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Yea I only remember her from comics and classics figure also. I hope she's in as Adam's sister, by whatever name they can call her.
I think she was just from comics and classics. Not 100% sure tho
Man we gotta wait till may. At least it keeps the MOTU train moving untill season 3🤞.
Just came to post this. This is getting interesting and the hype grows.
@brasco yeah these are great, just opened them up a little bit ago. Protect the King 20240113_104426_resized.jpg
Anyone think we will get the Horde Grayskull from the trailer? Could easily have pop off parts to make it an original Grayskull for more use.
Just got my first classics figures. Was only 40 bucks so I said why not, build up that army. 20240112_170952.jpg
I missed it, but I am admittedly not the biggest music buff
Keep em coming my dude. These are great. It's like reading the comics of how my son and I play with other heros mixed in.
Maybe it's Keldor's crown that Skele-tech comes with
Welcome to the forum. Really chill and great people here. Glad you found it and signed up
Yeah I have no idea what was already established on how the powers come. I was just throwing guesses out there
I did not read it lol. I was toking up just going off
Ok so He-man dose not have the power sword, gets battle armor made and enhanced axe. Gwildor shows up with the cosmic key and he has a new enhanced Po...
I'm not sure who builds it for him, but one of my guesses is that he needs this armor and enhanced weapons untill he can reclaim the Power Sword. Gwil...
Right man, like I'm reading going is this a mistake, a twist or what
For anyone who read it already, did I miss something or was He-man called Adam in front of Teela?
Had to take my oldest to the ER lastnight (she's fine) didn't get home untill 2:44 A.M. Had my youngest with me also, luckily they both slept most of ...
Ok if these are exclusive and members here are having trouble finding figures maybe we set up a thread in the buy-sell-trade section when AJ sets it u...
That is awesome how you git hooked that quick into MOTU. So far who are some of your favorite characters?
Bro I just watched this with my GF and said I would love a movie like this. A series would work also, either way we need more
I have 4, 17 yr oldShe wants clothes money/gift cards blah blah. Twin 16 yr old boys, want video games and clothes. Them 3 are out of the fun ages but...
No wasn't an exclusive thankfully. It was Battle Armor Skeletor. Grabbed new one off Ebay loose for 7.99. We popped all the parts off of him to reuse ...
Anyone had an origins arm just break off? Was playing with my son the other day and our battle armor Skeletors arm just snapped right off. Wasn't tigh...
I feel ya man. My little one is 6 and he still plays with toys but I am starting to feel it slip away. He still wants toys but unless it's Motu or Tmn...