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That is a terrific idea! I don't know what it is like with other brands but there has been a lot of creative people in this one that started out as amateurs that eventually worked on legitimate things. You should do it!

(@Anonymous 41631)
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Thank you for the vote of confidence, Asterstar! I want to continue with the casting of He-Man. To me that is the most important and I think no one has ever done a good casting.  Dolph Lundgren was very good, the best so far but it could have been better. Someone did an AI He-Man, I personally don't like it but some people do like it.

<img src= g">

(@Anonymous 41631)
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For some reason there is an Alan Ritchson as He-Man picture floating in the internet, a very young Alan Ritchson.



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