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happy holidays my bruhs
@firmpulse if yours shipped from China then I hear its the norm. you get days of no movement then suddenly its rollin
@he-metayer It looks like revelation is the canon for now. Rob david said the eternia playset stuff would be a big deal in Revelation so some of that ...
@he-metayer in those Revelation comics Ro is his son. Dare is his son too but he gets killed
is the new scare glow official? @banthafett was wondering about that A pic of the of the vinyl figure size 1702818293206.jpg
@depp76 whrere are the eyeballs on that revelation orko?
Uhuh but that still dont mean always bruh! {laugh}:teela2:
LMFAO She-ra is good but I got to give it to my homegirl Teela.
With Disco Skeletor Im like what's worse than a repaint like Faker or anti Eternia He-Man? A repaint that isn't even a real character
That Teela is 🔥
smart look at this. This dude wanted his panthor moc. look how it came. wtf FB_IMG_1702562508455.jpg
@thenerdwithasuit I hear you but it feels like a lost cause bruh. the rich are in power it don't matter what side u r on the secret is none of them wa...
@he-dad SOLD 🤣
I rather see a brand new one
Right before the holidays damn thats cold is Mattel next?
@depp76 pass
@he-dad what are those from again?
@banthafett which one what? did i miss an announcement? The retro scare glow is the only scare glow mondo is doing that I know of.