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Last seen: Jan 17, 2025
Alexis Skrull maybe this is why Kevin is not being his usual chatterbox self. Say what you want about him but he's usually very good at promoting thin...
Durendal this bleak outlook of yours is not a good way for me to start my weekend hun! 😫
I am not much of a comic reader but I purchased these on Kindle and they're great.
Oh you were fooling around. You really had me! 😂
I am worried too Eternian Bunny. I thought surely we would get the next trailer today. They didn't do anything on motuesday. Why not release a picture...
I agree adora lovely! Barbie was wonderful! Also I totally can see Oppenheimer not being for everybody. Really if you watch the trailer you kind of kn...
I honestly do not know how to respond McStinkor other than I am happy you liked Paw Patrol! 🙆♀️
@he-dad You are so dumb He-Dad. 😂 I am not biased. I only never tried it. I think there was Revelation hot sauce too but I didn't taste that either.
@mcstinkor Oppenheimer was your least favorite? It is probably going to win Best Picture. That is a surprising choice. {shockef}:teela:
I was wondering the same thing Jonathan. Yall are going to laugh at me but I am sad there is no cereal this time around. Eternia Crunch was really yum...
I like that idea but I don't think they would make him blue in that case. They would make Keldor look more like he did in the other Netflix show.
@depp76 depp76 found a picture of Keldor! He's a very good looking man.
I was confused too. That's why I had to stay away from it all hun. It was very toxic for me.
Oh my! I think he looks quite handsome!
@mike @brasco Your children are beautiful mike and brasco!
@durendal I hope you're right. There are some channels already convinced that Revolution is going to be crap "too" and I put the "too" in quotes becau...
I am relieved that the Keldor is finally out of the bag again. Haha. I feel the way @heathershalla feels. If I had my choice this Skeletor would rem...
Yall are getting warmer! {excited}:andra:
@firefly I agree. We were told Revelation is the classic series continued. It would only make sense to give us the clasic She-Ra too.