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Well this should be fun and create a few smiles.
"Did ja evers?" are those things we look back on and wish we could have handled differently. Generally it's cringeworthy in the sense of "Why did I do that?" or "Why didn't I do that?
I'll get start with my two favorites.
Nowadays I alway keep my phone and a small writing pad and pen on my bedside table. The reason? Many years ago I was in the midst of writing a novel, which I'm happy to say went on to be published despite my gaffe. One night I turned off the lights and tossed and turned for half an hour, a great and complicated idea for a scene in the novel slowly forming in my mind. Convinced I'd remember it in the morning, I drifted off to sleep a happy man. My happiness vanished when I woke the next morning to find, like quicksilver, the great and complicated idea has scurried away. Try as I could, I never got it back. Hence the reason I now have my phone and a note pad and pen on my bedside table.
(As an aside, the whole reason for this thread springs from the fact that after I went to bed last night, I tossed and turned as a great and complicated scene for a script I'm working on formed in my mind. Fortunately, when I reached out in the dark at 4:38, there was my phone. In darkness except for my phone's screen, I wrote in a frenzy for twenty minutes on my phone and went to bed a happy man. When I woke this morning and read all I had written, I was still a happy man...and got an idea for a thread in the bargain!)
My second "Did ja ever?" is one I'm thinking a lot of people have experienced. Did ja ever have a heated conversation with someone and hours after you finished the conversation a great and perfect comeback line for one of the other person's comments belated came to you? I hate when that happens!
Okay, how about you guys (and gals)? Favorite "Did ja evers?" please.
Oh that happens to me all the time The Man! I think of things when I wake up in the middle of the night and tell myself to remember them and when I wake up they are gone. They are all gone! They are not usually stories like yours just things I have to do but the same things happens. 😂