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Last seen: Feb 6, 2025
Why... Just... why...
Just like the epic metal band! 🤣 manowar.jpg
This one in among my future purchases.
...aaaaaaand in italy there's no way to get it.
There aren't many sites selling Mattel stuff, I only know mycomics and millenniumshop, and they are's that much rich in the MOTU universe line ups. Th...
Such a shame...
Here in italy the situation for collectors is still not so bright though...
I'm shocked at Scare Mare's gender reveal!
He has not the Phisique du role at all. With all due respect.
This one is really cool! Errata corrige: no, it is not. I'm very new to the crowd founded games mechanism, so after I read some more details it is i...
My problem is another one... I have already a small collection of the 80's figures (palely reminding me my childhood collection), PLUS a lot of the ...
I'd love to buy it
I don't know what to think.
Really cool, indeed!
from an italian site. Here you can appreciate a little bit of false advertisemet:/p> enjoy.
I've pre-ordered it some times ago. I wonder if it will ever manage to arrive here or if it will go out of stock very fast. Second, I wonder when the ...