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Last seen: Jan 15, 2025
Awesome news! Should be a cool sub-line. MOTU is knocking it out of the park!
Looks awesome! The figure is a massive improvement over the prototype and the packaging remains a highlight of MOTU.
I see a beard.
I wasn't aware. Guess we'll see. I really like the mini comic so if it expands on that story, I'll be happy!
Based on the spoiler-y discription, at least the story isn't the same as the mini comic so that's something to be excited about!
I'm here for the Cartoon Collection Two Bad! Is Mattel adding new modularity to the CC? It seems like we might start being able to remove their legs n...
I love the world building. Looking forward to where this story is going but already I feel like this should have been an episode proper of the show. I...
He's a decent actor but producers must be planning to make He-Man cgi which could work. Just write a good script.
I like this potential casting.
Stop trying to make Naga and Gorgon happen! They're not going to happen.
Can't wait to learn more about these 2, their dynamic within the Horde and their individual power sets!
We also don't know what her powers are. You're not part of the Horde to just stand around and be sexy. Unless you're Grizzlor.
Love the new Horde characters/designs, I want figures of them both! And I especially love the expanding of the MOTU lore.
This is one of my most anticipated figure combos! Cringer! I'd also like to point out how Evil Lyn has a cape in the illustration. Just saying.
Beautiful artwork per usual, but it does give me an idea from my head canon. Necr-conda is the physical/ghostly embodiment of Lady Slither's staff. BO...
The artwork is always fire! This line actually got me into TMNT and it's been fun finally getting to know these characters and collect these figures.
That's what's awesome about MOTU, you can tell whatever story you want! You should hear my head canon!
Awesome! Can't wait!
Cool. I got an email at 1 am from Entertainment Earth. Glad I did or I might have missed out waiting until 11 am this morning.
FYI, at 1 am CST a lot of these figures went up for pre-order!