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Does anybody here like Robot Chicken? I've been a fan since I was......well, frankly too young to watch (sorry mom and dad 🙇🏽♀️lol)
I LOVE their He-Man and She-Ra sketches. Some of my favorites are "Eternia Gym", "Adora's 'Aunt Flo'", "Faker Crashes the Party" and the one where Skeletor leases Snake Mountain to the frat boys at Eternia Tech.
What are some of your favourites?
No but I would like to. It sounds very funny! Where can I watch it?
Loved me some Robot Chicken back in the day.
@adoralovely I was checking out some of your YT videos the other day. Fun stuff!
@talonfighter Here are some links for you, TF! ♡♡
Eternia Gym
Adora's 'Aunt Flo'
Faker Crashes the Party
Skeletor leases Snake Mountain
They actually made like TONS of He-Man and She-Ra skits (like Man-E-Face's acting career or Skeletor travelling back in time) Skeletor is also something of a recurring character in a few of the other Robot Chicken skits.
I hope you like them, they're so funny! ^_^
@eternianbunny Do you recognize her, Bunny?
It's Ariana Grande slayying a She-Ra cosplay! It's from an SNL skit, I just adored her look and thought it'd make a great pfp! 😌
I honestly really love your pfp too, I used to be a bunny mom myself. I love rabbits! and it reminds me of art you would see on a birthday card. ♡♡
These are always fun to watch. Thanks for posting these @adoralovely !
@eternianbunny Here is that SNL skit with He-Man and She-Ra. 🙂
We have the Power!
@admin firstly, you are very welcome AJ. It's my pleasure 😌
Second.... "honey, maybe....don't do the song?" 😂 lol
@adoralovely OIC I luv her. So funny!
Bunnies are the cutest! 💕
@eternianbunny Precious marshmallow 🥺😭
Dang! I want to get another rabbit now! 🤣
These are always fun to watch. Thanks for posting these @adoralovely !
@eternianbunny Here is that SNL skit with He-Man and She-Ra. 🙂
Have never been a huge fan of Saturday Night Live but this video had me nearly patting myself below the belt. Thats NEARLY not I did... Sheesh. What do you think will even happen if you abuse yourself like that!
Does anybody here like Robot Chicken? I've been a fan since I was......well, frankly too young to watch (sorry mom and dad 🙇🏽♀️lol)
I LOVE their He-Man and She-Ra sketches. Some of my favorites are "Eternia Gym", "Adora's 'Aunt Flo'", "Faker Crashes the Party" and the one where Skeletor leases Snake Mountain to the frat boys at Eternia Tech.
What are some of your favourites?
Seriously LOVE robot chicken! Always wanted to do something similar even before it all came out. I've saved up thousands of toys since I was a kid, some never leaving their packagind. I even had a little old man setup to tell the tales of his grand adventures (Which means stories I created as a kid playing with the toys). Over the years my anxiety has really picked up and I went into hiding. Still collecting toys and it's really built up. I finally braved the rapids by looking into online stuff. I'm not real familar with a lot of social media. Would love it if someone took the time to maybe help navagate my way through it all. My daughter always says that I really need to look into TicTok and just make some 15 minute videos. I think thats what my only complaint about robot chicken was that more of their skits were too short especially when they bring in some of the old toys over the years.
I'm extremely knowledge in many collectaables and vintage toys. My only issue is letting them go. I could probably tell you who made the toy, what year it was made and the company that made it as well as the name of the toy. It just became my obsession.
I saw some of your work Adora and I love it! Maybe you could give me some pointers on how to get started and maybe an opinion off some of the ideas I might have. I'm the kind of person that even if I succeed or just fail miserably but had a lot of fun, I'll never forget those who were good friends to me starting out. I hold really well to friendships but I can't imagion what it would be like to have a million people want to be my friend, but if I could make the right sandbox for anyone to enjoy, I can't see myself ignoring those who truely want a friendship from this old man.
Does anybody here like Robot Chicken? I've been a fan since I was......well, frankly too young to watch (sorry mom and dad 🙇🏽♀️lol)
I LOVE their He-Man and She-Ra sketches. Some of my favorites are "Eternia Gym", "Adora's 'Aunt Flo'", "Faker Crashes the Party" and the one where Skeletor leases Snake Mountain to the frat boys at Eternia Tech.
What are some of your favourites?
The gym is my favorite. I love the "I see you you dirty birdie" and then skeletor getting upset that something has grown out of tri-klops fur loins as he is spotting skeletor on the weights.