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I went yesterday and didn’t find anything. Going to check today after work
*Went after work and nada
I don't even bother anymore because my Target never has anything.
Collectors are finding TOG in toy stores. Not my pic.
@asterstar There aren't in my town, not really. There are two comic shops that have some toys but mostly "vintage" stuff. It's sad that most chain specialty stores are dead in the US.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
Toy stores are dead. Governments will soon restrict plastics and toys will be dead too. Enjoy your lame nfts.
In the U.S. sure. But they are thriving in other countries. They are everywhere in Mexico. ÂToy stores are dead. Governments will soon restrict plastics and toys will be dead too. Enjoy your lame nfts.
@kraken that's a terrible idea.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
@asterstar There aren't in my town, not really. There are two comic shops that have some toys but mostly "vintage" stuff. It's sad that most chain specialty stores are dead in the US.
Did you hear they are starting to open Toys R Us stores again in certain states? I really hope they are successful. I took my local Toys R Us for granted. I would try to shop there every week if they came back.
@asterstar I can’t find a list to see if I’m getting one by me. Any help would be appreciated. I’d be there multiple times a week!
@asterstar I can’t find a list to see if I’m getting one by me. Any help would be appreciated. I’d be there multiple times a week!
They opened one in New Jersey and talked about opening 24 more beginning in 2024 but they didn't say where.Â
Picked up Mouse-Jaw at my local Target today, there were about 3 left on the shelf. 1 each of He-Man and Man-at-Arms. No Turtles. Nothing yet at the nearby Wal-Mart.Â
I really like him! The colors are bright and the accessories are nice, though he can't aim his arm straight due to the joint cut.
Whoever decided to include the BAF parts with the store exclusive deluxes should be buried in a pile of plastic left arms! Not looking forward to competing this one!
I suspect the Turtles will be the biggest hits from this line, the MOTU figures aren't as "out there" and part of the appeal is MOTU:O Style TMNT.
Picked up Mouse-Jaw at my local Target today, there were about 3 left on the shelf. 1 each of He-Man and Man-at-Arms. No Turtles. Nothing yet at the nearby Wal-Mart.Â
I really like him! The colors are bright and the accessories are nice, though he can't aim his arm straight due to the joint cut.
Whoever decided to include the BAF parts with the store exclusive deluxes should be buried in a pile of plastic left arms! Not looking forward to competing this one!
I suspect the Turtles will be the biggest hits from this line, the MOTU figures aren't as "out there" and part of the appeal is MOTU:O Style TMNT.
Is TMNT owned by the creators? I was thinking why not make these somewhere else instead of exclusively at Mattel until I considered the possibility Playmates or Hasbro doesn't have a claim.
@kraken for a long time the TMNT creators had a lot or total control of the brand but at some point they had a falling out and ownership went to one of them, then at some point it was sold to Nickelodeon/ Paramount. Eastman and Laird made up. I'm not 100% sure of the exact timeline or who dipped out, but the Netflix show "The Toys That Made Us" covers it.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025
@smitty-81 It was Eastman first. They had a disagreement over Next Mutation (which is kind of TMNT's New Adventures, though it is still not fondly remembered), though there were cracks in their relationship as far back as the early 90's. They just have different personalities. Eastman sold his half to Laird, and he ran it for a while (which gave us the 2003 TMNT, which is basically their 200X.) Then he got burned out and sold the franchise to Viacom/Nickelodeon. Eastman has come back and is involved in the comics now, Laird tends to keep to himself.
Playmates has the master toy license and are apparently a pain to deal with. There are several companies that make TMNT toys (Super7, NECA, Mondo) but apparently Playmates likes to flex their muscles every now and then. I know NECA and Super7 have had to jump through a number of their hoops.
@chrisa thanks for sorting that out. The main take away from your more thorough information is that we may not get "normal" turtles made with the Origins system.
Masters of the Smittyverse
Last Update: 3/8/2025