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Last seen: Nov 15, 2023
Hadn't heard those before. Those are grate.
My honest and sincere answer err guess is Christmas.
Good thinking. Team player. And did a nice thing. HA! Party boy Stratos. I just call him Nekkid Stratos.
Fine by me. Let's do this! The cartoon/filmation will be in brick & motar stores with origins online in 2024 right? So, if that is the case ...
WOW! There's a name I thought I'd never see on or in a message board. Now I'm going to have to go buy some ice skates.
There he is. Glad you're here.
That is some seriously nice work there. You did each of those in 20 minutes? That's impressive and kind of out tops the work itself. To be fast and ...
New to me. Granted I'm not the biggest fan or supporter of this collab but I still find it interesting.
Midor here. The same Midor from the dot org. I came here before the site/forum closed down.
Midor here. The same Midor from the dot org. I came here before the site/forum shutdown.
Hi there. Midor here. The same Midor from the dot org. Came here before the site/forums shut down.
Thanks. No. It's be forever since I watched it. I've never gone back and watched it. I don't own it on DVD.
Gotcha. Thanks.