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Several weeks ago, Mattel announced a collaboration between Masters of the Universe and Paramount’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, by unveiling The Masters of the Universe Origins Turtles of Grayskull toy line. Originally reported HERE, only six figures were initially teased. But now thanks to a news drop by Mattel, we can confirm that there are…
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I am highly conflicted about these. As a new He-Man fan and new collector trying to catch up on Masterverse & Origins figures I'm not sure if I can afford to add another line in there. And while I grew up on the TMNT I'm not quite sure how I feel about this crossover, especially with no supporting media (shows/comics) to get me more invested. With that said, I am heavily drawn to the Man-at-Arms and Mutated Ram Man figures.
I think they are supposed to come with mini comics, but I agree it would be cooler some full size comics or an animated show. I just bought some Stranger Things x TMNT comics on eBay and this type of crossover would be perfect in comic form too. Just for the cover art alone.
Questions about this. Maybe there are more than 12? I don’t see a Michaelangelo and didn’t the original story say we’d get a Skeletor? I’d like to see Splinter somehow too. The mutated He-Man originally looked like he had some darker, almost translucent purple skin. But this close up individual photo looks more opaque and way less cool. It will make a difference whether I get him or not but I love Mouse Jaw, Krang, and Shredder!
@heathershalla Absolutely. As cool as these figures are I'd love to see stories that give more details/context behind these characters , as well as to see what storylines they can come up with.
I know it's nothing new but still I find it bewildering how the paint colors on these Masters of the Universe Origins "Turtles of Grayskull" figure promo shots don't match!
We have the Power!
New to me.
Granted I'm not the biggest fan or supporter of this collab but I still find it interesting.
I know! What a bummer. On He-Man it doesn't even look so much like paint as use of material. The promo photo looked like a cool translucent color which contrasted awesome with the lime green hair. The new photo isn't as cool and might make the difference between me buying it or not...the Moss-Man and Ram Man look sort of translucent though. Oh well I am still excited and can't wait to see them in person.
I think the Masterverse Movie Inspired Evil-Lyn is a good recent example too. Depending on the pre-order picture, you're getting a normal cosmic key or energized one. I am sure it can be confusing to some consumers and I am not certain how this gets past Mattel’s marketing team. 🤔
But alas, we have seen simple word misspellings and grammatical errors in the Masterverse packing bios so nothing should surprise me in regards to marketing quality control I guess. 😁
We have the Power!
@heathershalla I guess we will know which versions are real once someone gets them in-hand. (I tag Mattel with these questions ahead of time but they never seem too eager to respond.) 🙂
We have the Power!
Mutated MossMan is giving me John Carpenter’s The Thing vibes
not sure how to post the actual pic so it comes up other than an attachment
It is demogorgon vibe too!! Idk if anyone reads Star Wars books but there are creatures in the High Republic called dendril which are kind of like these evil tree things. All of the creatures mentioned kind of fall into the same category. For that matter, Moss Man is like an Ent! He doesn't necessarily have to be on anyone's "side" except for nature. And nature can be vindictive.